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the. ultimate. wealth creation. secret. The ultimate wealth creation secret. This secret is more profitable … and will bring you higher returns ... than real estate and shares combined … Yet your accountant doesn’t know it, neither does your financial adviser.

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  1. the ultimate wealth creation secret

  2. The ultimate wealth creation secret This secret is more profitable … and will bring you higher returns ... than real estate and sharescombined … Yet your accountant doesn’t know it, neither does your financial adviser

  3. The ultimate wealth creation secret What I want to talk to you about today is LEVERAGE Increasing the amount of sales you get / money you make by hundreds of percent … sometimes thousands

  4. The ultimate wealth creation secret We all have assets - your home... investment properties... businesses... cars. And that’s where the value lies. But there are ways to LEVERAGE those assets so that you can get MORE return from them than the average person

  5. The ultimate wealth creation secret PROPERTY: Just because a similar house in your street sells for $400,000 ... doesn't mean yours can't sell for $470,000 BUSINESS: Just because a near identical business sells for $100,000 ... doesn't mean yours can't sell for $150,000

  6. The ultimate wealth creation secret CARS: Just because a similar car to yours sells for $12,000 ... doesn't mean yours can't sell yours for $14,000 INCOME: Just because a fellow employee earns $40,000 ... doesn't mean you can't earn $60,000 in the same role

  7. The ultimate wealth creation secret Without knowing the secret I'm about to show you, you stand to lose tens of thousands of dollars over your lifetime Those that do learn it, will basically know how to create money out of thin air

  8. The ultimate wealth creation secret Most people think it's great to earn 30% ... 50% ... when investing But making HUNDREDS of percent return on your money can actually be easier ... and is entirely possible

  9. The ultimate wealth creation secret So let me show you what I'm talking about: 4 calls a month

  10. The ultimate wealth creation secret 12 calls a month 300% increase

  11. The ultimate wealth creation secret Introducing 3 MASTER Strategies That You Must Know 1) How to increase sales by up to 3,148% Whenever you sell anything ...use a HEADLINE

  12. The ultimate wealth creation secret JUSTIN STONELawn mowing business attracted 4 clients over the period of a year in the Yellow Pages Changed the HEADLINE for the new ad - within first 7 weeks ... picked up 17 new clients Had to sell 40% of the business

  13. The ultimate wealth creation secret "Last year I picked up only 4 clients for the whole year from the Yellow Pages. So Brett McFall helped me tweak my ad just before I put it in the new edition. The results? Unbelievable! In just the first 7 weeks I've picked up 17 clients! That's a 3,148% increase in response!! And I've also turned away another 5 clients because I haven't had time to get to them. What's more, I've actually had to sell 40% of the business because I can't keep up with the workload.It's got to the point already that I am turning away more calls than I can take. And it's great because I'm charging a really good price - yet still getting their business."Justin Stone, Bayside Maintenance Group, Victoria Point, Qld - 0414 978 044

  14. The ultimate wealth creation secret

  15. The ultimate wealth creation secret Headline Testing On The Internet: 400% INCREASE 200% INCREASE

  16. The ultimate wealth creation secret MASTER Strategy No.2 2) How to increase sales by up to 300% Whenever you sell anything ...add AUDIO/VIDEO

  17. The ultimate wealth creation secret MASTER Strategy No.2 247% increase in sales www.scrapbookingprofits.com

  18. The ultimate wealth creation secret MASTER Strategy No.3 2) How to increase sales by up to 300% Whenever you sell anything ...use an IRRESISTIBLE OFFER

  19. The ultimate wealth creation secret MASTER Strategy No.3

  20. The ultimate wealth creation secret Okay, those are the 3 MASTER STRATEGIES – now here’s how to use them to sell… …YOUR HOME! Ted Ciuba Bradford Moore

  21. The ultimate wealth creation secret How to use thesepowerful tools to sell… …YOUR BUSINESS!

  22. The ultimate wealth creation secret BUSINESS FOR SALE Newly established, corner location, rapidly growing area, immaculate fit-out, high profits. A must see! Call (03) 9314 8852 … highest offer was $75,000

  23. The ultimate wealth creation secret • "I must sell my Fish & Chip Shop for $15,000 below it's value!" • Business agents tell me I could get $110,000 if I want - but I don't want too! 15 years in the business and an opportunity to start my own mail order business from any beachside location I choose, compels me to sell now! • I have taken $15,000 off my price. If you would like a fast-food money-making-machine on a busy corner in a rapidly growing area, call now on 03 9314 8852 • You will get: • Fixtures and fittings worth $70,000 - work great and in tip-top condition • Catering and Cooking Equipment worth $30,000 - easy to clean, best quality • Massive profits • Hundreds of happy and loyal customers - virtually never have to advertise. Turns over $6,000 a week - but you can make much more if want to. All the training you need to successfully operate and expand the business. • I MUST SELL - I will sell to the first person with the $95,000 purchase price. I will consider financing you too. Please call Nick for full figures and details on (03) 9314 8852 …inside 2 weeks the business sold for $94,000 and... he had 3 other buyers ready to take it

  24. The ultimate wealth creation secret How to use this knowledge… www.businessesforsale.com

  25. The ultimate wealth creation secret How to use thesepowerful tools to sell… …YOUR CAR!

  26. The ultimate wealth creation secret = $12,000 + $3,000 Holiday

  27. The ultimate wealth creation secret www.augetaway.com.au www.flynstayvacations.com www.vacationgetawayincentives.com

  28. The ultimate wealth creation secret How to use thesepowerful tools to sell… …YOURSELF!

  29. The ultimate wealth creation secret How much could you get paid if you were the one helping other people get these results? How much could you get paid EXTRA in your job if you could increase your employer's sales by using what I've showed you?

  30. The ultimate wealth creation secret So what is the ULTIMATE WEALTH CREATION SECRET? The secret is… KNOWING how towrite sales messages

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