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HNGEA 2012 Annual General Membership Meeting 17 November 2012, 0900-1100 (Oahu Veterans Center)
HNGEA 2012 Annual General Membership Meeting 17 November 2012, 0900-1100 (Oahu Veterans Center) • Election Year (contact MSgt Glenda Buis, HNGEA Executive Council Secretary, 448-7253 or email glenda.buis@us.af.milif you are interested as a candidate for President, Vice President-Air, Vice President Army, Treasurer, or Secretary) • EANGUS National Conference Report • Vendor Booths • Support your HNGEA! Join now and become an ACTIVE member of the Hawaii National Guard Enlisted Association! www.hngea.net www.EANGUS.org CMSgt Ethan Toyama, President hngeapres@aol.com