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Understanding the Tri-Unity of God: Theology Matters

Dive into the significance of the Trinity, explore differing views, biblical references, and defend the biblical perspective using apologetics to glorify God. Learn terms like Immanent Trinity, Hypostatic Union, and more.

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Understanding the Tri-Unity of God: Theology Matters

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  2. Objectives After completing this segment, you will be able to: 1. Articulate the importance of the tri-unity of God. 2. Describe the basic terminology that relates to the topic under investigation. 3. Compare and contrast the various opinions on the topic of tri-unity of God. 4. Explain what the various sections of the Bible say about the tri-unity of God. 5. Correlate the gathered biblical information to create scriptural conclusions. Also, you will use the formulated conclusions to assess the various perspectives and to identify the correct view. 6. Utilize the tool of apologetics to defend the biblical view of the tri-unity of God. 7. Apply the acquired truths with the aim of glorifying God.

  3. I. important Questions to consider

  4. II. Basic Terminology 1.Economic Trinity - The study of the activity and redemptive outreach of the Triune God of Scripture to entities outside of Himself, especially the human populace. 2.Hypostatic Union - (ὑπόστασις in Greek = subtance or subsistence) The claim that two natures or substances, one divine and one human, are present in the one person of Jesus. In other words, Jesus is both fully God and fully man. Hypostatic Union 3.Immanent Trinity – This phrase is used to refer to the study of the eternal and internal relationships between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  5. Hypostatic Union

  6. II. Basic Terminology 4.Law of Non-Contradiction – Something cannot be (x) and non-(x) at the same time and in the same way. 5.Person – A living and relational entity that is or potentially is self-conscious. There are various persons within the Trinity, within the angelic realm, and within the human populace. 6.Substance - The essential qualities that make something what it is.

  7. III. Various Proposals Traditional View • Throughout history, orthodox Christians have believed that God exists as one essence in three distinct persons. • Most individuals in this camp affirm both that this understanding of the Trinity is biblical and that is does not lead to a contradictory affirmation.

  8. III. Various Proposals Adoptionism • This perspective was heralded by Theodotus of Byzantium in A.D. 190. • Adoptionismteaches that Jesus was born as a mere man; because of his virtuous character, Jesus was eventually adopted as the "Son of God" by the descent of the Spirit on him. Some adoptionists believe that the bond between God the Father and Jesus was only moral; Jesus earned perfect fellowship with God, not a place within the Godhead. • Many modern New Age thinkers utilize the story of Jesus as an example on how every human being can become one with god, which is an impersonal deified oneness that encompasses everything. Movie Clip

  9. III. Various Proposals Arianism • This view is based off of the teachings of Arius, a deacon in the city of Alexandria. • Arius believed that God created the Son (the term is figurative). As a created being, Christ is not eternal or equal with God. The Holy Spirit is seen as an attribute of God (like love), not as an actual person. • The Jehovah Witness Church (Kingdom Hall) is a modern example of a group who embraces aform of Arianism. They reject the eternal pre-existence of Jesus. Sabellianism • Sebellius was a theologian in the third century. • Sabellianism, or modalism, believes that the names Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are merely titles for the three various phases or faces that God, as one person, has revealed Himself. This camp denies that more than one person exists within the Godhead. • The following modern groups embrace a form of Sabellianism: The United Pentecostal Church, the Pentecostal Assemblies in the World, and the Apostolic Church of Pentecost.

  10. Game Time • ________________ Trinity - The study of the activity and redemptive outreach of the Triune God of Scripture to entities outside of Himself, especially the human populace. • ________________- This is a technical term that is used to describe the amalgamation of Christ's humanity and divinity in one person or individual existence. • ________________ – A living and relational entity that is or potentially is self-conscious. • ________________ - The essential qualities that make something what it is. • _________________ Trinity – This phrase is used to refer to the study of the eternal and internal relationships between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. • _________________ – Something cannot be (x) and non-(x) at the same time and in the same way.

  11. Game Time • ________________ teaches that Jesus was born as a mere man; because of his virtuous character, Jesus was eventually adopted as the "Son of God" by the descent of the Spirit on him • ________________ teaches that God created the Son (the term is figurative) in eternity past. As a created being, Christ is not eternal or equal with God. • Throughout history, orthodox Christians have believed that God exists as one essence in three ________________. • Sabellianism, or _______________, believes that the names Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are merely titles for the three various phases or faces that God, as one person, has revealed Himself.

  12. IV. Biblical Survey THE AFFIRMATION OF ONE GOD

  13. Research Baal and Asherah





  18. V. Systematic conclusionS 1. Every section of the Bible instructs God’s people to avoid polytheism (the belief in many gods) and idolatry (the worship of false/unreal gods); rather, the community of faith is called to worship the one true God. 2. The God of the Scriptures is not an impersonal force; instead, God exists tri-personally (not 3 parts … 3 persons). 3. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are presented in the Bible as eternal and distinct persons under or within the essence of God; thus, the church should avoid the heresies of Sabellianism, Adoptionism, and Arianism. 4. The three personalities within the Godhead work together in perfect harmony; having said this, they do exhibit different roles. For example, the Son is the only person within the Godhead to “become flesh.” 5.The economic activity of the Trinity consumes most of the Trinitarian literature in the Bible; the primarily concern of the biblical authors is to invite image bearers into fellowship with a God who is intrinsically or immanently relational and externally missional.

  19. Christian Trinity and Mormonism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAKH_Y9Y2zs

  20. Holy, Holy, Holy Hillsong Unite

  21. vi. apologetics Definitions Law of non-contradiction:Something cannot be x and non-x at the same time in the same way. Mystery: Anything that is kept secret or that cannot be fully explained. IS THE TRINITY A CONTRADICTION OR A MYSTERY?

  22. viI. Practical Applications 1. God is a relational God, and the fellowship within the Trinity is absolutely pure. Therefore, God’s people should avoid isolation and pursue wholesome fellowship with God and with others. John 17:20-21: “I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; 21 that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me. 2. Within the being of God there exists holy diversity. God’s people ought to welcome multi-cultural customs and various genres of expressions insofar these things conform to the God’s revelation. Old Hymns vs. New Songs Soul Food vs. Hispanic Fiestas 3. Each person within the Trinity is equal in value, yet they perform various roles. Christians ought to encourage each member of the body of Christ to use his or her gifts to the glory of God. Janitor and Pastor Husbands and Wives 4. The Triune God is missional; God calls believers to join the mission (Matthew 28) 5. The Triune God of Scripture should be adored and worshiped (Eph 1)

  23. Triune Praise August Burns Red

  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=md4cLMu9vGk

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