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Euro-Arab Institute for the Dialogue between Cultures. «The Euro-Arab Institute for the Dialogue between Cultures comes to address the following issues:
Euro-Arab Institute for the Dialogue between Cultures
«The Euro-Arab Institute for the Dialogue between Cultures comes to address the following issues: - Reinforcing intercultural dialogue and related behaviours across European and Arab societies; so that it becomes a way of life in dealing with cultural differences - Implementing dialogue between various cultures, civilizations and religions, and expanding it towards more useful intellectual exchange - Stimulating civil society associations as vital tool in the culture of dialogue, tolerance and mutual understanding - Reinforcing the diversity of arts and literature, creativity and freedom in the framework of global values and international law». (quoted from the Founding Agreement, Bruxelles, June 20th, 2012).
Abdul Aziz Saud Al-BabtainBreve biografia - Attività e Riconoscimenti Nato in Kuwait nel 1936, Al-Babtain è poeta di fama internazionale, la cui sensibilità artistica unita alle sue doti professionali in campo imprenditoriale ne fanno una personalità poliedrica e una figura di spicco che gode, anche al di fuori del mondo arabo, di grande notorietà per i suoi meriti di letterato e per il suo costante e generoso impegno al servizio della promozione della cultura e del dialogo tra i popoli, come attestato dai numerosi riconoscimenti ricevuti, tra cui l’onorificenza dell’“Ordine dei cavalieri” assegnatagli dal Presidente della Repubblica Italiana, Giorgio Napolitano, per il sostegno a favore del dialogo tra culture e civiltà. Inspiratore della Fondazione, da lui stesso creata e di cui è Presidente, intitolata significativamente alla “creatività poetica”, Al-Babtain Foundation for Poetic Creativity, ha al suo attivo varie raccolte di versi, alcune pubblicate anche in lingua inglese (Intimations of the Deserts, 1995; Wastefarer, 2004). È componente dell’ “Associazione scrittori del Kuwait” e membro corrispondente dell’“Accademia di lingua araba”, a Damasco. Dal 2011 è altresì Presidente onorario della prestigiosa “Accademia mondiale della poesia”, con sede a Verona. Ha tenuto e tiene regolarmente lezioni e seminari universitari, in patria e all’estero. E’ fondatore, sostenitore e ispiratore di importanti istituzioni culturali, tra cui: la “Commissione kuwaitaina Saud Al Babtain per gli studi di alta formazione”, la “Biblioteca centrale Al Babtain per la poesia araba”; il “Centro Al Babtain per il dialogo tra civiltà”. In particolare, la sopra citata Fondazione Al-Babtain, oltre a sostenere numerose iniziative benefiche, è impegnata nella diffusione a livello universitario di progetti di rilevante interesse culturale: tra questi vi è l’istituzione di Cattedre di lingua e letteratura araba, presso le università di Cordoba e Malaga in Spagna. Al-Babtain è stato più volte insignito della laurea ad honorem da parte di prestigiosi atenei in vari Paesi e vanta inoltre numerosi riconoscimenti da parte di associazioni culturali, comitati, istituzioni, mostre internazionali del libro di tutto il mondo.
Abdul Aziz Saud Al-BabtainShort biography – Achievements and Awards Born in Kuwait in 1936, Al-Babtain is a poet of international renown, whose artistic sensibility combined with his professional qualities in the field of entrepreneurship make him a multi-faceted personality and a prominent figure who enjoys, even outside the Arab world, great popularity for his literary merits and for his constant and generous commitment to the advancement of culture and dialogue between peoples, as evidenced by the numerous awards received, such as the “Knight Order” assigned to him by the President of the Italian Republic, Giorgio Napolitano, for his support for the dialogue between cultures and civilizations. Inspirer of the Foundation he himself created and of which he is the President, significantly entitled to “poetic creativity”, Al-Babtain’s Prize for Poetic Creativity, has written several collections of poetry, some published in English (Intimations of the Deserts, 1995; Wastefarer, 2004). He is member of the “Kuwait Writers Association” and correspondent member of the “Arabic Language Academy” in Damascus. Since 2011 he is also Honorary President of the prestigious “World Poetry Academy”, based in Verona (Italy). He has delivered and regularly delivers university lectures and seminars at home and abroad. He is founder, supporter and inspirer of major cultural institutions, including among others: the “Al-Babtain’s Kuwaiti Commission for post graduate studies”; the “Al Babtain’s Central Library for Arabic Poetry”; the “Al-Babtain Center for Intercivilizational Dialogue”. In particular, the forementioned Al-Babtain Foundation, in addition to supporting numerous charitable initiatives, is committed to the spread at universty level of projects of significant cultural interest, such as the establishment of Chairs in Arabic language and literature at the Universities of Cordoba and Malaga in Spain. Al-Babtain has been repeatedly awarded the honorary degree from prestigious universities in various countries and also boasts numerous awards from cultural associations, committees, institutions, international books exhibitions around the world.