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The State of College Readiness

The State of College Readiness. Goals for Today. Provide you with information about how well prepared our students are for college and career. Familiarize you with college readiness standards and placement testing

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The State of College Readiness

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  1. The State of College Readiness

  2. Goals for Today • Provide you with information about how well prepared our students are for college and career. • Familiarize you with college readiness standards and placement testing • Familiarize you with the math courses that students most often take at Community Colleges. • Look at the alignment of the NYS Regents Math courses with College Placement Tests and course-work. • Investigate effective strategies for improving college readiness in Math for students entering Technical Degree Programs

  3. Tech Valley Career Pathways Consortium - Goals • To build seamless instruction through collaboration between HS and Colleges that will prepare students for entry into High Wage, High Demand, High Skill Jobs • Increase Educator’s knowledge of skill requirements for students’ successful navigation of Career Pathways • Increase the percentage of students who are “college ready,” • Provide educators with resources to improve readiness for college and careers through more precise instruction and applied learning that engages students

  4. Careers in the Emerging Technologies * Based interview with Local Employers ** Based on 75% of Median Salary report by NYDOL for related occupations

  5. Automotive Technologies – CGCC and HVCC Construction Certificate Program Electrical Construction and Maintenance HVAC and HVAC Certificate Program Manufacturing Technical Systems Overhead Line Worker Certificate Program Photovoltaic Installation Certificate Program Plant Utilities Technology Wind Technology Alternative Fuels- Certificate Program Required Math CoursesTechnical Math – HVCC Math 105

  6. Electrical Construction and Maintenance as a foundation • Photovoltaic Installation Certificate Program • Overhead Line Worker Certificate Program • Wind Technology • Meets Related Instruction Requirement for Electrician Apprenticeship Program –

  7. Alternative Energy – Degree and Certificate Program - SCCC Biotechnology – Degree and Certificate Program Chemical Technician Computer Information Systems and Network – SCCC, CGCC & HVCC Construction Technologies -HVCC Degree Semi-Conductor Manufacturing Technologies - HVCC Nano-scale Materials Program - SCCC Storage Battery Technology –Certificate Program - SCCC Electrical Engineering Technology - HVCC Required Math Courses – College Algebra-Trig Math 150/129

  8. Careers in the Emerging Technologies * Based on interview with Local Employers ** Based on 75% of Median Salary report by NYDOL for related occupations

  9. Alternative Fuels- Certificate Program Construction Certificate Program Electrical Construction and Maintenance HVAC and HVAC Certificate Program Manufacturing Technical Systems Overhead Line Worker Certificate Program Photovoltaic Installation Certificate Program Plant Utilities Technology Wind Technology Required Math CoursesTechnical Math – HVCC Math 105

  10. Electrical Construction and Maintenance as a foundation • Photovoltaic Installation Certificate Program • Overhead Line Worker Certificate Program • Wind Technology • Meets Related Instruction Requirement for Electrician Apprenticeship Program –

  11. Alternative Energy – Degree and Certificate Program - SCCC Biotechnology – HVCC Degree and Certificate Program Chemical Technician - HVCC Degree Computer Information Systems and Network – SCCC, CGCC & HVCC Construction Technologies -HVCC Degree Electrical Engineering Technology - HVCC Mechanical Engineering Technology - HVCC Nano-scale Materials Program - SCCC Semi-Conductor Manufacturing Technologies - HVCC Storage Battery Technology –Certificate Program - SCCC Required Math Courses – College Algebra-Trig Math 150/129

  12. Nursing – HVCC, SCCC/Ellis, CGCC Respiratory Care Dental Hygiene Diagnoostic Medical Sonography* Echocardiography Invasive Cardiovascular Technology* Radiologic Technology Health Care Careers Requiring Algebra II – Trig as Prerequisite

  13. Nationwide Research Findings • Community colleges enroll more than 46% of all the nation’s college students. • Community colleges report that between 42% and 49% of incoming freshmen are not college ready in at least one core area: reading, math or writing. • Local community college faculty report that BOCES CTE students are prepared for their technical courses at college but often experience difficulties in required writing and math courses.

  14. Half of community college students recommended for a sequence of developmental courses fail to complete the first course in the sequence. • More than half the students who do complete their remedial sequence do not go on to pass their first college-level course. • As few as 18% to 25% of community college students who enroll in remedial courses earn an Associates Degree within 3 years.

  15. Aligning Postsecondary Expectations and High School Practice: The Gap Defined, p.3 Policy Implications of the ACT National Curriculum Survey Results 2005-2006

  16. ACT National Curriculum Survey® 2009, p.5 http://www.act.org/research/policymakers/pdf/NationalCurriculumSurvey2009.pdf

  17. College Ready or Not?COMPASS • COMPASS: ACT’s computer-adaptive testing program for evaluating students’ ability to begin college coursework • Internet delivery: allows for remote testing of students anywhere in the country • Currently Hudson Valley, Columbia-Greene, and Schenectady County all use COMPASS

  18. The High School COMPASS Staff Experience • Reviewed the COMPASS instrument • Participated in a Group Demonstration • Discussed how COMPASS could be implemented

  19. Pre-Algebra & Algebra Concepts in the COMPASS Math Test

  20. COMPASS Math Pre-test Results for CTE 2009-10 Cohort

  21. COMPASS Math Test Comparison of Mean Scores

  22. COMPASS Diagnostic Results for CTE 2009-10 Cohort

  23. 2010-11 Initiatives • COMPASS Math Pre-Algebra and Algebra Diagnostics administered to12th grade students who tested Weak in Math as 11th grade students last year. • These students have most Pre-Algebra concepts mastered. • All 12th grade students who test in Weak range of Algebra diagnostics are given an intervention.

  24. Project-Based Learning Course • High school and college faculty • Listed COMPASS content skills • Created projects with real-world applications to review and hone prerequisite skills • Developed a course consisting of 8-10 consecutive projects, each lasting 3 to 6 weeks • Met to review objectives, check for gaps, align content with A.A.S. and A.O.S. degree math courses

  25. Coxsackie-Athens High School • High School Math Teachers: created a College Prep Math course based on the content of Hudson Valley’s developmental math courses, Elementary Algebra I & II. • 12th Grade Students: recommended and encouraged to take the elective course by high school teachers and guidance counselors. • Pre-Test results confirmed the majority of the students had Pre-Algebra skills in place but needed to improve their Algebra skills. • First Post-Test taken at the high school in January indicated progress, and Final Post-Test taken last week documented continued improvement.

  26. 2009-10 Coxsackie-Athens Results: 27 students took the test in September 2009, late January 2010 and early June 2010.

  27. 2009-10/2010-11 Year Coxsackie-Athens Pre-test Comparison:

  28. Tech Valley High School • Juniors took the COMPASS math test in May. • Students’ “Pre-Test” scores were higher than CTE or Coxsackie-Athens students. • Scores validate Tech Valley’s project-based learning environment.

  29. 30 Tech Valley Juniors tested on May 5th, 2010

  30. Course Recommendations for 30 Tech Valley students and 27 Coxsackie-Athens students after completion of a math intervention.

  31. Summary • Prepare Students for College/Career • Address the Disconnect between High School and Post-Secondary Educators’ Expectations • Reach Out, Collaborate, and Integrate for Student Success

  32. Contacts: • Kathleen Quirk, Associate Dean Instructional Support Services & Retention Hudson Valley Community College E-mail: k.quirk@hvcc.edu Phone: 518-629-7055 • Ted Hennessey, Career Development Specialist QUESTAR III BOCES E-mail: thennessey@questar.org Phone: 518-479-6914 • Matthew Howe, Coordinator Office of Testing, Advisement and Academic Placement Hudson Valley Community College E-mail: m.howe@hvcc.edu Phone: 518-629-8069 • Lisa McNeil, Math 9-12 Grade Teacher Coxsackie-Athens High School E-mail: mcneill@coxsackie-athens.org Phone: 518-731-1800 • Dan Liebert, High School Principal Tech Valley High School E-mail: dliebert@techvalleyhigh.org Phone: 518-862-4964

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