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1. In 1517, Luther posts his 95 theses on the church door at Wittenberg. Cause – Tetzel was selling indulgences which gave the impression that people could buy their way into Heaven Effect – aided by the printing press, the movement for religious reform spread beginning the Reformation.
1. In 1517, Luther posts his 95 theses on the church door at Wittenberg Cause – Tetzel was selling indulgences which gave the impression that people could buy their way into Heaven Effect – aided by the printing press, the movement for religious reform spread beginning the Reformation
2. In 1520, Luther is excommunicated. In 1521, he is decared an outlaw and heretic. Cause – Martin Luther gained popularity and suggested that Christians drive the Pope from the Church by force Effect – Luther is sheltered in the castle of Prince Frederick the Wise, while there Luther translates New Testament into German
3. The German peasants revolt in 1524. Cause – peasants applied Luther’s talk of Christian freedom to society and demanded an end of serfdom Effect – the revolt horrified Luther, armies crushed the revolt. Many peasants rejected Luther’s religious leadership
4. The Peace of Ausburg is signed in 1555. • Cause – Charles V went to war against Protestant princes to force them to remain Catholic • Effect – War ends, princes agreed that each ruler would decide the religion of his state
5. The English Parliament approves the Act of Supremacy in 1534 • Cause – King Henry VIII needed a male heir to the throne but Pope would not annul his marriage and grant a divorce • Effect – This act named King Henry VIII, not the Pope, as the official head of England’s church
6. Parliament establishes the Anglican Church in 1559. • Cause – Elizabeth I wanted England to return to Protestantism and asked Parliament to set up a national church • Effect – established the Anglican Church as only legal church in England with Elizabeth, not pope, as its head. This church appealed to moderate Catholics and Protestants as a blend of the two religions.
Calvinism • Founded by John Calvin • People are sinful by nature • Humans cannot earn salvation • Believed in predestination (God has already chosen those to save)
Presbyterianism • Each church governed by presbyters (elders) • Brought Calvin’s ideas to Scotland
Anabaptists • Baptized only those persons who were old enough to decide to be Christian • Church and state should be separate (hello – US History!) • Influenced the later Quakers and Baptists who split from the Anglican church
4. What were three major activities of the Jesuits? • 1. founded schools throughout Europe • 2. convert non-Christians to Catholicism by sending out missionaries • 3. stop the spread of Protestantism
5 The Council of Trent • 1. church interpretation of Bible was final • 2. Christians need faith and good works for salvation • 3. Bible and Church equally powerful authorities • 4. Indulgences were valid expressions of faith but not if falsely selling
6. What role did Popes Paul III and IV play in reforming the Catholic Church? • Paul III called the Council of Trent • Paul IV carried out the decrees (beliefs)
7. What were some important effects of the Reformation? • Protestant churches flourished • New denominations (branches) developed. Can you name a few? • Catholic church became more united as a result of the Counter Reformation (Catholic Reformation) • Individual monarchs and states gained power at the expense of the church (nation states) • Laid groundwork for Enlightenment in 1700’s
Counter Reformation (Catholic Reformation) • Movement to help Catholics remain loyal and reform the Catholic church from within