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CHARCTERISTIC OF THE ICT SECOR. Technology drivenFast changing and Evolving sectorFast becoming driver of most businessGovernment moving towards reliance on ICT on development agenda. CONT........................................ Strong appeal to the younger generationShaping the way electio
1. EACO 2011 KIGALI RWANDAHR PLANNING IN THE ICT SECTOR By Presentation by Communications Commission of Kenya
1.0 Introduction
The Human Resource and Administration Division is responsible for developing and implementing sound Human Resource and Administration policies, including provision of suitable and adequate staff welfare facilities, application of established Industrial Relations procedures and the management of Pension Administration matters.
The Function ensures effective management and utilization of the Commission’s assets, fleet, security, properties, office services and procurement functions. It is also the responsibility of the function to formulate and implement the Commission’s manpower plans and staff development programmes.
The Division’s moto is “Committed to Excellence” and its functions are grouped under the following three Units: -
1.1 Administration Unit
The Unit coordinates the day-to-day administrative activities of the Commission, which include provision of office space accommodation, repairs and maintenance of properties, office equipment and motor vehicles, security services and procurement of goods and services in line with Government guidelines and tender regulations.
Procurement Activities
Procurement activities fall within the Administration Unit.
The procurement of Goods and Services worth Kshs.500,000/= and above is approved by the Main Tender Committee which comprises of three (3) Board Members, Director-General and Heads of Divisions.
The Committee is chaired by a Board Member, and the Director/Human Resources & Administration is currently the Secretary.
Goods and Services worth less than Kshs.500,000/= but above Kshs.50,000/= are approved by the Tender Sub-Committee, chaired by one of the Divisional Directors while the Procurement Coordinator is the Secretary.
Goods and Services worth less than Kshs.50,000/= are handled within the HRA Division.
The Commission uses Technical Committees to evaluate tenders, before submission to the Tender Committees.
1.1.1 Headquarters Building
At the time of inception in July, 1999, CCK had no office premises, save for some scattered residential quarters.
The staff were therefore accommodated in various isolated offices as follows: -
CCK residential quarters at – Standards and Type Upper Hill Approvals’ staff
Kahawa Station - Radio Monitoring staff
Leased premises at the - Director-General’s Longonot Place Building office, Legal Affairs staff, Postal Development staff and Communications & Public Relations staff.
The monthly rent for the leased offices at Longonot place was Kshs.375,840.60 per month.
CCK Kabete (Waiyaki Way) - Licensing, Compliance residential Maisonnettes & Standards (LCS), Finance & Accounts (F&A), HRA and Internal Audit staff.
Due to inadequate office space at Kabete, the Commission constructed a fabricated timber block and staff in Upper Hill moved to Kabete. The Upper Hill properties were subsequently converted to residential houses.
In order to solve the office accommodation problem, and bring all the operations under one roof, the Commission commenced the construction of the Headquarter Building in Mid.2001.
Some of the Departments moved in, in early 2003, and all the operations and all the operations were moved to the Headquarters Building in mid 2004.
Headquarters Building also house the Ministry of Information and Communications (Minister, Assistant Ministers, Permanent Secretary and a few staff).
The contract sum for the Headquarters Building was Kshs.276million, and so far, a total of Kshs.251million has been paid.
The Final Certificates are being awaited from the Architects (M/s Triad Architects).
Apart from the office complex in Kabete, the Commission has residential properties in the following areas: -
(i) Lavington - 2 Bungalows
(ii) Westlands (Kabarsirani Rd) - 3 Bungalows
(iii) Upper Hill - 4 Mansionnettes
(iv) Kabete behind AFRALTI - 36 flats & 4 Mansionnettes
Staff members living in the Commission’s houses pay rent.
The Commission also has properties in the following areas: -
(a) Kahawa - 300 acre plot, location for RSMS Station
(b) Kitale - 30 acre plot – RSMS Station
(c) Garissa - 14 acre plot – RSMS Station
The following sites are also rented by the Commission for purposes of RSMS: -
Industrial Area Nairobi – Railways Training School
Mombasa - NSSF Building
Mazeras – National Water Corporation
Human Resource Services Unit
The Unit co-ordinates effective recruitment, salary administration, appraisal, leave, medical schemes, discipline, staff loan schemes and harmonious industrial relations including the provision of adequate social and welfare facilities.
At the moment, the Commission has a total of 131 staff members, made up as follows: -
Senior Management - 17
Middle Management - 19
Lower Management - 27
Support Staff - 66
Secondment (CID Officers) - 2
The Unit administers the following benefits and loans: -
(i) Medical Scheme
The Medical Scheme is internally managed, and the Commission has existing credit facilities with major hospitals in Nairobi.
(ii) Staff Loan Scheme
The Commission administers a Staff Car Loan Scheme and a House Loan Scheme respectively, subject to existing regulations.
1.3 Human Resource Planning & Development Unit
The Unit co-ordinates the Staff Training & Development, preparation of Job descriptions, jobs grading and staff establishment, and maintenance of skills inventory.
The Training & Development activities implemented, are based on Training Needs, which are identified by each supervisor, at the beginning of each financial year.
The Commission has been using ESAMI on most of the Management Programmes. Other training programmes are sources from international partners such as ITU, CTO, AFRALTI, USTTI and JICA.
2.0 On-going Activities
2.1 Office Accommodation
Upon occupation of the new offices, it was felt that an interior designer should be appointed, to assist the Commission in identifying suitable furniture for the Boardroom, Executive floor, Common areas, Open spaces and remodelling some of the offices.
Triad Architects were appointed through competitive bidding and a Committee set up to work with the Interior Designer.
The requirements for 3rd floor have been finalized and currently being prepared for tender.
2.3 Staff Canteen
Management decided that staff canteen should be outsourced, and consequently tenders were floated. The tenders have been evaluated and ready for submission to the Tender Committee.
2.4 Review of the Organization Structure
The process of reviewing the Organization Structure started last year and the same presented to the Staff Committee in October, 2004.
The Board proposed further changes which have since been incorporated.
We expect to carry out job evaluation, verify the additional staff required and re-submit to the Board in July, 2005.
2.5 Review of Human Resource Policy Manual
The proposed revised Human Resource Policy Manual was partially discussed by the previous Board. The document is ready for presentation.
2.6 Prequalification of Suppliers
The Prequalification of Suppliers for the next financial year (2005/2006) is currently ongoing.
2.7 Landscaping of the Compound
Tenders have been floated and evaluation currently ongoing.
2.8 Training Needs Analysis
Currently being compiled for the next financial year.
Computerization of HRA
Tenders floated and evaluation currently ongoing.
HIV/AIDS Awareness
Sensitization Workshops have been run for all staff
Seven (7) Peer Educators trained
Pension Scheme
The Scheme is run by Trustees, chaired by the Director-General, and HRA provides administrative services.
Retiring staff are paid their lumpsum pension on the last day of service, and monthly pension paid the last day of each month.
The Scheme at the moment has six retirees.
The process of registering properties from Telposta Pension Scheme is going on.
3.0 International Participation
The Division represents the Commission in the following International Organizations, dealing with capacity building.
i) African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI)
AFRALTI provides HR Training and Human Resource Development initiatives for member states. All member states are English speaking African Countries.
The Commission represents the Government of Kenya in the AFRALTI Governing Council, and the CCK Director-General sits in the Council. The previous Director General had designated the Director/HRA to represent him in the Council.
The Commission is a member of AFRALTI Governing Council’s Finance and Audit Committee, and Inter-Governmental Agreement Committee.
ii) Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO)
The CTO mainly co-ordinates training and development activities for member countries.
The Commission represents the Government in the Commonwealth (CTO) Governing Council.
The Director-General, CCK is a Council member, and the previous Director-General had designated the Director/HRA to be representing him. COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION OF KENYA
1.0 Introduction
The Human Resource and Administration Division is responsible for developing and implementing sound Human Resource and Administration policies, including provision of suitable and adequate staff welfare facilities, application of established Industrial Relations procedures and the management of Pension Administration matters.
The Function ensures effective management and utilization of the Commission’s assets, fleet, security, properties, office services and procurement functions. It is also the responsibility of the function to formulate and implement the Commission’s manpower plans and staff development programmes.
The Division’s moto is “Committed to Excellence” and its functions are grouped under the following three Units: -
1.1 Administration Unit
The Unit coordinates the day-to-day administrative activities of the Commission, which include provision of office space accommodation, repairs and maintenance of properties, office equipment and motor vehicles, security services and procurement of goods and services in line with Government guidelines and tender regulations.
Procurement Activities
Procurement activities fall within the Administration Unit.
The procurement of Goods and Services worth Kshs.500,000/= and above is approved by the Main Tender Committee which comprises of three (3) Board Members, Director-General and Heads of Divisions.
The Committee is chaired by a Board Member, and the Director/Human Resources & Administration is currently the Secretary.
Goods and Services worth less than Kshs.500,000/= but above Kshs.50,000/= are approved by the Tender Sub-Committee, chaired by one of the Divisional Directors while the Procurement Coordinator is the Secretary.
Goods and Services worth less than Kshs.50,000/= are handled within the HRA Division.
The Commission uses Technical Committees to evaluate tenders, before submission to the Tender Committees.
1.1.1 Headquarters Building
At the time of inception in July, 1999, CCK had no office premises, save for some scattered residential quarters.
The staff were therefore accommodated in various isolated offices as follows: -
CCK residential quarters at – Standards and Type Upper Hill Approvals’ staff
Kahawa Station - Radio Monitoring staff
Leased premises at the - Director-General’s Longonot Place Building office, Legal Affairs staff, Postal Development staff and Communications & Public Relations staff.
The monthly rent for the leased offices at Longonot place was Kshs.375,840.60 per month.
CCK Kabete (Waiyaki Way) - Licensing, Compliance residential Maisonnettes & Standards (LCS), Finance & Accounts (F&A), HRA and Internal Audit staff.
Due to inadequate office space at Kabete, the Commission constructed a fabricated timber block and staff in Upper Hill moved to Kabete. The Upper Hill properties were subsequently converted to residential houses.
In order to solve the office accommodation problem, and bring all the operations under one roof, the Commission commenced the construction of the Headquarter Building in Mid.2001.
Some of the Departments moved in, in early 2003, and all the operations and all the operations were moved to the Headquarters Building in mid 2004.
Headquarters Building also house the Ministry of Information and Communications (Minister, Assistant Ministers, Permanent Secretary and a few staff).
The contract sum for the Headquarters Building was Kshs.276million, and so far, a total of Kshs.251million has been paid.
The Final Certificates are being awaited from the Architects (M/s Triad Architects).
Apart from the office complex in Kabete, the Commission has residential properties in the following areas: -
(i) Lavington - 2 Bungalows
(ii) Westlands (Kabarsirani Rd) - 3 Bungalows
(iii) Upper Hill - 4 Mansionnettes
(iv) Kabete behind AFRALTI - 36 flats & 4 Mansionnettes
Staff members living in the Commission’s houses pay rent.
The Commission also has properties in the following areas: -
(a) Kahawa - 300 acre plot, location for RSMS Station
(b) Kitale - 30 acre plot – RSMS Station
(c) Garissa - 14 acre plot – RSMS Station
The following sites are also rented by the Commission for purposes of RSMS: -
Industrial Area Nairobi – Railways Training School
Mombasa - NSSF Building
Mazeras – National Water Corporation
Human Resource Services Unit
The Unit co-ordinates effective recruitment, salary administration, appraisal, leave, medical schemes, discipline, staff loan schemes and harmonious industrial relations including the provision of adequate social and welfare facilities.
At the moment, the Commission has a total of 131 staff members, made up as follows: -
Senior Management - 17
Middle Management - 19
Lower Management - 27
Support Staff - 66
Secondment (CID Officers) - 2
The Unit administers the following benefits and loans: -
(i) Medical Scheme
The Medical Scheme is internally managed, and the Commission has existing credit facilities with major hospitals in Nairobi.
(ii) Staff Loan Scheme
The Commission administers a Staff Car Loan Scheme and a House Loan Scheme respectively, subject to existing regulations.
1.3 Human Resource Planning & Development Unit
The Unit co-ordinates the Staff Training & Development, preparation of Job descriptions, jobs grading and staff establishment, and maintenance of skills inventory.
The Training & Development activities implemented, are based on Training Needs, which are identified by each supervisor, at the beginning of each financial year.
The Commission has been using ESAMI on most of the Management Programmes. Other training programmes are sources from international partners such as ITU, CTO, AFRALTI, USTTI and JICA.
2.0 On-going Activities
2.1 Office Accommodation
Upon occupation of the new offices, it was felt that an interior designer should be appointed, to assist the Commission in identifying suitable furniture for the Boardroom, Executive floor, Common areas, Open spaces and remodelling some of the offices.
Triad Architects were appointed through competitive bidding and a Committee set up to work with the Interior Designer.
The requirements for 3rd floor have been finalized and currently being prepared for tender.
2.3 Staff Canteen
Management decided that staff canteen should be outsourced, and consequently tenders were floated. The tenders have been evaluated and ready for submission to the Tender Committee.
2.4 Review of the Organization Structure
The process of reviewing the Organization Structure started last year and the same presented to the Staff Committee in October, 2004.
The Board proposed further changes which have since been incorporated.
We expect to carry out job evaluation, verify the additional staff required and re-submit to the Board in July, 2005.
2.5 Review of Human Resource Policy Manual
The proposed revised Human Resource Policy Manual was partially discussed by the previous Board. The document is ready for presentation.
2.6 Prequalification of Suppliers
The Prequalification of Suppliers for the next financial year (2005/2006) is currently ongoing.
2.7 Landscaping of the Compound
Tenders have been floated and evaluation currently ongoing.
2.8 Training Needs Analysis
Currently being compiled for the next financial year.
Computerization of HRA
Tenders floated and evaluation currently ongoing.
HIV/AIDS Awareness
Sensitization Workshops have been run for all staff
Seven (7) Peer Educators trained
Pension Scheme
The Scheme is run by Trustees, chaired by the Director-General, and HRA provides administrative services.
Retiring staff are paid their lumpsum pension on the last day of service, and monthly pension paid the last day of each month.
The Scheme at the moment has six retirees.
The process of registering properties from Telposta Pension Scheme is going on.
3.0 International Participation
The Division represents the Commission in the following International Organizations, dealing with capacity building.
i) African Advanced Level Telecommunications Institute (AFRALTI)
AFRALTI provides HR Training and Human Resource Development initiatives for member states. All member states are English speaking African Countries.
The Commission represents the Government of Kenya in the AFRALTI Governing Council, and the CCK Director-General sits in the Council. The previous Director General had designated the Director/HRA to represent him in the Council.
The Commission is a member of AFRALTI Governing Council’s Finance and Audit Committee, and Inter-Governmental Agreement Committee.
ii) Commonwealth Telecommunications Organization (CTO)
The CTO mainly co-ordinates training and development activities for member countries.
The Commission represents the Government in the Commonwealth (CTO) Governing Council.
The Director-General, CCK is a Council member, and the previous Director-General had designated the Director/HRA to be representing him.
Fast changing and Evolving sector
Fast becoming driver of most business
Government moving towards reliance on ICT on development agenda
3. CONT....................................... Strong appeal to the younger generation
Shaping the way elections and leadership changes are effected in the world
Very stiff competition by the players
Intense fights and negotiations with Regulators
4. Changes in ICT sector in Kenya
5. Implications on HR Requirements Highly skilled Techniques, willing to regularly update skills
Creative and Innovative Workers – Need for new and Trendy products
Adventurers workers – Willing to take risk
Regulators need workers who are prompt in responding to sector demands/changes and explore new areas
6. Why HR Planning Need for swift and effective service delivery