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PM TEAM LEADER TRAINING 30 TH SEPTEMBER 2013. KEY GUIDANCE POINTS. Make your appointments! Ensure that targets are linked to the WIGs / School Progress Plan / CA Progress Plan. Remember to reference to the Teachers’ Standards. Arrange a class to be observed within the observation window.
KEY GUIDANCE POINTS • Make your appointments! • Ensure that targets are linked to the WIGs / School Progress Plan / CA Progress Plan. • Remember to reference to the Teachers’ Standards. • Arrange a class to be observed within the observation window. • Collect 3 pieces of feedback. • Return documentation by Mon 14th Oct.
Writing the objectives • 3 objectives: • Teaching group • TLR/UPS or team • WIG or SPP or team • Make sure the teaching group is based on prior attainment data. • Be clear in the ‘how success is to be measured’ section on how the objective will be addressed.
Examples of objectives Performance Management Planning Form Teaching Staff - PM1 Name_______ Mr Teacher _______________ Date of meeting____ 5 /10/12 ________ Team Leader_______ Mrs Team Leader ___________________ 201 2 - 1 3 cycle Objectives for next 12 months: Objectives How success is to be measured Timescale 1. Teaching group. Y11 Greek GCSE : SISRA examination analysis Until June 2013 A* - A – 3 students A* - C – 85% pass rate - Schemes of work containing 2. TLR/UPS or Team. procedures to be applied by all teachers To standardise the - Feedback on use at all levels applicati on of feedb ack - Sharing of good practice in in Greek and the July 2013 meetings setting of targets at - Use of planner to record practical KS3/4/5. work - Work scrutinies and lesson observations 3. Team. - Create the register of Particular Needs students with specific Create a SEN register reference to Greek. which applies to practical subjects practical Particular - Target students on the register July 2013 Needs and develop a with focussed TA support more focused us of t he - Establish a clear role and Tas in Greek. expectation of the use of the TA within the curriculum area Class to be Y12 Greek Observation focus : Teaching and observed in 2012 /1 3 Learning. Teacher Signature ____________________ Team Leader Signature___ ________________
Lesson Observations • Make sure that you give some verbal feedback before the end of the day. • Give written feedback within 72 hours or 3 working days. • Make sure that your judgements match the comments on the sheet. • Move around the room, talk to students, examine their work.
Common outcomes from LOs Strengths • Subject knowledge • Relationships with students • Range of activities • Use of questioning Targets • Allow more thinking time • Differentiation • Pace • Application of feedback and home study policies
Extra guidance to support judgements Judging lessons based on Ofsted criteria . Italicised text is not in the OFSTED Evaluation Schedule and has been added for guidance. Outstanding (1) Good (2) R equires I mprovement (3) Inadequate (4) Some, or all students are making Almost all students make rapid and Most students make good progress and Progress is broadly in line with Progress inadequate progress as a result of weak national from similar starting points. sustained progress. achieve well over time. teaching over time. Deepens students ’ knowledge and Adequate, but does not develop all Planning Enables students to learn exceptionally well. understanding , developing their skills. students ’ knowledge and Fails to take sufficient account of needs. understanding . ‘Effective’ strategies used. Tasks are Activities are mostly appropriate, Activities are not sufficiently well matched Well - judged and often inspirational. matched well to most students ’ needs Teaching Activities but do not meet all needs. Time is to students ’ needs. Time is wasted by Time is used very well. inc luding . least and most able. Time is mainly used well. some or all students . used well. Some impact, but not always timely Sharply focused and timely. Match Additional support has little or no impact Interventions ‘Appropriate’. Good impact on learning. or consistent in meeting individual individual needs accurately. ‘Notable on learning – it fails to narrow gaps. impact’. needs. Teacher/other adult manages behaviour Clear procedures for managing Procedures for managing behaviour are Behaviour is managed consistently well. skilfully and highly consistently. Behaviour behaviour, but not always used not clear or are not used consistently or a Behaviour Behaviour improves in the lesson as a consistently. Nearly all students significant minority of students do not improves (or is outstanding) in the lesson as result. respond promptly to the teacher. respon d to them. a result. Expectations Sufficient for satisfactory progress. Not high enough: progress is limited. Consistently high of all students . High for most students Students learn exceptionally well. They Students ’ learning is satisfactory. Students learn well. Students are Learning limited; students underachieve. Learning respond very well to challenge and There is sufficient progress made Progress and challenge challenged and make good progress. Limited challenge. consequently make very good progress. by most students. Activities and timings are chosen to Activities and timings could have Activities and timings mean that too many Activities and timings are chosen so that Pace optimise the opportunities for rapid progress been arranged better to support students are not engaged and not making most students make good progress. for all students. progress and learning. progress. Progress is assessed regularly and Work is monitored in the lesson. accurately. T eacher s listen to, carefully During the General misconceptions are picked Assessment is not used effectively to help Understanding is checked systematically observe and skilfully question students to lesson up. Plans are adapted, but this is students improve. and effectively, anticipating interventions. reshape tasks & explanations to improve not always timely or well - judged. learning. Assessment and feedback Appropriate home study is set for Home study is not set regularly for the Appropriate home study is set for the group Appropriate home study set for the group . Home study the group . It matches most which matches individual needs accurately. It matches nearly all students ’ needs. group or it does not contribute to learning. students ’ needs. Marking is inconsistent. Some Students are rarely, if at all, informed Consistently high quality marking and Feedback Students know how well they have done students do not know how well t hey about progress. Many do not know how to constructive feedback from teachers and marking and how to improve. Marking is regular. have done and/or how to improve. improve. Marking is minimal. ensures that students make rapid progress . High levels of engagement and commitment Students are interested and engaged. Teaching over time fails to engage or Most students want to work hard Attitudes to learning evident. Attitudes to learning are Attitudes to learning are consistently interest students , or specific groups (G+T, and to improve but some do not. ‘exemplary’. positive. SEN, FSM etc ). An exceptionally positive climate for A good climate for learning. Some off - task behaviour, but major Students ’ lack of engagement/low - level Behaviour of Response learning. Low level disruption to lesson is issues are rare. disruption reduce learning &/or lead to a students Lesson proceeds without interruption. Disruption is not endemic. ‘uncommon’. disorderly classroom environment. Students know the major risks they Students understand unsafe situations very Students understand how to keep Students do not understand risk and may Safety face and reflect this in their clearly and are highly aware how to keep endanger themselves or others. themselves safe. themselves and others safe (inc e - safety). behaviour.
Matching comment to judgement Target: “Give more support for the more able; improve the pace of the lesson”. Target: “Differentiate with questioning to create challenge”.