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College English Reading Course Book II Nov. 2002 Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. Extensive Reading (for students of 2006):. Unit 5 Reading Skills. Recognizing sequence of ideas in narrative writing. See textbook (pages 91-93) and do the exercises (page 93).
College English Reading Course Book IINov. 2002Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press Extensive Reading (for students of 2006):
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 Unit 5Reading Skills • Recognizing sequence of ideas in narrative writing. See textbook (pages 91-93) and do the exercises (page 93)
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 Text 13 My Own Experience (15 minutes) 1. General Comprehension of the text • 1) What cases are mentioned in the text in which the author’s mother made use of her hands? • 2) Besides the sense of touch, what other acute senses did the author’s mother possess? Cite examples from the text to illustrate. • 3) What examples show that the author’s mother reared her children using her mind’s eye?
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 • 4) What kind of person the mother was? • 5) Did the mother really know what her daughter was like, being blind all her life? What did she mean by “I really know what you are like --- what you are like inside”?
Band 4 Vocabulary acute (senses) 敏锐的 It never occurred to sb. that… thumb forefinger crown apply (a bandage) 敷, 涂, 贴 reckon with rear 抚养 Band 6 Vocabulary bandage stray sneak 更高要求词汇 slyly Useful Phrases line up(使)排成行或列 come up with in one’s mind’s eye Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 2. Useful Expressions
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 Text 14 The Day I Was Fat (15 minutes) 1. General Comprehension of the text • 1) What factors contributed to the increase of the author’s weight? • 2) Why didn’t any member of her family tell the author that she was fat? • 3) Why did the author always fail to lose weight? • 4) What did the author think of the boy’s words? Why was she hurt so much? Why did she emphasize the fact that the boy looked ugly?
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 • 5) What did he author do in her fight to lose weigh? • 6) What is most important in the fight to lose weight? What did the author realize after she lost some weight? • 7. How does the author feel now?
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 2. Suggested division of the passage: The text can be divided into three parts: • Part I (Lines 1-29): Keeping gaining weight before the incident. • Part II (Lines 30-57): The turning point – a quarrel with a teenager who called her “fat”. • Part III (Lines 58-84): The influence of the pivotal event on her.
Band 4 Vocabulary execute limber split gross stingv.刺, 螫, 叮; 刺痛 pray shed (the weight)去除 lean (meat) 精瘦的 protein 蛋白质 abuse n. / v.辱骂 figure 体形、体态 Band 6 Vocabulary cheerleading squad 拉拉队 notorious tease nonetheless 虽然如此, 但是 glare at 怒视、瞪眼看 jerk idiot rigorous nutrition Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 3. Useful Expressions
更高要求词汇 plump hideous 丑陋的;可憎的 Useful Phrases burst onto the scene 伺机冒出来 settle down 安顿下来:过稳定的生活 blow up充气;膨胀the welcome mat 门口的地毡 out of the question: impossible pullinto (车)驶入;到达 Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 Text 15 Flying Blind (15 minutes) 1. General Comprehension of the text • 1) What did Nathan Ross notice one evening during a rainstorm? • 2) What did he do immediately to help the pilot land on the airstrip in Tenterfield? • 3) What was the purpose of Esmond Yasi’s flight that evening? What unexpected difficulty did he meet half an hour after the takeoff? • 4) After the lightening cut off the power to the town, how did Yasi land safely?
Band 4 Vocabulary prime soaring peaks 高飞, 翱翔; 高耸云霄的 track raging genius band波段 portable 便携式的 (electronics) gear设备 static pump (fuel into) the gathering storm low visibility descend下降 given prep. 考虑到,鉴于 hazard nose shakily Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 2. Useful Expressions
Band 6 Vocabulary buck solo (exercise) 单独的 pop be certified for 取得 …资格的 flare reassuring flap flip stumble 更高要求词汇 smack colossal巨大的, 庞大的 Useful Phrases bark / shout one’s head off 不断地大声叫 make a mental note of 心理想着,记住 stay / steer clear of: avoid run through 浏览,匆匆地看 run out用完;耗尽 Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 3. Translation of someDifficult Sentences in the Text 1) Judging from the plane's path, and the way the little craft was bucking and yawing, you didn't need to be a genius to know that the pilot was lost or in trouble or both. (Line 17) 从飞机的飞行路线和它抖动和偏航的方式来判断,一般的人都知道飞行员迷失了方向或飞机出了问题,或两者都有。
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 2) He made a mental note to stay clear of the gathering storm, since he wasn't certified for low-visibility, instrument-only flying. (Line 43) 他心里想着要避开越采越大的风暴,因为他还没有取得在低能见度、只使用仪器的,隋况下飞行的资格。
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 3) He explained that once the runway was lit, the pilot could follow streetlights to the edge of town, and then car lights on the main road out of town to get there. (Line 78) 他解释说,当跑道的灯亮起来以后,飞行员可以沿着街道的灯飞到镇的边缘,然后跟着大道上出城的汽车灯光到达那里。
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 4) When he refocused, he saw only darkness where Tenterfield had blinked just seconds before. (Line 100) 当他再次睁开眼睛看下去的时候,几秒钟之前还灯光闪闪的田德菲尔德镇一片黑暗。
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 5) With the wing flaps down to decrease speed, Yasi pulled the throttle back until the plane had slowed to 60 knots, around 70 m.p.h. (Line 116) 在把飞机的襟翼放下来以减低速度以后,亚斯把调节阀往回拉,直到飞机速度减慢到60节,大约每小时70英里。
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 Key to the Exercises Key to Text 13, Unit 5: My Own Experience • I. 1. D 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B • II. l. 我从来没有想过她用手触摸东西、抚摸我的脸或是我给她看的东西的方式是奇怪的。 • 2.接着她尖叫起来,迅速把手缩回去,要我立即把鸟带到外面去,同时警告我不要再让她碰这样的东西。 • 3.凭着她那灵敏的双耳和鼻子,她综合起来判断通常总会得出正确的答案。
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 • 4.当他们把我的宝贝小男孩放在我的手臂上时,我,就如我的母亲一样,可以看到我的孩子并知道他有多漂亮。 Reading-skill exercises • Signal words: immediately, while, … , and, and, later • Sequence of details in the passage: 1. c 2. e 3. h 4. a 5. g 6. d 7. f 8. i 9. b
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 Key to Text 14, Unit 5:The Day I Was Fat • I. 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A
Extensive Reading-- Unit 5, Book 2 Key to Text 15, Unit 5: Flying Blind • I. 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T • II. 1.罗斯知道,在这样的一团漆黑中,在这样的风雨中,加上田德菲尔德四周的4000英尺高的群山,让飞行员降落是很困难的。 • 2.数分钟后,已经别无选择。一场反常的雨暴吞没了他的飞机——这是一名新飞行员所:能碰到的最糟糕的事情。 • 3.在任何情况下,侧风着陆都是危险的,而现在的危险就是他有可能机头先着陆,使机身颠簸不停。 • 4.当时一点儿时间都不能耽误。然而,此时此刻的时间却似乎向前无限延伸,即使在这雨中漆黑的、泥泞的飞机场上。