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EQ: What do the trait theories believe?

EQ: What do the trait theories believe?. Bell Ringer. How would you, your friends and your family describe you? Give examples of traits or characteristics. Would the descriptions be different or the same from different people?. Trait Theories.

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EQ: What do the trait theories believe?

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EQ: What do the trait theories believe?

  2. Bell Ringer How would you, your friends and your family describe you? Give examples of traits or characteristics. Would the descriptions be different or the same from different people?

  3. Trait Theories Psychoanalytic and humanistic theories try to determine why people differ from one another Trait theories are more concerned with describing how people differ from another

  4. Trait: a consistent tendency to behave a certain way Trait perspective: Describes personality as consisting of stable behavior patterns that a person displays over time and across situations Factor Analysis: A statistical technique that allows researchers to identify clusters of of traits that are related to one another

  5. Intuitive five factor analysis Read instructions and complete activity with group Write answers on the board

  6. Add titles Try to put these 5 words over each column Openness Conscientiousness Extroversion Agreeableness Neuroticism

  7. Five Factor Model Believes there are 5 basic traits or factors to personality OCEAN: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extroversion Agreeableness, Neuroticism These traits appear in all age groups across the world People are not limited to these 5 traits as they are related to other traits

  8. Five factor Model

  9. Animals and personality traits

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