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Understand geography through the concepts of location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and regions. Learn how people, culture, and environment interact in shaping our world.

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  1. Learning Target: Students will be able to explain the 5 themes of geography. THE 5 THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY 9/24/19 • Take notes on movement & regions • Create place powerpoint slide (15 minutes) • Create human-environment interaction slide (15 minutes)

  2. What is Geography? • Study of the Earth • Anything that can be mapped is geography! • Geography “maps” two areas: • Physical • Human

  3. Physical Geography Map of the physical aspects of the USA – rivers, mountains, large bodies of water, etc.

  4. Human Geography USA Map of States – state lines only exist on maps. USA Population Density Changing over 3 decades.

  5. What is Geography? • Physical Geography • The natural environment • Geosphere (land) • Hydrosphere (water) • Atmosphere (air) • Biosphere (life) • Human Geography • The “built” environment • Communities • People • Culture • Religion

  6. What is Geography? *Geography shows the relationship between people and the environment*

  7. MR. HELP Remembering the 5 Themes • M – Movement • R – Regions • HE – Human Environment interaction • L – Location • P - Place

  8. Geo Me Power point • Make your Title Page • Label Geo Me • Include a picture of you • Include your name • Save to office 365

  9. THE FIVE THEMES OF GEOGRAPHY • Location • Place • Human-Environment Interaction • Movement • Regions

  10. LOCATIONWhere are we? • Absolute Location • A latitude and longitude (global location) or a street address (local location). • Paris France is 48o North Latitude and 2o East Longitude. • The White House is located at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. • Relative Location • Described by landmarks, time, direction or distance. From one place to another. • Go two blocks south of General Palmer and turn right. You are Here

  11. Project Requirements • Directions: Create a PowerPoint about the five themes of geography based on you. • Each Slide Must Include: • Titleof each theme (location, place, human/environment interaction, movement and region). • A definition of each theme. • Each theme must include a minimum of one picture that is related to both you and the theme. • A Caption: Each theme must include an explanation of how your picture is related to the theme.

  12. Location Definition: Where are you? Absolute location does not change. Relative location is always relative to where you are. Caption: It is difficult to see but under the light is the address of my new house. My wife and I bought this house in 2015 and it represents the absolute location of where we live because the address does not change.

  13. Latitude and Longitude Video Latitude and Longitude Rap

  14. PLACE What is it like there, what kind of place is it? Physical Characteristics Landforms (mountains, rivers, etc.), climate, vegetation, wildlife, soil, etc. • Human Characteristics • What are the main languages, customs, and beliefs? • How many people live, work, and visit a place.

  15. HUMAN-ENVIRONMENT INTERACTION • How do humans and the environment affect each other? • We depend on it. • People depend on the Colorado River for water and recreation. • We modify it. • People modify our environment by heating and cooling buildings for comfort. • We adapt to it. • We adapt to the environment by wearing clothing suitable for summer (shorts) and winter (coats), rain and shine.

  16. Project Requirements • Directions: Create a PowerPoint about the five themes of geography based on you. • The Poster Must Include: • Titleof each theme (location, place, human/environment interaction, movement and region). • A definition of each theme. • Each theme must include a minimum of one picture that is related to both you and the theme. • A Caption: Each theme must include an explanation of how your picture is related to the theme.

  17. MOVEMENT • How are people, goods, ideas moved from place to place? • Human Movement • Trucks, Trains, Planes • Information Movement • Phones, computer (email), Twitter! mail • Idea Movement • How do fads move from place to place? TV, Radio, Magazines

  18. REGIONS • How are Regions similar to and different from other areas? • Formal Regions • Regions defined by governmental or administrative boundaries. • (States, Countries, Cities) • Regions defined by similar characteristics (Corn Belt, Rocky Mountain region, Chinatown). • Functional Regions • Regions defined by a function (newspaper service area, cell phone coverage area) • Vernacular Regions • Regions defined by peoples perception (middle east, the south, etc.)

  19. Project Requirements • Directions: Create a PowerPoint about the five themes of geography based on you. • Each Slide Must Include: • Titleof each theme (location, place, human/environment interaction, movement and region). • A definition of each theme. • Each theme must include a minimum of one picture that is related to both you and the theme. • A Caption: Each theme must include an explanation of how your picture is related to the theme.

  20. 5 Themes Rap

  21. Formative Assessment Let’s Go Outside! List 5 human aspects of place and 5 physical aspects of space that you see.

  22. Remembering the 5 themes • If you can’t remembering what they are just ask MR. HELP!!! • M – Movement • R – Regions • HE – Human Environment interaction • L – Location • P - Place

  23. Geography Me! • Describe you, your family, and your world using the 5 Themes of Geography. For Monday have electronic access to pictures that you can use in a PowerPoint.

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