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2013 MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AWARD . The Young Agents Committee of the Independent Insurance Agents of Georgia. Inc. 2013 MEMBERSHIPDEVELOPMENT AWARD .
2013 MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT AWARD The Young Agents Committee of the Independent Insurance Agents of Georgia. Inc.
2013 MEMBERSHIPDEVELOPMENT AWARD In recognition of the outstanding efforts of a state Young Agents Committee for excellent achievement in recruiting and maintaining Young Agents participation in association activities.
OVERVIEW • Theme for the year – “Perpetuation.” • Increased active membership by 36. • All member agents under 40 are technically “members’ of YAC – no extra fee. • So what number do we use? “Active members.” • Survey monkey – ask all attendees to register to help us improve communication. • Three pronged plan – grassroots, provide reg link “live” at conferences, incorporate carrier reps on board. Winter 2013 YAC Mixer at Whiskey Blue – W Hotel Buckhead in Atlanta, GA
GRASSROOTS DEVELOPMENT • Developed prototype email for district directors to personally send to their “constituents” • Accountability – District directors were asked to forward progress to YAC Chair and Membership Development Chair. • Email contained personal introduction and established open door relationship – also apprised recipient of free registration process. • Careful not to call it a “survey.” • Helped capture young agent information for communication and marketing purposes Part of the Group at YAC Sales & Leadership 2013
LIVE LOOK • Pushed our Survey Monkey registration process live at conferences (again, being careful not to call it a survey) • This sounds simple, and yet we’ve never done it before. We literally made time for an official announce ment during various times of our conference to ask people to stop what they were doing, pull out their smart phone, type in the address, and register as a Young Agent if they hadn’t already. • Used a Tiny URL to make it even easier Conventions, conferences, and mixers give members opportunities to catch up!
COMPANY LIAISONS • Historical company participation • Historical roles within YAC Board • Georgia 1752 Club • Membership Development Committee • Marketing Meetings – who spends more time with other young agents? Us, or carrier reps? • “Calling cards – business card sized marketing tool with website (Tiny URL) and social media info • They were thrilled to be on the board because they get more personal face time with industry leaders • NOTE: During our meetings, we conduct the business portion at the end, dismissing company liaisons. Carrier Liaisons from Genesee General
Target PIA Members • Assisted Big I in reaching out to existing PIA members to high light differences in our associations. • Targeted email campaign. The YAC InVEST Team at UGA’s Career Fair
OTHER SUCCESS/STRATEGIES • Develop relationships with area colleges – future of the industry (and future members). • “Work hard/play hard” – We take pride in our accomplishments, and we worked hard to achieve them. But we are not afraid to loosen our tie when the work day is over. This is key in retention of attendees. • Scholarship opportunities – Genesee General offers many scholarships for first timers at our conferences. • Officers reached out personally to new members to welcome them to GA YAC and offer assistance Dr. Rob Hoyt, Department Chair of the # 1 risk management school in the country, UGA, speaks to GA YAC
CLOSING The Georgia Young Agents Committee was able to be tremendously successful in 2012-2013 because of creative, exciting new ways to engage Young Agents. By incorporating students and encouraging potential new members to see what it’s all about, we were able to grow our membership and increase engagement. Using up-to-date, relevant communications and relying on team efforts, we were able to promote our events and fundraisers with unprecedented success. We’re looking forward to working together towards even more successes in 2014!