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Georgia’s Alliance of Education Agency Heads Strengthening Georgia’s Education System Through Statewide Collaboration w

Georgia’s Alliance of Education Agency Heads Strengthening Georgia’s Education System Through Statewide Collaboration www.gaeducationalliance.org. Outline for Today’s Discussion:. Georgia’s Alliance of Education Agency Heads Collaborating and Aligning across Agencies

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Georgia’s Alliance of Education Agency Heads Strengthening Georgia’s Education System Through Statewide Collaboration w

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  1. Georgia’sAlliance of Education Agency HeadsStrengthening Georgia’s Education System Through Statewide Collaborationwww.gaeducationalliance.org

  2. Outline for Today’s Discussion: • Georgia’s Alliance of Education Agency Heads • Collaborating and Aligning across Agencies • Maximizing and Utilizing Resources • Leveraging Partnerships • Sustaining P-20 Partnerships • Discussion/Questions: • Other State’s P-20 Efforts, Funding & Sustainability • National Opportunities STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  3. P-16 Structures in Georgia : • 1995: P-16 office within University System of Georgia • 1996: Georgia P-16 Council • Local/Regional P-16 Networks • 2000: Education Coordinating Council • 2004: Joint Education Boards Liaison Committee • 2006: Alliance of Education Agency Heads • Five Priority Statewide Education Goals • Two-Tiers–Agency Heads & Implementation Team STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  4. Alliance of Education Agency Heads : Governor convened in 2006 to Collaborate on Policies & Programs that Prepare Students for the Opportunities & Challenges of the 21st Century. STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  5. Agency Heads Members: • Kathy Cox, State Superintendent of Schools, Georgia Department of Education; Chair of Alliance of Education Agency Heads • Tim Connell, President, Georgia Student Finance Commission • Erroll Davis, Chancellor, Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia • Erin Hames, Governor’s Education Policy Advisor, Governor’s Office • Kelly Henson, Executive Secretary, Georgia Professional Standards Commission • Ron Jackson, Commissioner, Technical College System of Georgia • Kathleen Mathers, Executive Director, Governor’s Office of Student Achievement • Holly Robinson, Commissioner, Department of Early Care and Learning STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  6. Implementation Team: • Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia • Department of Early Care and Learning • Governor’s Office of Student Achievement • Georgia Department of Education • Georgia Professional Standards Commission • Georgia Student Finance Commission • Technical College System of Georgia • Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget • Governor’s Office of Workforce Development • Business: Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education, Georgia Chamber of Commerce, and Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce • Georgia Public Broadcasting STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  7. 5 Priority Goals to Improve Education in Georgia: • Increase high school graduation rate, decrease high school • drop-out rate, and increase post-secondary enrollment rate. • 2. Strengthen teacher quality, recruitment, and retention. • 3. Improve workforce readiness skills. • Develop strong education leaders, particularly • at the building level. • 5. Improve the SAT/ACT scores of Georgia students. STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  8. Collaborating and Aligning across Agencies : • Alignment: Standards, Assessments, Course Requirements, Data Systems, Accountability • Strategic Plans • Legislative Recommendations • Budget Recommendations • Agency Heads–Joint Education Boards Liaison Committee • Full-time Director for Alliance STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  9. Goal 1Increase high school graduation rate, decrease high school drop-out rate, and increase post –secondary enrollment rate

  10. Goal 1 • Strategy 1.1:Implement a coordinated set of strategies for at-risk students. • Strategy 1.2:Develop incentives for schools and districts to increase the high school graduation rate. • Strategy 1.3:Develop improved comprehensive system of student advisement focusing on postsecondary options and careers. • Strategy 1.4:Create a seamless pre-k through post-secondary student tracking system. • Strategy 1.5:Expand accelerated learning options (AP/IB/Dual Enrollment/Early College/Gateway to College/Online learning) for students in grades 6-12. • Strategy 1.6: Narrow achievement gap in grades pre-k through grade 3. • Strategy 1.7: Narrow achievement gap in grades 4–12. • Strategy 1.8:Implement rigorous standards for high school graduation and align standards, curriculum, and assessments with expectations for post-secondary and the workforce. • Strategy 1.9:Build public awareness and support for the value of high school graduation and post-secondary education. STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  11. Goal 1 American Diploma Project (ADP): • Rigorous Standards (Georgia Performance Standards) • Course Requirements (Georgia’s High School Diploma) • Assessment (GHSGT “Advanced Proficient” College & Career-Ready Cut Score) • Accountability (Georgia’s State Report Card & Education Scoreboard) College & Career-Ready Policy Institute : • College & Career-Ready Goals and Measures • Anchor Assessment • P-20 Longitudinal Data System • Accountability • Supports & Interventions STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  12. Goal 2Strengthen teacher quality, recruitment, and retention.

  13. Goal 2 • Strategy 2.1: Recruit highly-effective P-12 teachers and teacher candidates into the profession, particularly in critical shortage areas. • Strategy 2.2: Retain highly-effective teachers in the profession. • Strategy 2.3: Improve teacher quality. STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  14. Goal 2 Alliance Math and Science Task Force: • Report with 8 Primary Recommendations • Testimony to HR 1103 Joint Study Committee on Teacher Quality House Bill 280 signed April 29, 2009: • Differentiated Pay for Math/Science Teachers • Stipends for Elementary Math/Science Endorsements STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  15. Goal 3Improve Workforce Readiness Skills.

  16. Goal 3 (Draft) • Strategy 3.1: Expand postsecondary credit opportunities and work-related experiences for high school students. • Strategy 3.2: Build State and Regional Capacity to support workforce development and workfoce preparation. • Strategy 3.3: Expand opportunities for P-20 students and faculty in STEM-related fields. STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  17. Goal 3 Georgia’s Work Ready Initiatives: • Work Ready Certificates powered by ACT Work Keys NCRC (National Career Readiness Certificate) awarded to High School Seniors • Certified Work Ready Communities • Certified Work Ready Regions Strategic Industry Certifications: • Industry Certified Programs STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  18. Goal 4Develop Strong Education Leaders, particularly at the building level.

  19. Goal 4 (Draft) • Strategy 4.1: Ensure sufficient quantity of quality school leadership candidates ready to staff schools in all areas of the state. • Strategy 4.2: Ensure all leaders participate in high quality, job-embedded professional learning throughout their careers. • Strategy 4.3: Design and evaluate models of rewards/recognition to school leaders and schools with demonstrated records of improving student achievement, especially in high needs schools. STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  20. Goal 5Improve SAT/ACT Scores of Georgia’s Students.

  21. Goal 5 (Draft) • Strategy 5.1: Ensure middle and high school students understand the importance of completing rigorous course in high school. • Strategy 5.2: Meet the current and future academic and training needs of pre-service teachers and counselors to address the achievement gap in Georgia classrooms. STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  22. Maximizing and Utilizing Resources

  23. Maximizing & Utilizing Resources Georgia’s Partnership Initiatives and Grants: • PRISM (Partnership for Reform in Science and Mathematics). $34 million/5 year NSF Grant. State & District Partnerships. • College Access Grant. $2 million/per 2 years. State Agencies, District, College, Community Organization Partnerships. • Early College Initiative Programs. State Agencies, District, College Partnerships. Private/Public Funds. • GLISI (Georgia Leadership Institute for School Improvement). State, District, Business, Community Partnerships. Public/Private Funding Model. STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  24. Leveraging Collaborations

  25. Leveraging Georgia’s Alliance Collaborations for Future Opportunities: • Race to the Top • Competitive Stimulus Funds • Non-State Funds STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  26. Sustainability

  27. Sustainability of Georgia’s Alliance of Education Agency Heads: • 5 Priority Statewide Education Goals • Collaborating and Aligning across Agencies • Maximizing and Utilizing Resources • Evidence of Best Practice • Implementation, Action, and Results with the ultimate goal of Students Graduating from High School Ready for College and Careers. STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  28. Discussion/Questions

  29. Discussion/Questions: • Other State’s P-20 Efforts • Initiatives • Successful Funding Models • Sustainability • National Opportunities STRENGTHENING GEORGIA’S EDUCATION SYSTEM THROUGH STATEWIDE COLLABORATION

  30. Georgia’sAlliance of Education Agency HeadsStrengthening Georgia’s Education System Through Statewide Collaborationwww.gaeducationalliance.org

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