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STATE OF THE COLLEGE 2002-03 Presented to the

Presented to Foothill-De Anza Board of Trustees, this report covers financial aid trends, faculty teaching demos, and 2003-04 goals. It highlights budget priorities, equity goals, and scholarship initiatives.

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STATE OF THE COLLEGE 2002-03 Presented to the

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  1. STATE OF THE COLLEGE 2002-03 Presented to the Foothill-De Anza Board of Trustees,Interim Chancellor Lois Callahan and the College Community May 19, 2003

  2. Agenda • Annual Report Highlights • Financial Aid Trends • Faculty Teaching Demonstrations • Goals for 2003-04

  3. Annual Report Highlights Dr. Martha J. Kanter President

  4. Master Plan Goals • Achieve levels of excellence in a climate of learning for a diverse student body. • Provide effective pathways to learning for every student. • Improve student learning, student life, and the management of resources through the appropriate application of technology. • Increase access through planned growth and fiscal soundness.

  5. 2002-03 College Priorities • Sustain growth and retention • Increase student success/equity • Implement Measure E • Increase revenue generation • Preserve educational excellence while implementing strategic budget reductions

  6. WSCH Productivity

  7. Partnership for Excellence

  8. Equity Goal • “ Improve the student success rates of all ethnic, gender and disability groups for all major indicators of student outcomes so that they will be comparably high with no more than a 5 percent variance between each group.” • - De Anza 2005: Pathways to Excellence

  9. Partnership:Student Services and Instruction

  10. Financial Aid Trends Cindy Castillo Director of Financial Aid and Scholarships

  11. Key Financial Aid Trends • 2002-03 will be the largest • - Numbers of Applicants • - Dollars Awarded • 2003-04 will see increases • - Fees • - Unemployment

  12. Millions

  13. Examples of BOG Fee Waiver Recipients • Student made $7,456, lives on own • - Parent made $71,742 • - $56,000 in investments • - Family of 5 (2 in college) • Student made $34,960, lives on own • - Independent • - Family of 1

  14. Meeting the Demand • Increased Use of Technology • - Web Site • Information • Forms online • E-mail Notification

  15. Scholarship Awards • San Jose Mercury News Wish Book Scholarship • Collected donations to help bridge the digital divide for • single parents. • Proceeds will purchase computers, monitors, printers and software through the De Anza College Bookstore. • Recycled Computers for Students • 40 plus recycled laptop or desktop computers made available • to low-income students. • Made possible by De Anza College, the De Anza College Commission and the Chancellor’s Circle Award.

  16. Indicators of Success • Number of Students Served • Turnaround Time • - Depends on: • Number of Students Eligible • When Students Apply

  17. Student Success Story • Christie’s father worked at Akrion supporting a family of five. He was laid off in November 2001. • His adjusted gross income went from $61,041 to $20,262. • Christie’s income dropped from $14,727 to $2,039 after being laid off late in 2001. • We were able to offer her a $650 Pell Grant, a BOG fee waiver, and a $3,500 Stafford Loan. • She hopes to transfer soon.

  18. State of Instruction: Focus on Student Learning Dr. Judy Miner Vice President for Instruction

  19. Dr. Carlos Mujal • History Instructor • “Meaning of Democracy and Freedom” • Learning Objective • Highlight the relationship between • individual and community rights

  20. Quotes on Freedomand Democracy

  21. Discussion • How did the philosophical ideas of early Americans influence the transition from confederation to constitution in the United States?

  22. Dan SalahBusiness Instructor • Use of the Web • - Pre- and Post-Testing • Learning Objective • - Foundations of Motivation Theory

  23. Pre-Discussion Quiz • Fredrick Taylor’s goal was to find the best methods of increasing the job satisfaction of workers.  • Herzberg’s research shows that the best way for firms to increase worker motivation is to pay workers a decent wage or salary. • In today’s work environment, successful managers are those who maintain a consistent motivational approach for everyone. • Theory X managers believe that the average person likes to work, and has a relatively high degree of imagination and creativity.

  24. Evolution of Human Relations Concepts Scientific Management • Frederick Taylor • Gantt Charts • Gilbreths Behavioral Management • Hawthorne (Mayo) • Maslow • McGregor • Herzberg

  25. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Rewards Extrinsic = Outside Praise Recognition Feeling of Job WellDone Intrinsic = Inside Salary Increase Promotions Pride Sense of Achievement Status Gifts

  26. Extrinsic Rewards/Punishment • Terry Tate: Office Linebacker • Ford Motors: Service Department

  27. Intrinsic Rewards • Madeleine • Margo

  28. Post-Discussion Quiz • The good feeling that results from being praised by others is an intrinsic reward and a powerful motivator. • Henry Ford was on the cutting edge of behavioral management. • Dan's daughters are named Madeleine and Margo. • Mayo’s experiments showed that Western Electric’s employees could be more productive working in a dimly lit factory than a well lit factory. 

  29. Lydia Hearn • English Instructor • Small Group Activity • Learning Objective: • - Impact of Internet on Communications

  30. Objective: To think critically about the way in which the Internet has affected communication while considering the following questions: • What are the advantages and disadvantages of Internet communication? • What are the implications that come with these advantages and disadvantages? • Can online communication be a viable substitute for “real life” communication?

  31. Lesson Plan: • Brainstorming • Speaking/listening exercise • Class discussion • Wrap-up/assessment of lesson plan

  32. Successful Learning Outcomes Dr. Judy Miner Vice President for Instruction

  33. Plans for the Future

  34. Master Plan Goals • Achieve levels of excellence in a climate of learning for a diverse student body. • Provide effective pathways to learning for every student. • Improve student learning, student life, and the management of resources through the appropriate application of technology. • Increase access through planned growth and fiscal soundness.

  35. Goals for 2003-04 • Increase student retention, equity and achievement • Sustain enrollment and productivity • Increase revenue generation • Implement strategic budget reductions • Continue the successful Measure E Program

  36. STATE OF THE COLLEGE 2002-03 PowerPoint and Report available online at: www.deanza.edu/president/SOTC

  37. STATE OF THE COLLEGE 2002-03 Q & A

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