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"North Brunswick Township School District's STEPS TO SUCCESS program provides encouragement and support through a personalized student learning plan (PSLP) pilot program. The program is being implemented in Linwood Middle School (Grade 6) and North Brunswick Township High School (Grade 9). Stakeholder teams have been established, and training and implementation of the PSLP program have been conducted. The program includes outreach sessions, career planning, and integration with existing curriculum. The PSLP program aims to empower students and help them succeed academically and personally."
North Brunswick Township School District STEPS TO SUCCESS “Encouragement and Support Every Step of the Way” Personalized Student Learning Plan Pilot Program Linwood Middle School –Grade 6 North Brunswick Township High School – Grade 9
Development of the PSLP Program • Established stakeholder teams for LMS and NBTHS • Attended state-led orientation meeting in June 09 • Developed an action plan that included a monthly timeline • Researched products; participated in webinars for the various web-based products (July/August)
Development of the PSLP Program • Chose the product (Career Cruising) • Met with the Career Cruising rep to review details of implementation and training • Met with our district Information Technology person • Uploaded student data into the CC program
Highlights from the NBTHS Pilot Program • Program implemented through H/PE with assistance from Special Education teachers as their Professional Learning Community requirements for the year • Training was conducted during two half-day sessions (AM/PM) with 25 teachers in each session to maximize use of substitutes (H/PE, Special Education, and Guidance Counselors)
Highlights from the NBTHS Pilot Program • Students participate in two PSLP outreach sessions a month (Teen PEP model) • Ninth grade H/PE teachers conduct the lesson during their scheduled H/PE period (Special Education teachers assist) • PSLP Lessons are conducted in the classroom (LearnDoEarn) and computer labs (Career Cruising)
Highlights of NBTHS Pilot Program Scheduling: • 14 sections of Grade 9 H/PE • No more than 2 sections each period • No ninth grade H/PE period 5 • Two computer labs designated twice a month for PSLP outreach sessions • H/PE Department develops PSLP lessons during district staff development hours
Why Use the H/PE Department? Math, Language Arts and Science inundated with testing What other course (besides English) is a graduation requirement that ALL students take every year in high school? Provide the H/PE department with an opportunity to contribute to the personal, academic and career development of students Outreach sessions for Teen PEP already established through ninth grade H/PE classes
NJCCCS for Comprehensive Health and Physical Education 2.2 Integrated Skills (Develop and Use Personal and Interpersonal Skills) Communicating Effectively Decision-Making and Goal Setting Character Development Advocacy and Service
NJCCCS Integrated Across the Curriculum 21st Century Life and Career Standards Technology Standards
Another Important Component of the PSLP A formalized plan and process that involves students setting learning goals based on personal, academic and career interests, beginning in the middle school grades and continuing throughout high school with the close support of adult mentors that include teachers, counselors and parents. (Proposed N.J.A.C. 6A:8)
Support from Adult Mentors Component Teacher Advisory Groups (TAG Teams) Teacher advisor working with small groups of students, with the assistance from the Teen Advisory Groups
Addition of Teen Advisory • Junior/Seniors receive community service hours • Work with freshmen students individually • Assist in all periods (currently teachers participate as Teacher Advisors during communication period) • Provide Teen Advisors with CC training
Highlights from the Linwood Middle School Pilot Program • Planning meetings held in Summer 2009 • Core team meetings held regularly • Subject area chosen to implement lessons- Social Studies • Staff Awareness and Training- Faculty Meetings/Early Closing • Implementation of lessons, October-May
Linwood Middle SchoolWhy Use the Social Studies Department? Math, Language Arts and Science inundated with testing All middle school students attend Social Studies Class Provide the Social Studies department with an opportunity to contribute to the personal, academic and career development of students Closely related to curriculum/directly linked to NJCCCS
2009 NJCCCS Social Studies Technology and 21st Century Life and Career Skills • U.S. History Standard 6.1: America in the World. All students will acquire the knowledge and skills to think analytically about how past and present interactions of people, cultures, and the environment shape the American heritage. Such knowledge and skills enable students to make informed decisions that reflect fundamental rights and core democratic values as productive citizens in local, national, and global communities. • Technology Standard 8.1- Infusion of technology • 21st Century Life and Career Skills - 9.1, 9.2, and 9.3
6TH GRADE SOCIAL STUDIES TEACHERS AND NON-TEACHER BUDDIES • Non-teacher staff (coordinators and guidance counselors) created lessons • Teachers awarded staff development credit for practice sessions and modification of lessons • Approximately one lesson per month taught by teacher and buddy • Taught in computer Lab with accompaniment of SMART Board
CAREER CRUISING • Interactive online program-same user name and password for all, can be used at home • Includes assessments, inventories, careers (descriptions, video clips, requirements, earnings, etc), college information (admissions, offerings, etc) • Community Service, Service Learning, Extra Curricular Activities, Athletics, Non-School Based Activities, Awards, etc. saved on personal profile and updated throughout students’ school careers • Career Cruising Program updated annually • Program changes to Spanish with one click
COUPON A formalized plan and process that involves students setting learning goals based on personal, academic and career interests, beginning in the middle school grades and continuing throughout high school with the close support of adult mentors that include teachers, counselors and parents. I WORKED WITH MY PARENT/GUARDIAN AT HOME FOR 20 MINUTES (OR MORE) ON THE CAREER CRUISING COMPUTER PROGRAM OR I SPENT 20 MINUTES (OR MORE) DISCUSSING THE PSLP LESSON AND CAREER CRUISING PROGRAM WITH MY PARENT/GUARDIAN. ________________________ ___________________________ (Student Signature) (Parent/Guardian Signature) Return to an adult during your lunch period on 12/9/09 for a surprise. User Name: linwood Password: lions Click on Espanol at the top for information to appear in Spanish.
AND THERE’S MORE! • Public Relations: Local Newspapers, NY Times article, Feature on ABC News • February 4- Staff Workshops, PSLP & Mentoring • March 9 and 10- 6th Grade Career Fair • March 23- PSLP Parent Night • Continuation of our active Wiki Networking Website • Small Group Mentoring Sessions and Activities (Modified Advisory Period-Extended Homeroom), for all grade levels- 6, 7, 8 • LearnDoEarn infused lessons grades 6 and 9
What is LearnDoEarn? • Learn more now • Do more now • Earn more later!!!!!
PartnersNJ Chamber of Commerce and Corporate Sponsors Help students relate every aspect of their activity and behavior in middle and high school to success in college, work, and life.
LearnDoEarn Presentations • PowerPoint delivery- graphical stories • Age-appropriate messages to 6th through 12th graders- 8th graders viewed first presentation during the scheduling process • Focus on importance of: Academic rigor, homework, attendance, making good choices, etc. • Parent component includes videos that will air during parent evenings and are also available on our website • Posters are displayed throughout the building
Individual Learning Plan for Kentucky (ILP) A snapshot of Career Cruising
ILP Homepage The ILP Homepage is the central point from which students can access all of the features and functions available in the ILP. Schools can send messages to students. Schools can also add links to related online career, education, and community resources. The My Documents section of the ILP allows students to store files such as essays and presentations, letters of reference, and scanned artwork.
Career Matchmaker Results The ILP is fully integrated with the Career Cruising career guidance system. Students can save their results from the Career Matchmaker interest inventory. Students are asked about their likes and dislikes in a variety of areas, such as working with children, being interested in law, working outdoors. Students receive a list of 40 career suggestions ranked in order of suitability.
Careers & Schools that Interest Me Students can bookmark individual careers and colleges that they are interested in and record their thoughts about each. Career and college names link directly to detailed profiles so students can access information quickly and easily.
North Brunswick Township School District Focus for 2010-11 • Addition of Teacher Advisory Period grades 6-12; NBTHS Raider Café • Addition of Course Planner for the Middle School and High School • PSLP’s in grades 6, 7, 9 and 10
Internet Resources Available • Career Cruising – www.careercruising.com • Kuder Career Planning System – www.kuder.com • Naviance – www.naviance.com • Bridges Choice Planner- www.bridges.com • Education and Career Opportunities System http://ecos.princetonreview.com/ • NJCAN – www.njcan.org • LearnDoEarn - www.learndoearn.org
Some Other States Using Personal Learning Plans • Delaware (Student Success Plan) http://www.doe.k12.de.us/infosuites/students_family/rhss/default.shtml • Colorado http://www.cde.state.co.us/cdesped/PLP.asp • Kentucky http://education.ky.gov/kde/instructional+resources/career+and+technical+education/individual+learning+plan • Oregon www.ode.state.or.us/search/page/?id=1669 • South Carolina https://www.scpathways.org/EEDA3/default.aspx? • Utah www.schools.utah.gov/cte/guidance.html • Washington www.k12.wa.us/navigation101/
North Brunswick Township School District Contacts Presenter: Debra Serafin, Assistant Principal District and HS Pilot Program Coordinator dserafin@nbtschools.org Presenter: Valerie Elko-Jennings, Coordinator of Special Education velko@nbtschools.org Mr. Pete Clark, Principal and Coordinator of LMS Pilot Program pclark@nbtschools.org District Website: www.nbtschools.org Steps to Success Program Page: http://www.nbtschools.org/nbts/Curriculum/Personalized%20Student%20Learning%20Plan/_top North Brunswick Township School District Wiki Webpage: http://northbrunswicktownshippublicschoolspslp.wikispaces.com