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Actal the Dutch advisory board on reducing regulatory burden

ADVANCING SMART REGULATION, Vilnius. Actal the Dutch advisory board on reducing regulatory burden. Rudy van Zijp, director Actal April 11, 2013. Overview. Dutch Approach Actal 1 and Actal 2 The EU. Key elements Dutch approach. Common methodology Net reduction targets

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Actal the Dutch advisory board on reducing regulatory burden

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  1. ADVANCING SMART REGULATION, Vilnius Actalthe Dutch advisory board on reducing regulatory burden Rudy van Zijp, director Actal April 11, 2013

  2. Overview Dutch Approach Actal 1 and Actal 2 The EU

  3. Key elements Dutch approach Common methodology Net reduction targets External, independent advisory board (Actal) Target groups Businesses Citizens Professionals Local and regional authorities (as source of reg. burden) Inspection agencies (as source of reg. burden)

  4. Actal as advisory board External (not part of government, run by a board) Independent (established by decree) Embedded in regulatory process Advise government and Parliament

  5. Actal: the organisation Established: May 1, 2000 Board: 3 members Staff: 12 members Budget: € 2 mln.

  6. 2000 2004 2008 2005 + Ex post AB businesses + Ex ante AB citizens + Ex post regulatory burden (strategic advice) Ex ante AB businesses + Ex post AB citizens Mandate Actal Actal 1 Checking the numbers Actal 2 Reducing regulatory burden 2011 Ex-ante & ex-post regulatory burdens

  7. Actal 1 (2000 – 2011) The purpose of Actal was to create a regulatory culture where the effects on regulatory burdens were systematically taken into account through: Ex ante scrutiny of planned legislation: each year some 200+ opinions Strategic advices: 10 per year (including advice on progress reports national government)

  8. Ex ante scrutiny Actal 1: Proposed legislation was assessed on the following questions: Are the admin burdens quantified? Are alternative options identified? Has the least burdensome option been chosen? Are implementation and supervision as simple as possible?

  9. plannedlegislation adapted Council of Ministers Planned legislation Scrutiny process: an overview Parliament Input from stakeholders Advice ACTAL Regulatory process

  10. Ex ante scrutiny: 4 dictums Fit for purpose (YES) Fit for purpose after Actals advice has been taken into account (YES AFTER) Not fit for purpose unlessActalsadvice has been taken into account (NO UNLESS) Not fit for purpose (NO)

  11. Actal 1 Focus on proposed legislation Checking the numbers Strong interaction with ministries Ex ante scrutiny of 200+ proposals

  12. Actal 2 (2011 – onwards) The purpose of Actal is to contribute to the reduction of regulatory costs for businesses, citizens and professionals through: Ex-ante scrutiny of legislative proposals with considerable impact (euro’s, hours, annoyance). Regulatory Burden Audit (systemic approach) Strategic advice on signals from society (incl. sector scans) Advice on Progress report by the government

  13. Ex ante scrutiny Actal 2 Zero Option What goes wrong without the policy under consideration (i.e. if the Zero Option is adopted)? Less burdensome alternatives Have the effects on regulatory burden been calculated correctly? Has the least burdensome alternative been adopted? If not, why not? Policy, implementation and inspection Have the effects of implementation and inspection been taken into account?

  14. Strategic advice On specific legislation From perspective of target group Sector scans On policy instruments ICT Common commencement dates (CCM) Self-regulation and certification On burden reduction programme Progress reports Net reduction targets Perception

  15. Actal 2 Focus on perception (signals, sector scans, change of mission) Checking the numbers and coming with concrete proposals to reduce regulatory costs Stronger interaction with society Audit role on systemic approach of government

  16. The EU Burden: 50% of the regulatory costs for Dutch businesses stems from EU legislation and implementation. The EU level can therefore not be ignored. Target of Actal: More ambitious EU approach to tackle regulatory costs and to achieve a lighter implementation of EU legislation in the Netherlands where possible.

  17. EU network of advisory boards • Five advisory boards on regulatory burden, • Cooperation by sharing experiences, seeking synergy, working together vis-à-vis EU proposals (joint papers, early warning system). • Members: • NL: Advisory Board on Regulatory Burden (Actal, 2000) • Germany: NationalerNormenkontrollrat (NKR, 2006) • Sweden: Regelrådet (2008) • UK: Regulatory Policy Committee (RPC, 2009) • Czech Republic: Regulatory Impact Assessment Board (RIAB, 2012) • …….?

  18. Contact information Actal P.O. Box 16228 2500 BE The Hague The Netherlands tel: +31-(0)70-3108666 e-mail: info@actal.nl Internet: www.actal.nl @Actal_info

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