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URBACT Local Action Plans. Peter Ramsden TPM 9 October 2008 Paris. Purpose of the LAPs. To facilitate the exchange of experience and learning……... it will draw lessons to increase their impact on local policies .
URBACT Local Action Plans Peter Ramsden TPM 9 October 2008 Paris
Purpose of the LAPs • To facilitate the exchange of experience and learning……... it will draw lessons to increase their impact on local policies. • To disseminate widely the experiences and examples of good practice collected by the cities, and especially the lessons drawn from these projects and policies, and to ensure the transfer of know-how in the area of sustainable urban development. • to define action plans on sustainable development of urban areas, which may be selected for Structural Funds programmes. • (URBACT Programme document, Section 3.3.2)
There is no rigid definition of what a Local Action Plan has to be • Be creative • It should be of practical interest to practitioners and decision makers • It should aim to use the learning from exchange and other activities of the partnership in relation to the development of local policies and practices. • Consider involving the other partners in a peer review process
For the Fast Track networks • Provide the city with a concrete roadmap and range of solutions to tackle the problem identified at the start of the Network (in relation with the core theme); • Be drawn up in close cooperation with the Managing authorities so that the opportunity for funding through the operational programmes be maximised. • (Programme Manual, Fact sheet 2b, Section 2)
What will it cover? • A LAP may cover a district, the whole city or a larger metropolitan area • A regional authority may produce a Regional Action Plan • In cases where a national authority is involved, the Action Plan may take the shape of a national policy framework involving several national administrations, or a strategic plan concerning a specific administration / agency in charge of the policy issue addressed, etc.
And for non city partners • Universities or research centres may take an active role in the development of an action plan for the city / local administration in which they are located by providing the research component in an action research project; • One or two universities involved in a Thematic Network or Working Group could support partners in developing their Local Action Plans, perhaps through the provision of methodological expertise for instance; • A group of researchers or a group of universities could develop a research program, for instance looking at local policies in a particular area of urban development;
Stepwise • Step 1 Building the evidence base • Step 2 Stakeholder analysis • Step 3 Problem and option analysis • Step 4 Strategy formulation • Step 5 Intervention logic – going from goals to activities • Step 6 Adding indicators, setting targets and working out means of verification • Step 7 Risks and assumptions • Step 8 Bringing it all together and achieving coherence by using an adapted logical framework • Step 9 Final consultation on draft plan • Step 9 Formal signing of the Local Action Plan by all the partners
Example RAP: Regional inclusion plan for the Algarve Technical Information Contents Introduction Note PART I Situation and Main Trends PART II Regional strategy, Measures| Instruments, Targets and Indicators PART III Governance PART IV Good Practice Good Practice III ANNEXES ANNEX I – Matrix on Regional Indicators for Social Inclusion ANNEX II – Process “Mini-Fora for Immigrants” ANNEX III – List of Measures | Instruments, Targets and Indicators ANNEX IV – Form on collecting information – monitoring measures| instruments and targets ANNEX VI – Methodological structure for the follow-up, monitoring and evaluation of the Social Inclusion process at Regional level in conjunction with the national and local level | a proposal for good governance
Example LAP: Outline of MILE Venice • Problem analysis • Overall aim and specific objectives • Main target groups • Activities to be undertaken • Methodological principles of the action plan • Complementarities with other interventions • Added value • Equal opportunities • Innovative character • Financial resources Prepared as one of 3 action plans (over 2 years), over 6 month period
City of Venice European Policies Directorate, Social Policies Directorate, Trade and Economic development Directorate Veneto Region Public Security and Migration Flows Director • 1. The reference context • 2. Definition of the Local Action Plan • Quantitative analysis • Qualitative analysis • Comparison and synthesis of the • two phases • 3. The local action plan for the promotion • of immigrant entrepreneurship • 4.Planning of an experimental training • course for entrepreneurs MILE First Presentation Workshop, Enterprise Development for Migrants and Ethnic Minorities Brussels, 16 June 2008
1.0 Problem Analysis Comparison between foreign resident population in province capital and foreign resident population in province Source: ISTAT data - 2006 Veneto Region: more than 20.000 enterprises with foreign owner (4.3% of the total enterprises) Project co-financed by ERDF within the URBACT Programme Brussels 16-17 June 2008
1.2 Problem Analysis The quantitative analysis will be transferred in the territorial information system of the Venice City Council. The image of the distribution of the minorities in the community, can make easier the identification of public intervention areas. VENISE LIDO MESTRE MARGHERA Localisation of companies with a foreign owner in Venice town centre Localisation of companies with a foreign owner in Mestre 1. Venice: 2,318 enterprises with foreign owner (10.8% of the total enterprises) 2. In Venice 1,574 enterprises with foreign owner are individual entrepreneur or simple partnership (SAS and SNC) for a total of 1.737 locations 3. 92 % of these enterprises with foreign owner have been founded after 2005 4. Principal sectors: 31,3% commerce, 26,6% construction, 15,9% hotel & restaurant Project co-financed by ERDF within the URBACT Programme Brussels 16-17 June 2008
2.0 Overall aim and Specific objectives Overall aim: 1. To develop an integrated business support system aiming to the social inclusion of disadvantaged and under represented people with specific regard to immigrants Specific objectives: 1.To promote business culture and self entrepreneurship as a resource for personal and social development 2. To strengthen and to qualify non-financial support services for business start-up, growth and consolidation 3.To extend financial-economic promotion measures for business development 4.To foster networking of public and private resources for entrepreneurship promotion Project co-financed by ERDF within the URBACT Programme Brussels 16-17 June 2008
3.0 Main target groups 1.Italian and immigrant entrepreneurs and aspirant entrepreneurs 2.Trainers, tutors, business advisors 3.Chamber of Commerce, entrepreneurs associations, professional bodies, third sector organizations 4.Middle and secondary schools students "A me via Piave di più“ event, October 2007 "A me via Piave di più“ event, October 2007 Project co-financed by ERDF within the URBACT Programme Brussels 16-17 June 2008
4.0 Activities to be undertaken Six areas of intervention: 1. Business culture promotion 2. Information and guidance 3. Training 4. Economic promotion 5. Knowledge of the social-economic situation 6. Coordination and networking • 2. Information and guidance: • a. Strengthening of the existing municipal information and advice service for entrepreneurs • b.Customization of existing services to the needs of immigrant users; processing and spread of: • multi-language information tools • multi-media package for intercultural training and advice related to business support • c. Improvement of on-line information for business development: increasing of cooperation with existing portals (www.venetoimmigrazione.it “) 1. Business culture promotion: a. Introduction of TAKTIX, the board game that learns how to run a successful business, in middle and secondary schools b.Radio programmes for the promotion of self-entrepreneurship through a multimedia platform managed by immigrants associations (to be created within FIVE Project) Project co-financed by ERDF within the URBACT Programme Brussels 16-17 June 2008
4.1 Activities to be undertaken 4. Economic promotion: a. Restoration of some spaces located at Forte Rossarol and their conversion into a business incubator for immigrant enterprises b.Agreement with foundations and financial institutions for the increase of subsidised financing for entrepreneurs and micro-credit for starter entrepreneurs c. Promoting and giving visibility to successful experiences, specifically related to equal opportunities, through the foundation and/or participation in prizes for successful entrepreneurs d. Regular multilingual information on local, national and European funding opportunities for business development 3. Training: a. Training programme for business start up and consolidation, targeting Italian and immigrant entrepreneurs (experimental training course project application for recent call for proposals within ESF ROP) b.Training programme for practitioners (trainers and tutors) and business advisors on intercultural training and cultural mediation methods Project co-financed by ERDF within the URBACT Programme Brussels 16-17 June 2008
4.2 Activities to be undertaken 5. Knowledge of the social-economic situation: a. Community involvement and mediation project (« via Piave » project); b. Research on immigrant entrepreneurial strategies; c. Identification, analysis and diffusion of good practices at European level on “immigrant entrepreneurship”; d. Geomapping of of Italian and foreign local enterprises in the Municipality of Venice website. • 6. Coordination and networking: • a. (Possible) Setting up of a City inter-departmental technical long-lasting working group with the participation of the Veneto Region • b. Creation and signing of a “Local pact for inclusive entrepreneurship” where activities and all signers’ commitments will be detailed • c. Setting up of a mixed commission between the City and local socio-economic stakeholders to monitor the implementation of the local action plan and local pact Project co-financed by ERDF within the URBACT Programme Brussels 16-17 June 2008
5.0 main (governance) principlesof the action plan and of its implementation Entrepreneurship as an active tool for social inclusion of disadvantaged and under represented groups, with specific regard to immigrants Equal opportunities for all citizens in the access to business support services; but: 1. Services and tools customization according to the specific needs of immigrant users 2.Integrated business supportstrategy: - it considers organically the different stages of enterprise support: business culture promotion, support in the start-up phase, access to finance, consolidation and growth support; - complementarities between financial and non-financial business support. 3.Inter-departmental coordination and inter-institutional cooperation with the Veneto Region and key stakeholders for business promotion: Chamber of Commerce, entrepreneurs associations, professional bodies, third sector organizations. Towards a “Local pact for inclusive entrepreneurship” funded on the participation in the planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation phases of local stakeholders 4. Municipality of Venice: in charge of the coordination and promotion of the local action plan and pact Project co-financed by ERDF within the URBACT Programme Brussels 16-17 June 2008
6.0 Complementarities with other interventions Project co-financed by ERDF within the URBACT Programme Brussels 16-17 June 2008
7.0 Added Value • The Local Action plan – after being included in the “Local pact for inclusive entrepreneurship”, will focus on: • 1.A common frame between entrepreneurs and their representatives, including disadvantagedgroups under represented such as the immigrant entrepreneurs • 2.An inter-departmental coordination model able to relate also with other Administration and in particular with Veneto Region (Regional participation in the Mile project formalized in the Immigration Programme 2008) • 3.A financial resource increase to develop migrants entrepreneurship , thanks to the coordination of financial instruments existing at different levels: European, national, regional and local Project co-financed by ERDF within the URBACT Programme Brussels 16-17 June 2008
8.0 Equal Opportunities Within the analysis developed: 1. Indicators raised from the research: - among 117 applicants asking for funding (1999/2006) the 16.1% are women, 6 of those are foreigners; - among the total foreign entrepreneurs financed, the 42.9% are women; 2.Meeting with local stakeholders: - a project from the Fondazione di Venezia finances the social microcredit since 2005 and it is addressed to non –EU immigrant women. The Action Plan criteria will be: 1. to foster the quantitative research and monitor the participation and the evolution of women entrepreneurs in the periodical analysis on entrepreneurship 2. to involve regularly in the Territorial Pact meetings the associations and institutions in charge of microcredit for women entrepreneurs Project co-financed by ERDF within the URBACT Programme Brussels 16-17 June 2008
9.0 Innovative Character At methodological level: 1. Lessons and tools elaborated by COPIE Community of Practice on Inclusive Entrepreneurship 2. Valorisation of local best practices as the social animation whit italian and foreign traders in via Piave At strategic and operational level: Good practices developed by other European municipalities for the integration of migrants through entrepreneurship promotion and support, with specific regard to the cities of Seville and Amadora Project co-financed by ERDF within the URBACT Programme Brussels 16-17 June 2008
10.0 Financial Resources Required for an experimental training course for migrant entrepreneurs Objectives: 1. To empower the entrepreneurs already operating in the market and training to improve economic results 2. To offer equal opportunity to the local and immigrant entrepreneurs 3. To facilitate access to the professional association to guarantee information and protection 4. To facilitate relations among professional association, institutions and micro entrepreneurs (ie. migrants) 5. To exceed the limits of the enterprises, especially for what concerns ethnic niche in the market which restrain some entrepreneurs Target: 1. 40 local and immigrant entrepreneurs, men and women, having a working unit in the city who need support on marketing management and improvement 2. Entrepreneurs working in these 7 type of activities: phone centers, food retail trade, clothes and gift shops trade, hotels, restaurants and bars, building trade, crafts (hairdressers, electricians, masks, pastry shops) Project co-financed by ERDF within the URBACT Programme Brussels 16-17 June 2008