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CAT DISSECTION. THE ETHICS OF USING CATS FOR MEDICAL SCIENCE DISSECTIONS The question of the ethics of using cats for medical science dissection and learning can and should be raised. The ethical argument against the use of cats would be stronger if cats were
THE ETHICS OF USING CATS FOR MEDICAL SCIENCE DISSECTIONS The question of the ethics of using cats for medical science dissection and learning can and should be raised. The ethical argument against the use of cats would be stronger if cats were bred specifically to be killed for dissection. However, the cats we use are the product of uncontrolled reproduction of pets. The surplus wind up at the animal shelter. At the animal shelter, the majority of cats are "euthanized" in a hypobaric chamber. In this chamber, the air is pumped out until the animal first passes out, and eventually dies of oxygen starvation. In the great majority of cases, the carcasses are then either cremated or buried. It is clear that using these animals which have already been euthanized yields at least one positive outcome of their sad deaths, one of advancing the teaching of medical science. Until the pet population explosion is under control and there is no surplus of euthanized cats, it would seem that a constructive use of a social tragedy is to be encouraged.
Basic Terminology:Anterior: toward frontCaudal: toward tailCephalad: toward headDistal: away from midlineDorsal: toward tailInferior: belowLateral: away from peripheryMedial: toward midlineMesial: toward midlinePosterior: toward backProximal: toward midlineSuperior: aboveVentral: toward belly
NECK MUSCLES http://science.tjc.edu/images/cat_muscles/cat_ant_sterno_comb.jpg
1. Digastric 2. Mylohyoid 3. Geniohyoid 4. Sternohyoid 5. Sternomastoid 6. Clavotrapezius 7. External Jugular Vein http://homes.bio.psu.edu/people/faculty/strauss/anatomy/musc/necksup2.htm
SUPERFICIAL THORAX MUSCLES http://bio.bd.psu.edu/cat/Muscular_System/superficial_muscles.htm#tf
The cat has 4 pectoral muscles: Pectoralis major Pectantebrachialis Pectoralis minor Xiphihumeralis www.goramblers.com
Rectus abdominis (2) Serratusventralis (4) Latissmusdorsi (8) Teres major (6) Subscapularis (5)Levator scapulae (9)Scalenus (3)Transversuscostarum (1) 9
4 3: Internal Oblique 2: Transversusabdominus 4: External oblique 5: Rectus abdominus 5 5 campus.murraystate.edu/academic/faculty/tderting/ anatomyatlas/cat_muscles/abdominal.jpg
1: Spinotrapezius 2: Acromiotrapezius 3: Clavotrapezius 5: Latissimusdorsi 8: Clavodeltoid
6 7 8 1: Supraspinatus 2: Infraspinatus 3: Teres major 6: Latissimusdorsi 7: Splenius 8: Rhomboid www.personal.psu.edu/dys100/cat/CatMuscleImages/Labeled/ backdeep.jpg
Rhomboid courses.washington.edu/chordate/453photos/muscle_photos/cat_muscle_photos.htm
. Bicep
Biceps brachii Epitrochlearis
> Semimembranosous
A Bicep femoris E Tensor fasciae latae B Caudofemoralis C Gluteus maximus G Sartorius D Gluteus medius