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Euro-Urban Solutions: Building Sustainable Cities Together

URBACT is a European program promoting sustainable urban development by enabling cities to collaborate on pragmatic solutions integrating economic, social, and environmental dimensions. Through sharing good practices, URBACT fosters the development of new and sustainable approaches to urban challenges, with 255 cities, 29 countries, and 5,000 participants involved. Jointly financed by the EU and Member States, URBACT aims to implement the Lisbon-Gothenburg Strategy focusing on competitiveness, growth, and employment.

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Euro-Urban Solutions: Building Sustainable Cities Together

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  1. Understanding URBACT

  2. What is URBACT? • URBACT is a European exchange and learning programme (*) promoting sustainable urban development.   • URBACT enables CITIES to work together to develop solutions to major urban challenges, reaffirming the key role they play in facing increasingly complex societal changes. • URBACT helps cites to develop pragmatic SOLUTIONS that are new and sustainable, and that integrate economic, social and environmental dimensions. • URBACT enables cities to SHARE good practices and lessons learned with all professionals involved in urban policy throughout Europe. • URBACT is 255 cities, 29 countries and 5,000 active participants. • URBACT is jointly financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) and the Member States.(*) This European programme is part of Europe’s cohesion policy: its goal is to help implement the Lisbon-Gothenburg Strategy, which prioritizes competitiveness, growth and employment I I Page 2

  3. URBACT Timeline I I Page 3

  4. URBACT II- launched 2007 • In 2 October 2007, the European Commission adopted URBACT II, which will end in 2013. • URBACT II projects each have 6 to 12 partners who work together for 2 to 3 years to develop effective and sustainable responses to major urban challenges. I I Page 4

  5. Understanding URBACT • There are 44 projects grouped in several areas of expertise • The projects are the core of the URBACT Programme. They enable cities to work together, and to develop effective and sustainable solutions to key urban challenges. They are grouped in 9 areas of expertise (Clouds). • Our area/cloud is Human Capital & Entrepreneurship I I Page 5

  6. OPENCITIES FINURBACT URBAMECHO URBAN NOSE WEED OPEN Cities, led by Belfast – UK/NI, is investigating how cities can build the kind of diverse, creative environment that retains and attracts the pool of talent that is available in migrant communities. FIN-URB-ACT led by Aachen—Germany, is testing out how cities can improve the support they provide to small and micro enterprises and projects. URBAMECO, a network led by Lyon – France, which ended its work in June 2009,  has shown that different functions within the larger city and these two-way linkages offer an important opportunity for tapping the unused potential of both. Stimulating entrepreneurship figures strongly in many of the networks in this group. Urban N.O.S.E led by Gela – Sicily, is exploring how to create social economy incubators, which can help structure a series of city services which both meet social need and create jobs.  WEED, led by Celje – Slovenia, points out that women’s participation in the economy plays a vital role in the sustainable development of cities and is exploring practical methods of mobilising their potential in urban economies. Both WEED & OPENCities have much in common with other URBACT networks focussing on the active inclusions of particular groups such as migrants in the case of MILE, young people in the case of MY GENERATION and aging people in the case of Active AGE. Thematic Cloud Partners I I Page 6

  7. One article per expert. Priority will be given to articles which involve more than one network. The themes, subjects and dates should be agreed before hand. Two case studies per network. These will use a standard case study template which will be provided by the Thematic Pole Managers. The case studies will try to provide benchmarks in the fields covered by the network and will only be in network cities if these are of a sufficiently high standard. At least two (enhanced) intermediate outputs per network (thematic reports, papers, articles) ready for wider distribution. The commissioning of one additional report/study per cloud on a theme which draws on the content of more than one network. Depends on proposals. One city lab type event per cloud every two years on a subject which draws on the content of more than one network. Depends on proposals. Cloud web spaces. These will showcase: Case studies Enhanced network outputs Articles Network events (calendar) Relevant external events and reports (calendar) Links to other sites and a growing data base of key documentation on the subject Preparing and showcasing cloud outputsat the Urbact Annual Conference. Ongoing contributions towards the work on cities response to the crisis. 3 pole meetings p/a. In part used to work on the products above. In part sharing methodology on outputs, exchange process, LSGs and LAPS. Articles, short pieces by Pole Manager. Participation in exploratory work on more advanced communication products (depends on quality of inputs and availability of budget). WORK PROGRAMME 2010 Human Capital and EntrepreneurshipActivities and outputs I I Page 7

  8. 1 - at the level of URBACT projects 2 - at the level of the URBACT programme as a whole Lead Expert Damian Duffy - 109 days of expertise Thematic Expert Greg Clark - 28 days URBACT project – thematic & methodological expertise: UE provides support for entire duration of the project re content & working methods. Contribution to overall programme activities on behalf of project & can call on a limited number of thematic experts for ad hoc support re specific topics linked to work programme. URBACT programme as a whole – contribute to development of capitalisation & dissemination activities & outputs of URBACT Programme especially within framework of Thematic Poles. Role of URBACT Expert – 2 levels I I Page 8

  9. Support partners in implementation of work programme, ensuring consistency among all activities; supporting partners with organisation of exchange & learning process (thematic & methodological input); production of interim and final outputs. Provide guidance to LP for the quality of the team dynamics among the Network partners & with ad hoc “thematic experts.” Preparation on seminars (inputs, org, methods) Search for complimentary expertise Assistance to cities for preparation of their contributions to exchange activities Facilitation during seminars organised in framework of the project Drafting of minutes, reports & other products emerging from seminars Implementation Stage: Programme Level Take part in capitalisation & dissemination activities re Thematic poles. Act as a relay connecting networks to relevant Thematic Poles in context of the development of thematic dossiers, organisation of dissemination, communication & information events. Lead Expert I I Page 9

  10. Project Level Support Partners re LSG Process & MA Engagement Production of LAPS Expert input re thematic meetings Visit & support key cities on request Programme Level Burning issues articles – August ‘Economic Migration Opportunity or Threat’ Contribution to City Lab if it happens 1 type one Analytical case study 1 type two Process case study Key Activities for Experts I I Page 10

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