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Mambo sawa sawa (x2) ye shua akewa enzere Mambo sawa sawa (x3). Things already better (x2) When the Lord is on the throne Things already better (x3). Mine already better (x2) When the Lord is on the throne Mine already better (x3).
Things already better (x2)When the Lord is on the throneThings already better (x3)
Mine already better (x2)When the Lord is on the throneMine already better (x3)
Yours already better (x2)When the Lord is on the throneYours already better (x3)
來現在就一同敬拜Come now is the time to worship 來讓你的心靈敬拜祂Comenow is the time to give your heart 27.029 來,現在就一同敬拜
來用你的全人敬拜Come just as you are to worship 來 來神的面前敬拜祂Come just as you are before your God
終有一天萬民都來稱頌祢One day every tongue will confess You are God.萬物都向祢跪拜 One day every kness will bow.
無論任何人 只要信靠祢Still the greatest treasure remains都福杯滿溢for those who gladly choose You now
來吧!我們來登耶和華的聖山 配得敬拜的羔羊 D-021/天100
頌讚歸於主我神Blessed be the Lord God頌讚歸於主以色列的真神Blessed be the Lord God of ISRAEL 頌讚歸於主我神 30.027/天156
頌讚歸於主我神Blessed be the Lord God以色列的真神The God of ISRAEL
頌讚祂榮耀的名(x2)Blessed be His glorious name(x2)聖潔的名His holy name
頌讚歸於主我神Blessed be the Lord God以色列的真神The God of ISRAEL
唯有祂能獨行奇事Who alone does wonderful things唯有祂能獨行奇事Who alone does wonderful things
頌讚歸於主我神Blessed be the Lord God以色列的真神The God of ISRAEL
讓全地都充滿Let the whole earth be filled讓全地都充滿Let the whole earth be filled
全地充滿祂的慈愛The whole earth is filled with His love全地充滿祂的喜樂The whole earth is filled with His glory
頌讚歸於主我神Blessed be the Lord God以色列的真神The God of ISRAEL
神啊祢是我神O God, You are my God我要尋求祢的愛And I will seek You earnestly 30.029/天158 神 祢是我神
我心渴慕祢My soul thirsts for You在乾旱疲乏之地In a dry and barren land
我已見祢在至聖至榮地I have seen You in the sanctuary再沒有什麼可滿足我心Now nothing else would ever satisfy
直到我嚐到永生活水But for a taste of living water主祢愛比生命更好Lord Your love is better than life
我嘴讚美祢 我心稱頌祢My lips shall praise You. Thus I will bless You我用雙手來高舉祢聖名I lift my hands up in Your holy name
得見祢能力祢偉大榮耀To see Your power, Your awesome glory哦 神祢是我神O God, You are my God.
因神是愛 E-lo-him 愛世上人God is Love E-lo-him loved the word賜給我們 祂獨生愛子He gave His one and only Son 31.015/天161 如此的愛
叫一切相信的(x2)whoever believes in Him不至滅亡 反得永生shall not perish but have eternal life
哈利路亞(x4) 阿們Halleluja(x4) Amen哈利路亞(x3) 阿們Halleluja(x3) Amen