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INFORMATION SOCIETY. M. Gams. Three worlds with different properties Intelligent systems - i ntegra tion of the t hree. ELECTRONIC WORLD. Collapse of time, space. Definition: information society More than 50% of GDP related to information/knowledge .
Three worlds with different propertiesIntelligent systems - integration of the three ELECTRONIC WORLD 21.11.2019 Collapse of time, space.
Definition: information society More than 50% of GDP related to information/knowledge. More than 50% of employees active in the information economy (immaterial labour). Economy based on transition from material goods to information/knowledge (primary and secondary sector, e.g. OECD 1981, 1986). IS started 1970-1980? Constantly growing! 21.11.2019
BASIC I.S. LAWS • Moore’s law (exponential growth ofchipcapabilities) • Makimoto’s law (10-year cycle of semiconductors) • Metcalf’s law: value(network) = square(no. of nodes) or n*logn/Odlyzko(size of network is very important) • Sidgemor’s law (exponential growth of net traffic, capabilities) • Groschs’law (cost equals sq. root (speed)) • Amdahl’s law (T=S/R + P/(M*R)) • Andreesen Lewis Fleming... net capitalism = frictionless economy, informationeconomy, Internet economy, neweconomy(global, liberal, withoutrectrictions, regulations) ComputerLawsrevisited, Computer, December 2013, vol. 46, no. 12 21.11.2019
mMetcalfe's Law - value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of nodesMoore's Law Metcalfe's Law - value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of nodes – social networks - Internet Sidgemore's Law - traffic doubles every three months Andreesen's Law - cost of bandwidth is dropping Disk capacity (+electronic basic properties) also grows exponential Lewis/Flemig's Law - friction-free economy, booming, self-regulating (Greenspan) Gilder’s Law (The Law of Telecoms) - Total telecommunications system capacity (b/s) triples every three yearsPut on the Internet all your information and activities FB:mail The cyber-world doubles fortune (real or fictive?? – current crises) Side effect of information society is information overload Information society demands intensive information knowledge for successful leadership Information society belongs to all of us The Internet is the most democratic and free media in the world The Internet and information society are our hope for the future Laws 21.11.2019
Zakoni informacijske družbe • 2. Joyev zakon: največja hitrost računalnika se vsako leto podvoji (Wikipedia). • 3. Pollackov zakon: zmogljivost mikroprocesorjev se povečuje … • 4. Bellov zakon: približno vsako desetletje se pojavi nov, cenejši razred računalnikov … • 5. Kryderjev zakon: zmogljivost diska se povečuje eksponentno (Wikipedia). • 6. Makimotov zakon: med raziskavami in tržnim prodorom obstaja 10-letni cikel • 7. Metcalfov zakon: vrednost (omrežja) = kvadrat (št. vozlišč) ali n * log (n) po Odlyzku • 8. Keckov zakon: komunikacijske sposobnosti (dejanski promet) rastejo eksponentno • 9. Gilderjev zakon ali zakon telekomunikacij: skupna zmogljivost telekomunikacijskega sistema (b/s) se potroji vsaka tri leta • 10. Koomeyjev zakon: število izračunov na energiji, ki se odvaja, se podvoji približno vsakih 1,5 let • 11. Linusov zakon: glede na dovolj veliko bazo testerjev in razvijalcev bo skoraj vsak problem hitro opredeljen in slabosti odpravljene 21.11.2019
Zakoni informacijske družbe II • 12. Amdahlov zakon: vedno obstaja del problema, ki ga ni mogoče vzporedno razporediti • 13. Gustafsonov zakon obravnava pomanjkljivosti Amdahlovega zakona • 14. Groschov ali Crayev zakon: dodana vrednost je proporcialna kvadratnemu korenu povečanja hitrosti • 15. Rockov zakon ali drugi zakon iz Moora: strošek obrata za proizvodnjo polprevodniških čipov se podvoji vsake štiri leta • 16. Wirthov ali Pagev ali Gatesov ali Mayev zakon: programska oprema hitreje postaja počasnejša kot postaja strojna oprema hitrejša • 17. Zakonodaja Andreessena ali Lewisa ali Fleminga ali mrežnega kapitalizma: postindustrijsko gospodarstvo se preoblikuje v gospodarstvo brez trenja • 18. Kibernetski svet podvoji bogastvo resnično ali fiktivno • 19. Stranski učinek informacijske družbe je preobremenitev ljudi z informacijami • 20. Internet je najbolj demokratičen in svoboden medij na svetu • 21. Informacijska družba pripada vsem nam ali pa vsaj naj bi 21.11.2019
Human Generations 21.11.2019
Computer Generations 21.11.2019
IS Impact on Humans (Lewis) 21.11.2019
Human Saturation Info clock >> biological clock • Terminal velocity • Conflict between biological and information clock • Humans can’t cope with information overflow • Solution: WE NEED INTELLIGENT ASSISTANTS 21.11.2019
Discussion • Information society - technological, human, social • Intelligent systems - SW generation with some degree of intelligence • Intelligence (human, artificial, technical) is essential • True intelligent revolution decades away • Incredible possibilities ahead of us (first technical intelligent systems, later true AI) that may prevent saturation of human civilisation (overcrowded, shortage of oil and recources …) and jump ahead • Kurtzweil : theory of singularity 21.11.2019