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Active and Healthy Ageing Partnership Input from Regions. Peter Wintlev -Jensen Head of Sector ICT & Ageing ICT for Inclusion DG Information Society and Media European Commission. European Innovation Partnership (EIP) in general.
Active and Healthy Ageing PartnershipInput from Regions Peter Wintlev-Jensen Head of SectorICT & Ageing ICT for Inclusion DG Information Society and Media European Commission
European Innovation Partnership (EIP) in general • Announced in Communication on Innovation Union adopted by the European Commission on 6 October 2010 under Europe 2020 flagship initiatives • A novel concept of the Commission to tackle societal challenges through linking research and innovation and uptake and turn them into opportunities • EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing – selected a pilot project to be launched in 2011, followed by a strategic work plan
Innovation Union : the EIP concept European Innovation Partnerships: Innovation Partnerships are a new approach to EU research and innovation. They will mobilise stakeholders - European and national, public and private - behind well-defined goals in policy areas which combine tackling societal challenges with potential for Europe to become a world leader. The Partnerships will step up R&D, coordinate investment, speed up standards and mobilise demand. The Commission will provide seed funds for the launch of the first partnerships, to leverage stakeholder funding.
AHAIP - why? Societal challenge – ageing of the EU population • Population 65+: 2008 – 81 mio 2060 – 151 mio • Old-aged dependency ratio : 2008 – 4 to 1 2030 – 3 to 1 Socio-economic implications • Budget constraints and unsustainable health and social systems – average total spending on health care in the EU 27 by 1.5-2 p.ps of GDP by 2060 • Total aged-related expenditure (inc. health, pensions, long-term etc.) by 4.75 p.ps. by 2060 in the EU average • Shrinking workforce in the care sector and insufficient number of health specialists Innovation and active & healthy ageing • Great market potential and promise of active and healthy ageing solutions - 9% of GDP in innovation capacity, but… • Innovation (in all forms) needed to address changing needs • A number of bottlenecks and weaknesses, on demand and supply side, such as citizens' inability to use innovations, absence of incentives for innovation, lack of clear business models for integrated care, public procurement barriers, inadequate regulatory frameworks etc.
Pilot EIP on Active and Healthy Ageing • TARGET : enable citizens to live longer independently in good health (increasing HLYs by 2 by 2020, QoL, Efficiency gains) • MAIN AREAS: • Addressing major age-prevalent chronic diseases • Innovation in integrated care delivery systems • Innovation in independent living and social inclusion • APPROACH: • Combining demand and supply sides of innovation • Building on existing instruments and new ones where necessary • Ownership of key stakeholder willing to invest • High-level political commitment • Very large-scale deployment • Awareness and best-practice sharing across Europe
AHAIP – what?Objectives and headline target A triple win for Europe • enabling EU citizens to lead healthy, active and independent lives while ageing • improving the sustainability and efficiency of social and health care systems • developing EU and global markets for innovative products and services, thus creating new opportunities for businesses Overarching goal by 2020 • increasing the average healthy lifespan (HLYs) in the European Union by 2 years (considering gender and MSs variations) and improve quality of life
Operationally innovative – how? • Building on coherent and integrated, stakeholder-led, citizen-centred and innovation–driven actions • Pooling available resources and expertise and creating incentives to innovate and fostering initiatives across different policy areas by bringing together all actors in active and healthy ageing related areas, from both the public and private sector at EU, national and regional level and bring about synergies • Closing the gap between research and market in the area of healthy and active ageing by speeding up the uptake of innovation • Matching supply and demand side by triggering demand driven measures and mechanisms (e.g. pre-commercial public procurement) • Scaling up and multiply successful innovation at EU level, through demonstration pilots, trials and deployment with the use of different instruments • Leveraging innovation in investment through better use of EU funding, e.g. new financial instruments, structural funds, FP7, EIB, but involving all stakeholders in financial contributions
Areas of work WORK AREA 1 • target individuals as patients and consumers • by developing innovative solutions, clinical tests, medicines and treatments to combat and address major chronic and rare diseases WORK AREA 2 • focus on integrated social and health care systems • by developing innovative policies and business models for more integrated care systemsfor the elderly (including home-based and self-care); EU wide cooperation on health technology assessment (HTA) WORK AREA 3 • Focus on enabling the elderly to lead independent and active lives • by promoting the development and deployment of innovative products, devices and services, including ICT-based, specifically suitable for the elderly
Milestones – what next? • On-line publicconsultation – launch in November • Stakeholder event - 26 November, Brussels • Discussion at Competitiveness and EPSCO Councils - end of November/ early December • Approval expected by Head of States at the European Council - December 2010 • Identify first set of most feasible actions with high impact and commitment first half 2011 • Possible launch mid 2011, including a multi-annual strategic work programme
Further Information EU ICT and Ageing Well Initiatives http://ec.europa.eu/einclusion ICT Policy Support Programmehttp://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/ict_psp/index_en.htm Ambient Assisted Living Joint Programmehttp://www.aal-europe.eu/ Market Studyhttp://www.ICT-ageing.eu Contact: peter.wintlev-jensen (at) ec.europa.eu •••10