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STAAR Test Administrator Training 2014. Please Note: This training does NOT take the place of reading the appropriate Test Administrator Manuals. It’s time for STAAR TA Training again!. General Program Information.
STAAR Test Administrator Training 2014
Please Note:This training does NOT take the place of reading the appropriate Test Administrator Manuals.
General Program Information • STAAR includes assessments of writing, reading, mathematics, science, and social studies at grades 3-8. • STAAR EOC assessments are available for Algebra 1, biology, English I, English II, and U.S. History. • STAAR Spanish is available at grades 3-5 for ELLs for whom an assessment in Spanish provides the most appropriate measure of academic progress. STAAR Spanish is available in each subject area assessed by the English versions.
STAAR L • STAAR L is a linguistically accommodated English version of the STAAR grades 3-8 and EOC assessments in mathematics, science, and social studies. STAAR L is provided for ELLs who meet eligibility requirements for a substantial degree of linguistic accommodation. ELLs not eligible for STAAR Spanish or STAAR L may meet eligibility for allowable linguistic accommodations on other STAAR assessments. STAAR L is administered as an online testing program.
STAAR Modified • STAAR Modified is an assessment based on modified academic achievement standards and is intended for a relatively small number of students receiving special education services who meet participation requirements. An ARD committee determines a student’s eligibility. Features of STAAR Modified include same grade-level or course content as STAAR, a larger font and fewer questions per page, fewer answer choices, and simpler vocabulary and sentence structure. 2014 is the last year STAAR Modified will be a choice for Texas State Assessment.
STAAR Alternate • STAAR Alternate is designed for students with significant cognitive disabilities enrolled in grade 3 through high school. STAAR Alternate is not a traditional paper or multiple-choice test. Instead, the assessment involves teachers observing students as they complete state-developed assessment tasks that link to the grade-level or high school course TEKS curriculum through prerequisite skills. Teachers then evaluate student performance based on the dimensions of the STAAR Alternate scoring rubric and submit the results through the Texas Assessment Management System.
TELPAS • TELPAS assesses the progress that ELLs in K – 12 make in learning the English language in the domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Review Testing Rosters to Ensure StudentsAre Appropriately Placed
Policy and Procedure Highlights • STAAR and STAAR Modified English I and English II - separate reading and writing tests have been combined into one test to be administered on a single day - assessments have a time limit of five hours • STAAR Grade 4 Writing Prompt Study Participants: English version – grade 4 students from selected campuses who take the English-version STAAR writing assessment Spanish version – all grade 4 students who will take the STAAR Spanish grade 4 writing in spring 2014 Test Date: March 3, 2014
Policy and Procedure Highlights • Student Success Initiative - English language learners in grades 5 and 8 will be held to Student Success Initiative (SSI) requirements for both mathematics and reading - English language learners assessed with STAAR L in mathematics at grades 5 and 8 will have retest opportunities in May and June • STAAR Modified - operational EOC assessment added for U. S. history in spring 2014 - only raw scores will be reported for U.S. history
Policy and Procedure Highlights • STAAR Standardized Oral Administration (SOA) - offered statewide as an online option for oral administration for eligible students in the following grades and subjects: - grade 4 reading and mathematics - grade 7 reading and mathematics - grade 8 science and social studies - features a text-to-speech panel that students can use to hear selected text in test questions, answer choices, and graphics
Technology Staff Training • Designate Technology Staff • Technology staff should be available for assistance before and during test sessions to address technology problems that might occur during testing. • Depending on district resources, members of the technology staff may include campus coordinators, principals, and test administrators. In addition to district level technology personnel. • Ensure technology staff sign the technology oath. • Technology staff are required to receive annual training in test security and general testing procedures and sign the technology oath.
Technology Staff Training • Technology staff are responsible for ensuring that • administrative rights necessary for installing software are obtained; • network infrastructure and computers have been assessed and meet the minimum system requirements; and • all testing software is properly installed, configured, and tested. • Technology staff should review the resources for online testing listed below: • The Assessment Management System User’s Guide for navigating and using resources of the Assessment Management System • The TestNav 7 Technical Guide for navigating TestNav and conducting online administrations • The Quick Guide to Online Testing for key online testing steps
Designate Test Administrators • The DTC and principal will designate test administrators • There must be at least one test administrator for every 30 students to be tested • Test administrators must hold valid education credentials, such as Texas educator certificates and permits • District or campus staff who do not hold the appropriate credentials may administer tests under the supervision of a professional who does meet the criteria
Designate Test Administrators • Test administrators may include • teachers (including those who hold teaching permits or probationary certificates), • counselors, • librarians, • substitute teachers, and • other professional educators (such as retired teachers). • Test administrators who will be providing an oral administration should be familiar with content-specific terms and symbols associated with the content-area assessment to ensure that the test is administered accurately.
Principal and Test Administrator Training • Principals are required to receive annual training in test security and general testing procedures; each principal must sign an oath. • Test administrators are required to receive annual training in test security and general testing procedures, as well as procedures unique to specific types of tests and testing circumstances. • Test administrators must initial and sign an oath following the general training on test security and test administration procedures and before handling any secure materials
Oral Administration If giving an oral administration, transcribing student responses from the test booklet, or providing particular linguistic accommodations, test administrators must confirm compliance with state confidentiality requirements by initialing and signing the additional statements provided on the oath.
2014 STAAR Test Administrator Manuals • - Grades 3–5 • - Grades 6–8 • - End-of-Course • Will be posted online • mid-January 2014 • Due in districts by • February 17, 2014 • Will only be shipped once • Must be retained • throughout the calendar year!
Highlights of Test Administrator Manuals • Instructions do not include campus and district coordinator • responsibilities but are limited to test administrator duties ‒ • coordinators may assign additional duties as needed • Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials • listed in test administrator manuals • Scripts for online STAAR L and SOA are provided separately
Test AdministratorManuals • Same style as Coordinator • Manual • Scripts cover multiple • subjects and programs • To accommodate some • differences in programs, • the scripts use callout • boxes • Wider boxes have program- • specific and subject-specific • instructions
Test AdministratorManuals • Internal Table of Contents at the beginning of the Test Administration Directions section • Points out pages for the Guide to the Test Administration Directions and for the scripts
Test AdministratorManuals • The Guide to the Test Administration Directions has general information about using the scripts. This section includes specific information about accommodations and oral administration that mustbe read by the test administrator prior to the administration of the test.
Test AdministratorManuals • The Guide to the Test Administration Directions provides • - directions about call-out • boxes and how to use • “SAY” directions for specific • tests, and • - information about the • distribution of reference • materials
Test AdministratorManuals • Guide to the Test Administration Directions • - includes information about • the use of testing accommodations • - describes special considerations for • English language learners • - reiterates that a test administrator • must have training from the • campus coordinator regarding oral • administration and sign the • appropriate section of the oath • prior to the test administration.
Test AdministratorManuals • STAAR L and SOA scripts for online testing are separate from other scripts
Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials • Allowable procedures and materials are available to any student who regularly benefits from their use during instruction. • Students cannot be required to use these procedures/materials during testing. • Test administrators must be informed of the availability of allowable procedures and materials for the appropriate students.
Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials • Allowable procedures and materials are not considered accommodations, hence are not recorded on the answer document. • Documentation is not required beyond what is necessary for planning on testing day. • The Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials document is located in the following places: • 2014 District and Campus Coordinator Manual • District and Campus Coordinator Manual Resources webpage • STAAR Test Administrator Manuals • Accommodation Resources webpage
Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials Signing test administration directions Translating directions into the native language of an English language learner Allowing a student to read test aloud to self Reading aloud or signing personal narrative, expository, literary, or persuasive writing prompt Providing reading assistance on the grade 3 mathematics test
Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials 6. Making assistive tools available - scratch paper - color overlays - highlighters, colored - blank place marker - magnifying devices pencils, or crayons 7. Giving permission for students to use tools to minimize distractions (e.g., stress ball) 8. Allowing individual and small group administrations 9. Gently reminding students to stay on task
STAAR Test Administrator ManualsGrades 3-5, 6-8, and EOC • When you receive your manual, read it thoroughly • Note the format of the manuals • Remember the manual must be retained for use during the entire calendar year.
Generate and Print Student Authorizations for STAAR L and SOA
Receive Test Materials from Campus Coordinator and Prepare for Distribution
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures • Test Sessions must be conducted under the best possible conditions! • If a situation arises that you do not know how to resolve, contact your campus coordinator immediately! • Remember, students are NOT permitted internet access during testing. • Students are not permitted to use cell phones or personal electronic devices during testing.