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Slides from GAW 2013 on GAW basics and future

Slides from GAW 2013 on GAW basics and future. From presentations by Øystein Hov Chair JSC OPAG EPAC Norwegian Meteorological Institute GAW Workshop WMO Geneva 18-20 March 2013. Mandate of WMO. Protect life and property, safeguard the environment, contribute to sustainable development,

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Slides from GAW 2013 on GAW basics and future

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  1. Slides from GAW 2013on GAW basics and future From presentations by Øystein Hov Chair JSC OPAG EPAC Norwegian Meteorological Institute GAW Workshop WMO Geneva 18-20 March 2013

  2. Mandate of WMO Protect life and property, safeguard the environment, contribute to sustainable development, promote long-term observation of meteorological, hydrological, climatological data, incl related environmental data, promote capacity-building, meet international commitments

  3. Rationale for GAW: to understand and control the increasing influence of human activity on the global atmosphere Challenges Stratospheric ozone depletion and UV increase Weather and climate change from greenhouse gases, ozone and aerosols Air pollution impacts human health and ecosystems Socio-economic consequences of weather, climate, human and ecosystem health, water supply and quality, food production. The mission of GAW reduce environmental risks and support environmental conventions. Strengthen prediction of climate, weather and air quality. Contribute to scientific assessments in support of environmental policy. through Maintain and apply global, long-term observations quality assurance and quality control. User driven products and services.

  4. What have welearnt during GAW2013? • ESFRI ACTRIS (Gelsomina Pappalardo) • IGAC (Paul Monks) • The Swiss GAW-support (Gabrieala Seiz) • WHO Air quality and health (Heather Adair-Rohani) • SAG and ET reports • GHG (Ed Dlugokencky) • Ozone (Johannes Stähelin) • Precipitation chemistry (Richard Artz) • Reactive gases (Martin Schultz) • UV (Susana Diaz) • GURME (Greg Carmichael) • NRT (Vincent-Henri Peuch) • WDC (Jörg Klausen) • Airborne observations (Carl Brenninkmeijer) • GEO (Barbara Ryan) • WIGOS (Sue Barrell) • GFCS (Deon TerBlanche) • Ash detection network (Thomas Werner) • Mt Simone Pyramid ABC (Sandro Fuzzi) • MACCII (Vincent-Henri Peuch) • IPCC (Renate Christ) • Satellite activities (John Burrows) • Break out sessions • Communication and outreach • QA/QC and RRR • Socio-economic and policy priorities, expansion of networks • Integrated use of observations Need to account for the human impact on the atmosphere Must establish a science integrity before it is made into services

  5. GAW2013 has reviewed status against the five «strategic thrusts» as defined in WMO Strategic Plan 2012-2015 • Improving service quality and service delivery • Advancingscientificresearch and applicationsdevelopment and implementationoftechnologies • Strengthencapacitybuilding • Build and enhancepartnerships and cooperation • Strengthengoodgovernance

  6. Service delivery

  7. Way forward for GAWseen against current and new priorities in WMO Strategic Plan 2016-2019 «Science for service» • Disaster risk reduction focus • Global integrated polar prediction system (GIPPS) incl GCW • Megacities • Global Framework for Climate Services (GFCS) • WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) and WMO Information System (WIS)

  8. GAW into the future Product delivery focus (issues: AQ, deposition, dust, volcanic ash, climate, NWP, seasonal weather forecasts) Observations, research, services Policy impact/facilitation (AQ, CLRTAP, GFCS, IPCC, new global/regional alliances?). Reduce redundancies and parallel processes WIGOS, WIS Data stewardship Country contributions to research, infrastructure, education, institutional building Management structure; community of practise

  9. GAW links to other WMO initiatives • For GFCS – GAW contributes through observations and services related to drivers of climate change (e.g. GHG Bulletin) and applications in various priority areas (e.g. health, agriculture and food security), through the Research and Observations and Monitoring Pillars. • For WIGOS and WIS – purpose is to enhance the interoperability and availability of high-quality observational data as the foundation for new and improved services. GAW is actively involved in the implementation of both WIS and WIGOS providing insights into best practices related to atmospheric composition observations and data and also to derive benefits from more sustainable and better integrated observational networks; • For WWRP Polar Prediction Project – a multi year research initiative to address the growing requirements for improved weather services on time scales from hours to seasonal in the rapidly changing polar regions. The inclusion of atmospheric composition in the modelling and prediction systems is viewed as a necessity. Improved understanding of processes in polar regions are also expected to have advantages to predictive skills in mid-latitudes.

  10. Points in a GAW strategy 2016-2019 • USER DRIVEN PRODUCTS: AQ, deposition, UV, dust incl volcanic ash, climate, NWP incl seasonal weather forecasts, marine input • TOWARDS “ONE CHAIN”: Research driven and operational observations, model development and application, and services • CORE GAW ACTIVITY: Doing Good Observations, not only collecting others’ • POLICY FACILITATION: AQ, CLRTAP, GFCS, IPCC, new global/regional alliances, and FEWER PARALLEL PROCESSES in the technical underpinning of policies • DATA STEWARDSHIP. WIS (WIGOS). User-data provider interaction • FOSTER COUNTRY CONTRIBUTIONS to research, infrastructure, education, institutional building are essential • Management structure; community of practise

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