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College English Reading Course Book III. Unit Five. Reading Skills: Reading for Specific Information --- Scanning. What is scanning?
College English Reading Course Book III Unit Five
Reading Skills: Reading for Specific Information --- Scanning • What is scanning? When reading a long text, you often need to get not only the main idea, but also some specific details. Specific facts are often hidden in a dense forest of words. In this case, you do not have to read the text from the beginning to the end. It would be more efficient if you can make your eye “float” over the words, until key words catch your attention. It is important to identify your purpose of reading so that you can select the appropriate technique to find the information..
Difference between skimming and normal reading: While scanning focuses only on parts of interest, the reader would usually omit no part at all in normal reading. • Difference between skimming and scanning: Scanning differs from skimming in that it is an effort to specific facts rather than get general information.
Text 13. On the Seventh Day of the Christmas By Vivian L. Martinetz
II. General Comprehension of the Text • 1) Who is older, Carol or Johnny? • 2) What kind of gift did Carmella bring for Henry? • 3) Where was the family living at the time? • 4) What kind of dwelling places are more appropriate for the poor, the city or the countryside, as far as Xmas season is concerned? • 5) Have you ever heard a very touching Xmas story? Tell the story to your classmates.
III. Vocabulary • slush半融雪;软泥 limp跛行 • sweater厚运动衣;针织上衣 snowsuit儿童风雪服 • cord 细绳;(弓的)弦 screw 转动 • divine nectar圣酒 aloft在空中 • charge充电 squeal长声尖叫 • trail脱;拉outgrow: • 1) To grow too large for:长得太大而使…不再适用: • ---The child outgrew all his clothes. • 2) To lose or discard in the course of maturation:失去在成熟过程中(逐渐)失去或舍弃: • ---She outgrew her youthful idealism. • 3) To surpass in growth:长得比…快(或大、高): • ---Spring lambs were outgrowing the piglets.
IV. Difficult language points in the text • 1. If Henry wanted, the kite could be the adventure. (Line 48) • If Henry wanted a kite as a gift, Carmella could let him fly it and have fun, making their childhood dreams come ture. • adventure : an unusual or exciting experience:奇遇;异乎寻常或激动人心的经历: • ---an adventure in dining 进餐中的奇遇 • 2. Little by little, until Henry grew accustomed to the play of the kite, cord and wind; until he felt the power to control it with his hands and fingers.. (Line 57) grew accustomed to the play of the kite : got used to the movement of the kite
3. Henry pulled a face and screwed a finger up against the side of his head. (Line 80) pull a face: make a face, to show rude amusement, disagreement, dislike, pain, etc. 4. First, we gotta keep hope flying.(Line.96) gotta: (Am.sl) have got to 5. Carmella tasted the words like some delicate divine nectar…(Line.106) The words were sweet to Carmella, so she enjoyed saying and hearing them ringing out.
V. Key to exercises (P84-85) • I. 1. A 2. C 3. C 4. D II. 1.此时此刻,看着孩子们轮流坐在圣诞老人的膝上,卡梅拉真希望自己能重返童年,无忧无虑,除了告诉圣诞老人她是多么希望在圣诞节得到一个音乐跳绳,或者去放风筝。 2. 渐渐地,亨利适应了风筝和线绳的摆动和微风的影响。直到他觉得手指可以控制风筝的时候,他才让这红白相间的风筝迎风而起。用深蓝色大写英文字母写成的“HOPE(希望)”占满了风筝面,这是按照卡美拉的意思写的。
3. “祝愿所有的人新年快乐!” 卡美拉回味着这些祝福的话语,心里就像喝了圣酒一样,甜蜜无比。 4.卡罗尔和约翰尼穿着睡衣,肩上披着毛毯,也在盯着看,哆嗦着,尖叫着。 5. 接着一件新奇事使他们很兴奋,因为风筝变成了一个闪烁的白星,四周都是冰柱,像一个没有做完的花环。他们的生活也随着风筝的改变进入了新年的第一天。
I. General Comprehension of the Text • 1) When was Suzanne adopted by the Haynes? • 2) Why was Edward worried before Suzanne’s wedding? • 3) What gift did Suzanne get from Edward on her fifth birthday ? • 4) What can we conclude from the very end of the story ?
chapel小教堂 partition隔墙 stocky矮壮的 auburn赤褐色的 locket盒式项链坠 amethyst紫水晶 haunt萦绕,缠住 prompt提示,鼓动 tummy胃,肚子 buckle扣紧 birthstone诞生石 usher引座员 grip紧握 allowance补助,津贴 opposition反对 orphanage孤儿院 weep流泪,哭泣 heartsick悲痛,苦闷 lurch悸动 mutely无言地 Useful Phrases slip into塞入,放进 red tape 官样文章,繁琐的程序 fling oneself into扑进 intrude upon闯入,打扰 piggy bank储蓄罐 II.Vocabulary
III. Difficult language points in the text • 1. Edward needed desperately to talk about it, but he could not intrude so roughly uponher happiness. (Line 7) …to raise this delicate topic while she was engaged in her happy wedding • 2. The locket had simply prepared the ground. (Line 71) The story of that locket was just the beginning of a long story. There were more to come.
3. He forced himself to sit quietly on the bed and talk to her, reassuring her, calming her, until at last she flung herself into his arms, weeping a little girl’s tears that were a long time quieting. (Line 105) 他强迫自己平静下来,坐在床边和她说话,打消塔顶疑虑,使她安静下来,直到最后她扑进他的怀里,小姑娘般地流着眼泪,很长时间才停止。 • 4. The doors to the chapel swung open and the wedding march swelled out. (Line 137) • Swell out: break out
VI. Key to exercises • I. 1. D 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A • II. 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.T
Vocabulary • anticipation期望 ornament装饰物 • crepe绉纸 gala节日的,快乐的 • scripture经文 carol颂歌 • cracker爆竹 drowsy昏昏欲睡的 • lizard蜥蜴 dusk黄昏 • detour便道,绕路 devastation毁坏 • rooster公鸡
Difficult language points in the text • 1. Everyone would be in a gala mood with local musicians. (Line 20) gala: (of) a feast-time or special public amusement E.g. a gala occasion/ event/ night/ feeling, etc 2. Miraculously we were able toget away from the soldiers during one rainy night. … to succeed in leaving or escaping from
3. I remember how the nectar from these beautiful flowers had always attracted insects, making them drowsy enough to fall to the ground to become food for crows and lizards. (Line 54) • 我记得那些美丽花朵分泌出的花蜜总是吸引来大量飞虫,使它们昏昏欲睡,掉到地上,成了乌鸦和蜥蜴的美餐。 • 4. Now circumstances had brought them to our village at this time on this night before Christmas. (Line 83) • circumstances: the things these travelers happened to meet on their way to their homes or relatives’ for the Christmas.
Key to exercises I. 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6.F • 7. F 8. F 9.T 10. T II.1.圣诞节时探亲访友的季节,因此不同部落的人们都怀着愉快的心情来来往往。 2. 就这样直到我生病的祖母看到盛开的红色和黄色鲜花,我们称之为“山之焰”。“山之焰”树长在市场中央,已经有好几代人的年头了。每当圣诞节快要到来的时候,树上就开满了“山之焰” 。 3. 这怎么能算是圣诞节呢?圣诞节应该是我们庆祝和平之子诞生的日子。可自四月份以来,我们就没有了和平,只有战争和痛苦。 4. 当我继续回味过去圣诞节的快乐和现今的痛苦时,我们听到了汽车的喇叭声,不是一辆汽车,而是好几辆,向我们的村子驶来。 5. 这时,我明白希望是存在的。我知道无论怎样,圣诞节都会到来。圣诞节时刻在我们的心里。那天晚上圣诞节就来到了我们的村庄。