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Experimental Evaluation of ETICS Reliability Factors

Learn about the research conducted by the State Research Institute of Building Constructions (NIISK) on the reliability factors of External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems (ETICS). Discover the history and current work of NIISK, as well as the certification and norms related to energy efficiency in buildings.

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Experimental Evaluation of ETICS Reliability Factors

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  1. Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine THE STATE RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF BUILDING CONSTRUCTIONS (NIISK, www.niisk.com) Experimental evaluation of ETICS reliability factors GENNADIY FARENYUK, Director, Doctor of Technical Sciences 6-thInternational ETICS Conference OżarówMazowiecki – 08.05.2019

  2. HISTORY State Enterprise «The State Research Institute of Building Constructions» (NIISK) is one of oldest research centers of Ukrainian building sector. It was established in November 1943 for contributing to the implementation of the program of reconstruction of destroyedconstruction projects in most short term and find the most efficient design and efficient use of building materials.

  3. NOWADAYS • Nowadays Research Institute of Building Construction is large research center of Ukraine. It is well-known in Ukraine and abroad as well. Institute experts are awarded with international prizes. • Institute presents the Ukrainian construction sector in some international organizations: fib (International Federation of Concrete) – since 1998; UEAtc (the European Union of Agreement) - since 2008. • Also, Institute has a membership in different public organizations. • More then280 specialists, including 9 Dr, 55PhD and 215 specialists with university education, work for the Institute today. • Institute has branches and laboratories in some regions of Ukraine: Dnipropetrovsk, Zaporizhia, Odesa, Poltava and Rivne. In addition to the 9 Scientific departments there are Design department and Experimental base which can develop the projects and technologies for the new structural decisions and to develop the structures for experimental construction.

  4. NIISK is a basic organization on 11 scientific directions: Construction projects NSC «Olympic», Kyiv Energy effective retrofitting of the residential buildings Uspenskiy cathedral of the Kievan-Pechersk Laura Kahovskaya hydroplant Residential complex with multi-store parking in Kyiv Guy bridge across Dnieper Normalization, Standardization; Structures; Aseismic construction and protection against vibrations; Geotechnical problems of construction; Reliability, safety and protection of buildings and facilities; Methods for research, and test of building structures and materials; Energy efficiency of buildings and facilities; Construction acoustic and protection against noise; Economics of the building structures and pricing of scientific activity in construction engineering; High qualification scientific personnel training (post graduation course).

  5. System of valid Ukrainian Norms and Standards concerning energy efficiency of buildings Standards for methods of calculation assessment of the energy indexes DSTU-NB А.2.2-12:2015(energy Certificate) DSTU Б В EN 7730:2012 (ergonomics of heat mediums) DSTU Б В EN 15261:2012 (calculation of micro-climate parameters) DSTU Б В EN 13790:2012(calculation of energy consumption) DSTU Б В EN 15603:2013(energy rating) DSTU Б В EN 15217:2012(energy certification) DSTU Б В EN 13790:2012(calculation of energy consumption) 17

  6. 4.Strategic task is ensuring comfort and functionality of buildings and facilities in Ukraine providing energy efficiency of those Sufficient decreasing of energy consumption in buildings (from 150-300 kWt•h/m²year up to 15-45 kWt•h/m²year. It permits to decrease: the CO2 release by 40% and to improve the ecological situation; water consumption by 30% and to improve the habitation of population with increase of construction cost being not greater then 4-5% by means of development and implementation of: - the technical solutions according to standards of passive buildings and “green” construction, modern management means, effective control and optimization of all systems of buildings.

  7. CERTIFICATION OF THE BUILDINGS ENERGY PERFORMANCE DSTU-NB А.2.2-13:2015“Buildings energy performance. Instruction for energy assessment and energy certification of the buildings”

  8. DBN V.1.2-11:2008 Main requirements for buildings and facilities. Energy savings DBN V.2.6-31:2016 Heat insulation of buidlings Norms and standards for constructive solutions of buildings heat insulation DBNV.2.6-33:2018 Structures of exterior walls with facade insulation. Requirements for design, arrangement and operation DSTU B V.2.6-34:2008 Structures of exterior walls with facade insulation. Classification and general technical requirements DSTU B V.2.6-35:2008 (facade insulation and finishing with industrial elements) DSTU B V.2.6-36:2008 (facade insulation and finishing with plaster) DSTU B V.2.6-88:2009(technical testing, technical control and monitoring) DSTU BEN 13830:2015(suspended facade. General technical conditions DSTU-NBETAG 17:2013Guidelines for European approval of technical certificates of insulation kits. Composite systems for the isolation of exterior walls

  9. ВИЗНАЧЕННЯ ВІДПОВІДНО ДО ДБН В.2.6-33 • The composite system consists of a supporting part of the exterior wall and a thermal insulation structure that is placed on the external surface of the wall and includes such products and components as a thermal insulation layer, a finishing coat and means of attaching those to the bearing element. The list, type and set of products and components are strictly fixed in the kit, and their quantity may vary according to the demands of a project.

  10. Basic physical and mechanical parameters of composite systems in accordance with DSTU B V.2.6.-34:2008 “Structures of buildings and facilities. Structures of exterior walls with facade insulation. Classification and general technical requirements”

  11. RELIABILITY REQUIREMENTS STANDATDIZATION • DBNV.1.2-11-2008 –establishes requirements for the incorporation of the construction products endurance parameter in the relevant regulatory documents • The requirements are implemented in the normsDBNV.2.6-31:2016 andDBNV.2.6-33 • and in regulatory documents • DSTUBV.2.6-34:2008, DSTUBV.2.6-35:2008 andDSTUBV.2.6-36:2008

  12. Requirements for energy performance and reliability • A prerequisite for energy efficiency is the condition of thermal reliability, as a house cannot be energy-efficient if its thermal envelope is not reliable by thermotechnical indicators. Changing the structural principles of the thermal envelope, i.e. the transition from single-layer brick or concrete walls to multilayer walls with the facade insulation use requires a fundamental change in the methodology for assessing the modern envelope structures operational suitability

  13. Tests of resistance to climatic factors:requirements of DSTUB.V.2.6-36,ЕTAG 004

  14. Testing of facade thermal insulation structures with plaster finishing for resistance to climatic influences

  15. Testing of facade thermal insulation structures with plaster finishing for resistance to climatic influences

  16. Classification of failures of façade system with plaster layer

  17. Examples of the failures of facade insulation structures with plaster finishing

  18. DSTU-NBV.2.6 – 88:2009 “ CONSTRUCTIONS OF OUTWARD WALLS WITH FACADE HEAT-INSULATION. GUIDANCE ON APPROBATION, TECHNICAL SUPERVISION AND MONITORING” In the process of monitoring the following works are executed : А. Surveys of: –   finishing layer appearance;–facade insulation external surface flatness;–integrity of facade insulation fit to the wall load-bearing part and building load-bearing components. Б. Experimental determination of : – moisture content in the thermal insulation layer (layers); – the insulated outer wall thermal resistance actual level (in the presence of signs of failure to comply with normative requirements). .

  19. Reliability criterion of system (heat insulation shell of the building, enclosing structure) • The physical essence of the criterion is to determine the effectiveness of enclosing structure during the prefined service life with possible changes in the state of the elements of the structure under the influence of various (climatic, mounting, operational, etc.) factors.

  20. Heat engineering indicators determining the requirements for the construction products performance characteristics Operational reliability requirements τв min> tmin.

  21. Experimental studies of the facade insulation structures air permeability

  22. Structure with an internal (bearing) layer made of claydite concrete blocks Structure with an internal (bearing) brick layer Test of thermal reliability indicators for the external walls structures having a facade insulation and a finishing of thin-walled elements with ventilated air layer

  23. Structure with an internal (bearing) layer of clay blocks Experimental fragments external surface Test of thermal reliability indicators for the external walls structures having a facade insulation and a finishing with thin-walled elements and ventilated air layer

  24. Thank you for your attention!

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