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DSAO 2004-2006 Activities and Future Plans

DSAO 2004-2006 Activities and Future Plans. Prof. Yan Baoping DSAO Chair ybp@cnic.cn CODATA-DSAO, Beijing, China, Oct.21,2006. Outline. Meetings Projects Articles & Reports Future Plans. 1. Meetings. The 16th CODATA-DSAO Task Group Conference in Thailand.

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DSAO 2004-2006 Activities and Future Plans

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  1. DSAO 2004-2006 Activities and Future Plans Prof. Yan Baoping DSAO Chair ybp@cnic.cn CODATA-DSAO, Beijing, China, Oct.21,2006

  2. Outline • Meetings • Projects • Articles & Reports • Future Plans

  3. 1. Meetings • The 16th CODATA-DSAO Task Group Conference in Thailand. • The 17th CODATA-DSAO Task Group Conference in China.

  4. The 16th CODATA-DSAO Task Group Conference in Thailand • Held in Bangkok during Jan.12-13, 2006. • Topics: • Data activities reports from member countries • Natural disasters and Biodiversity • Proposal of the construction of the Asian-Oceanic avian influenza comprehensive information system • 31 participants from China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, India and Indonesia • 17 presentations. • Agreements: • emphasized the importance and necessary of the data sharing and application in natural disaster and avian influenza . • to apply a task group in CODATA which focuses on the data sharing and application of avian influenza research among Asian-Oceanic countries and regions.

  5. The 17th CODATA-DSAO Task Group Conference in China • Topic: • Data Application to Natural disasters and Biodiversity • Participant: • Specialist from China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, India ,Vietnam andPhilippines • Goal: • Introduce progress in natural disasters and biodiversity research. • Exchange experiences in these research fields. • Seek efficient ways to promote information sharing. • Discuss future cooperation between Asian-Oceanic countries.

  6. 2. Projects • DSAO Website Construction. • Construction of the Asian-Oceanic Avian Influenza Comprehensive Information System.

  7. DSAO Website http://dsao.codata.cn/index.html • Proposed on 15th DSAO Task Group Conference. • Constructed and maintained by CNIC,CAS. • Functions: • Introduce DSAO activities and achievements. • provide communicating platform for DSAO members. • Promote information sharing and exchange.

  8. Basic columns: • About DSAO overview, history, subgroups, membership and structure. • Publications Articles published on DSAO conference. • Conference DSAO Task Group conferences. • Communication center News, notify, events

  9. Asian-Oceanic Avian Influenza Comprehensive Information System • Back ground • Since 1959, there have been 40 outbreaks of highly pathologic avian influenza, 31 of which occurred in 1990s. • since the end of 2003, many reports on the outbreak of highly pathologic avian influenza caused by H5N1 subtype have come out in succession in Korea and Japan. • Subsequently, H5N1 inducted avian influenza struck such east-Asian countries as Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia and tended to spread. • In 2005, the reports on AI epidemic situation have been issued in many regions throughout the world, some of which are on the infection and death of human (mostly caused by H5N1 subtype), especially in Asian countries.

  10. Korea China Japan Viet Nam

  11. Thailand Indonesia Roumania

  12. Avian migration is regular

  13. An information platform is desired! • Proposed on 16th DSAO Task Group Conference. • Objective: • Development of Data standards and metadata • Integration of avian-flu databases • Epidemiological and ecological investigation • Bioinformatics analysis Platform • Alarming and predicting system • Cooperative scientific research Environment • Information sharing system

  14. Our achievements so far • Data and metadata standards • Databases integration • Epidemiological and ecological researches • Data-access-interface and middle-software development • Bioinformatic analysis • sub-system construction • Cooperating research environment development

  15. Comprehensive Information System-integrates achievements mentioned above • Basic functions: • News, events • Achievements introduction • Data and metadata standards • Data disposal • Data searching and retrieving • Research and analysis tools • Cooperating environment

  16. Data Standard for avian-flu basic databases

  17. Data Input Portal • Input data according to data and metadata standards. • Searching, modifying and saving data. • Supports Real-time data input for scientists working in natural field by connecting terminal equipments with Internet.

  18. Data Access Service-DAS • DAS is a middle software locating between physical databases and clients. • After installing DAS at each distributed website, this software will help database manager to publish their databases. • Data access from distributed, heterogeneous databases. • provides data services in web grid.

  19. Bioinformatic analysis software • GCG Package • DS Modeling • BLAST • ClustalW • Motif Searching • ……..

  20. GCG package A comprehensive collection of sequence analysis tools which contains over 140 programs and can be used to perform high-throughput or individual gene and protein analysis

  21. DS Modeling 1.1 A collection of tools that provide functionality for protein characterization, X-ray analysis, proteomic functional annotation, and homology modeling

  22. Alarming and predicting system Knowledge Integrating Disaster predicting

  23. Cooperating environment • Schedule Planning • Create schedule plan and inform others. • Add Trip and working Log. • Communicating Forum • Question and answer. • Discussing

  24. 3. Articles & Reports • 《The construction of the Avian Influenza Comprehensive Information Systems 》 • More than 30 reports were made on two Task Group conferences, covering the following fields: • Methodologies and Application of Metadata • Data Visualization • Biological Science Data including Biodiversity, Bioinformatics and Proteomics • Natural disaster Data - Earthquake, Mine, Ocean etc • Information system construction

  25. 4. Future Plans • DSAO will continue to promote regional knowledge sharing and cooperating between Asian-Oceanic Countries, especially on data application to natural disasters and biodiversity. • Asian-Oceanic Avian Influenza Comprehensive Information System, as a good start to integrate separated resources, will be unceasingly strengthened under the direction and supervision of DSAO. • Find an efficient way to enhance the cooperation between countries. • Organize a survey on the scientific data resources in Asian-Oceanic countries and regions

  26. Thank you!

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