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BUPERSINST 1610.10B NAVY PERFORMANCE EVALUATION SYSTEM. Presented by: YN1(SS) Adam Davis. CHAPTER 3 Forms: NAVPERS 1616/26 - Evaluation Report and Counseling Record (E1-E6) (EVAL) NAVPERS 1616/27 – Chief Petty Officer (E7-9)
CHAPTER 3 Forms: NAVPERS 1616/26 - Evaluation Report and Counseling Record (E1-E6) (EVAL) NAVPERS 1616/27 – Chief Petty Officer (E7-9) Evaluation (CHIEFEVAL) NAVPERS 1610/2 - Fitness Report and Counseling Record (W2-O6) (FITREP) PURPOSE: To provide the information needed to determine when to submit Regular FITREPS, CHIEFEVALS, and EVALS. Specific block instructions are in Chapter 1. NOTE: Special reports are now considered regular reports for both officers and enlisted. Special reports must maintain regular report continuity.
* The Regular Report is the only report that maintains continuity! It must be continuous for fall active duty and drilling reservists. Retired personnel serving on active duty will not receive performance evaluation reports. • Omission of a Periodic Report. If a member has received an OBSERVED regular report ending no more than 3 months prior to the Periodic report date, the periodic report may be omitted. If omitted, include the period in the next report. The frequency of regular reports shall not exceed 15 months without COMNAVPERSCOM (PERS-311) approval. • A regular report maybe extended up to 3 months in place of a Detachment of Individual, Detachment of Reporting Senior, or a Frocking report. (If I have By direction authority can I sign an extension letter for an enlisted service member?) Extensions may not change or add to the performance traits grade/rate comments, or promotion recommendation of the original report, but may add to the duties performed and qualifications attained.
Detachment of Individual Reports: Submitted upon transfer; reassignment of an officer to another reporting senior; separation, retirement or death; missing or prisoner of war status; incarceration, unauthorized absence, deserter status; relief from command without detachment; detachment for cause. • Detachment of Reporting Senior Reports: Mandatory for officers! Optional for E1-E9. If reports are submitted on enlisted personnel the reporting senior must submit reports on all personnel in the same paygrade. • Promotion/Frocking Reports: Always required for promotion to E7. Always evaluated at the old/lower paygrade. Show the ending date as the day prior to frocking. Enter “SELECTED” in block 8. Do not submit a report when the frocked member is permanently promoted. Can be a Not Observed report.
Special Reports: Considered only on special occasions. State the justification in the opening line of the comments block. A report without a statement will be returned for correction. Circumstances for which Special reports may be submitted are: • Member eligible for Promotion Selection Board. • Elimination of physical readiness deficiency. • Appointment to officer status (enlisted only). • Submission or withdrawal of an Enlisted Promotion Recommendation or establishment of a Performance Mark Average (enlisted only). • Declining Performance or Misconduct. • Reduction in rate (enlisted only). • Detachment of Reporting Senior (E1-E6). • Special FITREPS on officers (superior performance). • Superior Performance or Recommendation for special program (enlisted only). • NAVPERSCOM (PERS-311) request.