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IBL Integration Activities & Future plans

Impacts / 2013 Schedule. IBL Integration Activities & Future plans. Overall FEA on IBL @ Geneva (in convergence with Seattle) News from IST prod @ Composite Design Integration jigs and related pieces 2011 schedule.

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IBL Integration Activities & Future plans

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  1. Impacts / 2013 Schedule IBL Integration Activities & Future plans • Overall FEA on IBL @ Geneva (in convergence with Seattle) • News from IST prod @ Composite Design • Integration jigs and related pieces • 2011 schedule University of Geneva:G.Barbier, F.Cadoux,A.Clark, D.Ferrère, C.Husi, M.Weber

  2. Overall FEA… Simplified STAVES The goal is to have comparison with other FE models …as for the Stave program • CAD model: IST and Beam pipe not shown • FE Model: STAVE as shell (sandwich material) Service loads… Middle ring FE model: IST hidden for clarity… End ring

  3. Overall FEA… Simplified STAVES • Boundary conditions (BC’s) between IBL and PIXEL BC BC 1G Blocking / 1 end of Beam Pipe… the opposite one is free! Free? Bellows… IST: 6600mm long, K13C fiber at [0,20,-20,90,90,-20,20,0] Inner links between IST and BP

  4. Overall FEA… Simplified STAVES • Preliminary results show NO issue / BP sagging and IBL sagging IBL region Overall sagging: 350 microns on BP IBL region…seems very stable! Colin’s FEA (max deflection): 287 microns FEA from Geneva: 350 microns …as a first comparison! No fine tuning between models so far…  Need tests on IST proto for correlations

  5. Overall FEA… Correlation works to be done soon! • Tests and FEA’s on a first IST prototype (short sections from Composite Design) • Tests performed @ LAPP • (thanks to Pierre!) on: • T300 proto (0,6mm thick) • M55J proto (0.5mm) IBL region Proto sent to CERN for Mock up (M55J fiber) T300 prepreg • FEA gives: 1.5mm for 30N applied • Test gives: 1.5mm for [25-28N] …about 10% difference! Testing to be done soon to check bending stiffness (on longer proto!)

  6. News from IST prod @ Composite Design Based on the first mandrel (1m long) …which leads to 870mm long IST first! • Check the surface quality (as seen it’s good…to be measured / Peek pieces) • Check the circularity and dimension (ongoing at CERN metrology) • Comparison between T300 and M55J fibers (done) • Validate the whole process and de molding (quite easy!) Before extraction In the autoclave (IST in upright position!) The mandrel Prepreg wrapping

  7. News from IST prod @ Composite Design Next steps on IST prototyping work: • Challenge is to go to 2200mm long IST segment (3 segments to get to 6600mm IST) • Needs to work on junctions (including the gluing, centering to guarantee straightness…) • 2500mm mandrel to be manufactured (85mm / h8 precision) + other mold for junctions • Start with one segment…then go step by step (1 junction after the other) Quotation on has been received from Composite Design (order will be placed soon … still need to get a metrology from CERN) junction Working in parallel development with Seattle is necessary (sharing of experience to get to the final results…) • Seattle is dedicated to K13C prepreg for IST and shielding foil lamination on IST (final unit) • Composite Design is a back up solution and provides protos, dummy IST for mock up, and half pipe for Integration stand and Beam pipe container (no VHM fiber here!) Gluing

  8. Integration jigs and related pieces Former design as shown by Didier Latest design according to Stave new design • Jig schedule in 2011: • 1 prototype to test all the steps in 2011 (in aluminum, May 2011) • 14 + spares to come later (beginning of 2012) Central body: 1300mm Stave jig To be interfaced with … 3 fixations over the stave length… to be checked in the wire bonding process Loading tool Middle point

  9. Integration jigs and related pieces Stave jig M1.6 or M2 Pin for location To get access from below Central pin (with clip)

  10. Main concerns (Integration stand for Integration onto Beam Pipe) • Milestone: beginning of 2012 to save time for testing…means 1 year from now (only 6 months for development!)…Gerard will re start in March 2011, BUT it’s tight! A common development with Grenoble has been identified here STAVE driver Beam pipe Container made of dummy IST’s Half pipe as a rotating cradle PRELIMINARY STUDY Support frame 7m long is mandatory at this stage

  11. Integration activities Summaryof2013 Schedule 1 Validation on Stavelets Early April 2011 to validate the principle and launch a longer jig 2 Going to Stave0 length (Based on official design…no turning back) June-July 2011 (to start loading on Stave 0) Could be used and checked for Heater loading @DPNC… Need earlier! Beam pipe container (development @ Composite design) 3 Linked to IST development (April-May 2011) and Grenoble interfaces 4 Target: Early 2012 to start training, tuning,… Stand design and fabrication Stave mounting system May be need of Dummy Bpipe?

  12. Last but not least… IBL Support Structure REVIEW coming soon… • When ? On March, 24 this year • Where ? @ CERN • Who is involved ? • Marzio, Heinz, Giovanni, Raphael, Franck, and the reviewers among: • Ray Veness • Mark Gallilee • Neal Hartman • Eric Anderssen • Antti onnela • Ian Wilmut • The goal of the review is to: • - Sign off the IBL layout, envelops and interfaces • - Confirm interfaces to the beam pipe • - Review and go-ahead for support structure elements (IST, support rings,…) • Review of integration and installation tooling concept Still need to define to which level of details do you want us to go…time is short!

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