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Sergeant’s Time Training.Com. TRAINING MANAGEMENT. Creating Battle-Focuses, Standards-Based, Performance-Oriented Training. Provide Junior Officers with an orientation to Army Training Management Give leaders the tools to create and manage mission focused, result-oriented training plans.
Sergeant’s Time Training.Com
TRAINING MANAGEMENT Creating Battle-Focuses, Standards-Based, Performance-Oriented Training
Provide Junior Officers with an orientation to Army Training Management Give leaders the tools to create and manage mission focused, result-oriented training plans. PURPOSE
FM 7-0 Training the Force FM 7-1 Battle Focused Training REFERENCES
PURPOSE: Establish overarching Army training doctrine. INTENT: Source for Army training doctrine across full spectrum of Army missions. SCOPE: Easily read and understood by all leaders CONTENT: Training remains the commanders’ responsibility AC/RC emphasis Army Training Education System Principles of training The Army Training Management Cycle EXPLANATION OF REFERENCES FM 7-0The What Manual FM 7-1The How To Manual • PURPOSE: Demonstrate the application of Army training doctrine. • INTENT: Use examples that illustrate "best practice" methods, applied from Crew/Section to Division level. • SCOPE: Direct application at brigade and below. • CONTENT: • Training Execution Model • Risk Management Worksheet and Reference • AC/RC Integrated Operational Mission • Realistic Mission Examples including Small Scale Contingency (SSC), SASO deployment, and return to wartime METL proficiency • Crosswalk between METL, Battle Tasks, Collective Tasks and supporting Individual Tasks • "During Mission Training" • Application of Sergeant's Time Training • Conduct of Unit Weekly Training Meeting • Multi-Echelon example (Crawl-Walk-Run)
Battle-focused: Focus on reduced number of mission essential, critical tasks Priority to train to standard on the wartime mission Standards-based: Cdrs resource, prepare, execute, evaluate, and assess unit training to the Army standard AARs emphasize meeting standard rather than pronouncing judgment of success or failure Evaluators play critical role in guiding AAR discussions Evaluation measures individuals, leaders, and units Performance-oriented: Soldiers learn best by doing: hands-on-approach Units become proficient in critical tasks by practicing them Train to the Army Standard BATTLE-FOCUSED,STANDARDS-BASED, PERFORMANCE-ORIENTED TRAINING
Train as combined arms and services team Train as you fight Use appropriate doctrine Train for combat proficiency Train to adapt Train to sustain proficiency Train using multi-echelon techniques Train to maintain Make commanders the primary trainers “DOCTRINE” PRINCIPLES OF TRAINING
Combat power increases when leaders synchronize CBT, CS, and CSS systems. Habitual relationship of supporting elements builds cohesion and a winning spirit. Habitual relationship helps each element understand how all contribute to fight the battle. TRAIN AS A COMBINED ARMS AND SERVICES TEAM
Train in a near wartime environment, not in the classroom. Ensure all training is tactically oriented. This includes CS and CSS. Ensure OPFOR use appropriate threat doctrine, tactics, and equipment. Integrating realistic conditions into training, such as-- Loss of key leaders Casualty evacuation Noise Simulated NBC situations Battlefield debris Limited visibility (night) Loss or jamming of communications Weapons qual with “battle rattle” TRAIN AS YOU FIGHT
Leaders and soldiers must understand standardized doctrinal principles found in Field manuals (FMs) Training circulars (TCs) Mission training plans (MTPs) Army regulations (ARs) When Army standards are not published, leaders must develop standards that are challenging, realistic, and easily evaluated. USE APPROPRIATE DOCTRINE
Soldiers, leaders, and units must be proficient in the basic skills required to perform their missions under battlefield conditions. Hands-on training Use the most realistic conditions possible in any training event TRAIN FOR COMBAT PROFICIENCY
Build competence and confidence by developing new skills Instill loyalty and dedication Inspire excellence by fostering initiative, enthusiasm, and eagerness to learn. Grow aggressive, well-trained soldiers. TRAIN TO ADAPT
Maintain proficiency through sustainment training. Most effective when used during periods of unit down time between events. -build on skills mastered by the soldier -use opportunity training (exe. Hip-pocket training) -minimize skill decay TRAIN TO SUSTAIN PROFICIENCY
Range of Proficiency CTC Rotation or AT Period EXEVAL FTX FCX TEWT UCOFT Band of Excellence Sustained Mean STX JANUS CCTT Sustained Unsustained Personnel Turbulence SASO Deployment Time THE BAND OF EXCELLENCE Unsustained Mean
Train leaders, units, and individuals at each echelon of the organization simultaneously Maximizes use of allocated resources and available time Requires complex planning High proficiency payoff TRAIN USING MULTI-ECHELON TECHNIQUES
Training cannot happen if essential equipment and systems are non-mission capable (NMC). Everyone (leaders, maint. pers, and operators) must be trained and involved to improve and sustain the unit's maintenance posture. Training must focus on the total unit maintenance concept (think SAFETY). All maintenance must be on the unit training schedule. It must focus on the total unit, to include-- The soldier, and his uniforms. The soldier's equipment, such as common table of allowances (CTA-50), weapons, and protective mask. Major end items TRAIN TO MAINTAIN
Although NCO’s most often execute the training, at all levels, commanders and leaders must be personally involved in training. Continue to development leaders to make better trainers. Leader development is accomplished through assessment, feedback, additional training and reinforcement, education, training, and experience. Leaders should be present at training to the maximum extent possible MAKE COMMANDERS THE PRIMARY TRAINERS
Effective training requires the personal time, energy and guidance of commanders. Commanders must personally observe and assess training at all echelons. Get the most out of the time and resources available (multi-echelon training) Training events should mimic battlefield conditions to the greatest extent possible Train one level down Evaluate two levels down IN A NUT SHELL
Wartime Mission Establish Mission Essential Task List Assess Develop METL Prepare Training Assessment Conduct Unit Assessment Prepare Long Range Plan F E E D B A C K Evaluate Training Prepare Short Range Plan Prepare Near Term Plan Execute Training Execute Plan THE ARMY TRAINING MANAGEMENT CYCLE Commander with Input/Guidance from Commanders 2 Levels Up COMMANDER'S RESPONSIBILITY! Leaders from 1st Line to 2x Highest Level Trained (WHY???) Commander & Staff with BN Cdr Guidance
A Mission Essential Task is a collective task an organization has to be proficient at in order to accomplish an appropriate portion of its wartime operational mission. METL’s may change based on the wartime operational mission (stability ops, support ops, humanitarian relief, etc…) 5 INPUTS TO A METL DEVELOPMENT Wartime Operational Plans Enduring Combat Capabilities Operational Environment Directed Missions External Guidance METL DEVELOPMENT
Commanders identify supporting training objective for each METL task. Training objective consist of: TASK: A clearly defined and measurable activity accomplished by an organization or individual CONDITION: The circumstances and environment in which a task is to be performed. STANDARD: The minimum acceptable proficiency required in the performance of a particular task OPEN YOUR MTPs…… DEVELOPMENT OF TRAINING OBJECTIVES
THE PLANNING PROCESS We cannot train without planning and we cannot teach without preparation – General George C Marshall
LONG-RANGE Minimum of 2 year (RC) planning horizon SHOR-RANGE One year planning horizon NEAR-TERM 4 month planning horizon (120 days- sound familiar?) PLANNING HORIZONS
GREEN CYCLE Focus is on COLLECTIVE task proficiency Maximum soldier and leader attendance is essential Administrative distracters kept to a minimum AMBER CYCLE Small unit, leader, soldier training Maintenance services (recovery) Select personnel diverted to support requirements RED CYCLE Maximize self development Focus is on administrative requirements Leaders take advantage of individual and small unit training opportunities TIME MANAGEMENT
Select Tasks, Conditions, Standards Plan the Training Publish Detailed Training Schedules Request Resources Make Necessary Coordinations Train the Trainers Recon the Site Issue Necessary Orders Rehearse and Conduct Pre-Execution Checks F E E D B A C K Monthly Training Meeting THE MONTHLY TRAINING MEETINGYOUR KEY TO SUCCESS! TRAINING OBJECTIVES Evaluate Training Prepare Short Range Plan Prepare Near Term Plan Execute Training FEEDBACK
The company meetings are to review completed training, deconflict training, plan and prepare future training The training meeting is a high priority mission for the company Attendance is mandatory CO - who leads the meeting and gives provides directions and focus XO-the 2nd in charge, coordinates training for all soldiers in sections w/o PL’s, he coordinates maintenance activities for the company 1SG-helps the commander with individual soldier training assessments, provides guidance and advice COMPANY TRAINING MEETINGS
PL (ARSST TL) brief the collective task proficiency during assessment provide CO and others with upcoming training request and recommend collective tasks to train PSG (NCOIC) brief individual soldier tasks brief specific essential persecution checks for upcoming training recommend individual solders tasks for opportunity training SUPPLY-advise the CO on supply related issues, inspections and inventories, also works with the XO to coordinate outside support. COMPANY TRAINING MEETINGS (cont)
CO battle rosters training meeting work sheet METL w/ current assessment most current Command Training Guidance short range calendar (YTC) company training schedule past week/month approved future schedules applicable manuals, OPORDS, MOI’s ,etc. XO maintenance schedule inspection schedule current DA Form 2406 supply inventory schedule HQ’s and HQ’s Company training schedule status of resources requested for training TRAINING MEETINGS- WHAT TO BRING?
1SG leader book company battle rosters company duty rosters battalion duty schedules tasking appointment schedules schools list inspections schedules miscellaneous info (APFT, height/weight data, etc.) PL/PSG leader book platoon assessment work sheets training schedule persecution checklists T&EOs for future training platoon battle roster future training work sheet TRAINING MEETINGS- WHAT TO BRING? (CONT)
TC 25-30 Leaders Guide To Company Training Meetings Training Meeting Worksheets TRAINING MEETING RESOURCES
Critical step in preparation for training Trainers MUST be proficient in the task they will train Evaluators MUST be proficient in the task they will evaluate Assigning subordinate unit leaders as primary trainers has special implications TTT must be planned and scheduled on training calendars The final step is a review of the training (30 days out) Depending on the complexity of the training, someone (PL, 1SG, CO) must be responsible for reviewing and approving the training TRAIN THE TRAINER
The more you sweat in training the less you bleed in war – Chinese Proverb TRAINING EXECUTION
Pre-execution checks are a critical portion of any training event Trainer, evaluator AND leader training are critical prior to the event (inspires confidence!) Leader recons Rehearsals are an excellent tool for more complex training events PLANNING DISCIPLINE Increases soldier confidence in leaders Soldiers deserve predictability Good leader training PREPARATION
Crawl-Walk-Run approach Crawl: Minimum resources, relatively simple vs. Run: Resource intensive, approaches combat realism Task and Standards remain the same Conditions are changed to match the level of intensity desired Difficulty Tempo Scenario complexity Personnel involved Etc… Commanders & leaders must personally observe and evaluate the execution of training to the maximum possible extent (This is how you develop guidance for future training events and missions!) CONDUCT OF TRAINING
Responsible for individual and small unit training Continue the “soldierization” process of newly assigned soldiers (both enlisted and LTs!) Individual skills training is presented by the first-line leader, and not presented to large numbers of soldiers by committee NCOs emphasize performance-oriented training to ensure soldiers achieve the Army standard Must be able to explain how individual task training relates to the collective mission essential tasks Individual and small unit tasks are trained based on NCO evaluation of deficiencies (Implies subject matter expertise) Advise commanders of their assessments Commanders remain responsible for training to established standards during both individual and collective training, even though NCOs have the primary role in individual and small unit training THE ROLE OF NCOs
Part of the training process! Consists of: Equipment maintenance Resource turn-in AARs Performance counseling Complete when unit is again prepared to conduct its assigned mission RECOVERY
The quality of a commander is easily judged by his ability to assess his unit – Major Jesse Morehouse TRAINING ASSESSMENT
Commander’s responsibility Continuous process Comes in many forms: Personal observations Higher HQ assessments Staff visits USR AARs Unit inspections APFT, weapon qual, CTT stats Provides the information necessary for future training guidance ASSESSMENT
“T” (trained) - The unit is trained and has demonstrated its proficiency in accomplishing the task to wartime standards (usually done via externally evaluated mission or major training event performance) “P” (needs practice) – The unit needs to practice the task. Performance has demonstrated that the unit does not achieve the standard without some difficulty or has failed to perform some task steps to standard “U” (untrained) – The unit cannot demonstrate an ability to achieve wartime proficiency A NOTE ON TERMINOLOGY
Informal Takes place when a leader conducts training with his unit Formal Scheduled, have dedicated evaluators, ideally performed by headquarters 2 echelons higher Internal Planned, resourced and conducted by the organization undergoing the evaluation External Planned, resourced and conducted by a headquarters at an echelon higher in the COC than the organization being evaluated EVALUATIONS
All training must be evaluated or it is a waste of time Evaluations are not “tests” Evaluations tell the leader whether or not the soldier or unit has achieved the Army standard Evaluations produce disciplined soldiers and units Leaders need POSITIVE feedback on their training events- this grows competent, confident leaders Evaluations help leaders decide where to focus their efforts THIS IS WHAT SEPERATES OUR ARMY FROM THE REST- WE DON’T STOP TILL WE GET IT RIGHT! EVALUATIONS (cont)
Structured review process Allows participants to discover for themselves what happened Requires the participation of those being trained Professional discussion, not a critique Focus is on key METL derived training objectives Emphasize meeting Army standards, not subjective assessments Facilitators and participating leaders use “leading” questions to encourage participants to learn important lessons from events AFTER ACTION REVIEW
Consists of 4 parts: What was supposed to happen (the plan) What did happen What was right or wrong with what happened How will the task be done differently next time Remember: all evaluated tasks will NEVER be performed to standard, this is OK Commanders must ensure units understand that training is not complete until units meet the Army standard AFTER ACTION REVIEW (cont)
The best form of “welfare” for troops is first class training – Field Marshal Erwin Rommel