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The TekBots Platform for Learning: Implementation and Practice 10:30 - 11:15 R. Traylor

The TekBots Platform for Learning: Implementation and Practice 10:30 - 11:15 R. Traylor. Using the TekBots Platform in a Freshman Orientation Course. What my talk will cover. Overview of Platforms for Learning (PFL) Origin Definition Our implementation of a PFL (Tekbots) ECE112 Concept

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The TekBots Platform for Learning: Implementation and Practice 10:30 - 11:15 R. Traylor

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  1. The TekBotsPlatform for Learning:Implementation and Practice 10:30 - 11:15 R. Traylor

  2. Using the TekBots Platform in a Freshman Orientation Course

  3. What my talk will cover • Overview of Platforms for Learning (PFL) • Origin • Definition • Our implementation of a PFL (Tekbots) • ECE112 • Concept • Structure and numbers • Lecture • Lab

  4. Platforms for Learning Origins • Carley’s CMU ECE introduction course • Students really enjoyed class • We added “layers” • More success and fun! • “This really works, but why?”

  5. Cultural Differences • Students have changed -> motivations too! • Internet, cell phones, computers, video games... • ...all cheap and easily available • ...but the magic is lost • The joy of building and creating is lost • Replaced with the cheap and easy, thus… • little satisfaction • boredom

  6. Cultural Differences (cont.) • Resurrect the “magic” of electrical engineering • Make it fun, not boring • Challenge students, help them succeed, and encourage them

  7. Consumer Mentality • “Privileges” are now “birthrights” • “I paid for this class, I want the product.” ...a good grade! • Work hard not a virtue, just want a good grade, job, life • present hard problems as rewards • learning takes hard work, but it’s worth it

  8. Different Learning Styles • “One style fits all?” • We all have various learning styles • Use multiple learning styles (all if possible) • Some verbal, some visual, some kinesthetic • have students interact directly with real systems • hands on experiences • connect the abstract with the theoretical

  9. ECE Curriculum Discontinuity • Viewed as islands of facts • No connections between islands • Learn for the test: “cram and flush” • view curriculum as a thread • use a common object for continuity

  10. Theory and Practice Disconnected • Students can manipulate the math, but don’t understand the meaning • Sanitized homework problems are artificial • apply theory to real problems • solve “real,” “messy” engineering problems

  11. Lectures Don’t Work Very Well • A proven poor learning method • After 15 minutes, half of class in coma • Lecturer feels good, but littleaccomplished • Transfer from blackboard topaper: nobody’s brains involved • employ proven active learning concepts • effectively use labs to teach • use hands-on techniques

  12. Platforms for Learning - Definition • “A common unifying object or experience that weaves together topics in a curriculum like a thread.” • Prevents isolated islands of information • Platforms may or may not be physical • The TekBot robot is one example of a PFL • Learning revolves around a platform • Curriculum first, platform second

  13. Platforms for LearningOur Implementation • Hands-on teaching • utilizes more learning styles • ties theory to the real world problems

  14. Platforms for LearningOur Implementation • Scaffolding • new concepts introduced in a familiar environment

  15. Platforms for LearningOur Implementation • Community • learning is enhanced in communities • social aspect keeps learning interesting • retention enhanced

  16. Platforms for LearningOur Implementation • Promote innovation • “keep cookies on the bottom shelf” • any time, anywhere labs • free tools • building blocks: innovation “bait”

  17. Platforms for LearningOur Implementation • Individual ownership • keeps the student interested

  18. ECE112 - Introduction to Electrical & Computer Engineering • An intro to ECE and learning platforms • Basic concepts of KVL, KCL, electronics • Kilometer wide, centimeter deep • Is ECE for you? • Important leveling instrument

  19. ECE112The numbers

  20. ECE112Lecture • All lecture notes on web site • Pre-reading strongly encouraged • 10-20 minute lecture punctuated with a learning exercises • Learning exercises 1-20 minutes long • Don’t lecture what they can read!

  21. ECE112Lecture (cont.) • Lecture and lab closely coupled • Make lecture necessary for lab success • Topic always connected with lab work • Constantly refer to the platform • Schematics from platform are examples • Problems drawn from the platform design

  22. ECE112Lecture (cont.) • Active learning utilized • One minute quizzes • “Daily nickel” for right answers • In-class problems • Chaotic, powerful

  23. ECE112Lecture (cont.) • Confronts students with lecture material • Step by step, 3-4 minutes/step • Eliminate misconceptions by wandering around • Turn in for minimal credit

  24. ECE112Homework • Real problems from plausible situations • Problems taken from the robot design • Work in groups, solve on your own • Graded by TAs, returned in lab next week • TAs can discuss problems/grading in lab

  25. ECE112 Labs • Good labs take much work! • Revision, revision, revision • Update almost real-time if necessary • Requires close communication: TAs, lab writer, instructor • Weekly review of what worked, what didn’t

  26. ECE112 Labs (cont.) • Did it teach? • Avoid mindless writing of lab reports • Pre-lab work required to proceed successfully • No step-by-step instructions • Clear expectations, little procedure

  27. ECE112 Labs (cont.) • Plentiful TA help available • Don’t fix their problem • The point is not to finish the lab • Informal lab (music, snacks) • Lab not a “timed event”

  28. ECE112 Labs (cont.) • Lab difficulty requires group cooperation • Avoid “getting through the lab” mentality • Take time to work through problems • Take time to reflect on solutions • Labs checked off by TAs in lab • Challenge problems

  29. ECE112Other Environmental Factors • Encourage community • Break down “the wall” between student and instructor • Set a tone of community/respect • Participate in class mailgroup • Visit labs weekly • Chat with students

  30. ECE112Other Environmental Factors • Study sessions • Student-led problem solving • Students teach students • Low pressure, high intensity • Noisy, free form, teams form • Teacher only there to guide and check answers

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