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CPI Case Practice Lab 2

This lab focuses on developing skills for dealing with parent resistance, observing family conditions and interactions, applying present danger assessment standards, and developing a sufficient present danger plan.

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CPI Case Practice Lab 2

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  1. CPI Case Practice Lab 2 Present Danger Assessment and Planning

  2. Learning Objectives • Demonstrate skills for dealing with different forms of parent resistance. • Explain primary things to observe about family conditions and interactions (including child injuries). • Explain and demonstrate application of the standards for present danger assessment. • Explain and demonstrate application of the criteria for a sufficient present danger plan. CPI Case Practice Lab 2.2

  3. Commencing An Investigation Immediate Response The investigator must attempt to make the initial face-to-face contact with the alleged child victim as soon as possible but no later than 4-hours following assignment by Hotline. 24-Hour Response The investigator must attempt to make initial face-to-face contact with the alleged child no later than 24-hours following assignment by the Hotline. CPI Case Practice Lab 2.3

  4. Getting in the front door CPI Case Practice Lab 2.4

  5. What do you want? • Who are you? • What do you want? • Who reported me? • Are you here to take my kids? • Has something happened to my child? • How will my spouse/partner react? • What if the neighbors find out or my family? • Are you going to listen to me? • What are my rights? CPI Case Practice Lab 2.5

  6. Lab Activity 1:Opening the Door CPI Case Practice Lab 2.6

  7. Interviewing Children, Alone CPI Case Practice Lab 2.7

  8. Observation Skills • Individual family member affect and body language during an interview • Family interactions and dynamics • Parents/Caregivers with each other • Parents with children • Conditions of the home CPI Case Practice Lab 2.8

  9. Lab Activity 2:Observations CPI Case Practice Lab 2.9

  10. Lab Activity 3:Observations of Environment CPI Case Practice Lab 2.10

  11. Practice: Observation Skills CPI Case Practice Lab 2.11

  12. Practice: Observation Skills CPI Case Practice Lab 2.12

  13. Lab Activity 4:Observations of Interactions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpjinRTSGNQ CPI Case Practice Lab 2.13

  14. Practice: Observation Skills CPI Case Practice Lab 2.14

  15. Observation: Advantages Most direct measure of behavior Provides direct information Can be used in natural or experimental settings (such as family time). Disadvantages Observer’s presence may create artificial situation Potential for bias Potential to overlook meaningful aspects Potential for misinterpretation CPI Case Practice Lab 2.15

  16. CPI Practice Standards: Child Interviews • Child was interviewed: • In response timeframe • Alone • Interview resulted in dependable information CPI Case Practice Lab 2.16

  17. Lab Activity 5:Alleged Child Victim Interview CPI Case Practice Lab 2.17

  18. Lab Activity 6:Interview With Parent (Non-maltreating) CPI Case Practice Lab 2.18

  19. Lab Activity 7:Identifying Present Danger CPI Case Practice Lab 2.19

  20. Supervisor Case Consultation Guided discussions at specific points that apply safety methodology criteria focused on promoting effective practice and decision making. CPI Case Practice Lab 2.20

  21. Present Danger Safety Plan • Created and implemented prior to leaving the home • Least intrusive options given the limited information known at the time • Might include in-home, out-of-home, or combination of both • Supervisory Consultation within 24 hours CPI Case Practice Lab 2.21

  22. Lab Activity 8:Present Danger Planning CPI Case Practice Lab 2.22

  23. Present Danger Plan Sufficiency • Identifies present danger threat to a child • Describes how the plan (other persons, not perpetrator) will work to control danger • Assessment and approval of person(s) responsible for protection • Parents willing to cooperate with the plan • Estimated time frames of plan • Provides details for oversightand monitoring CPI Case Practice Lab 2.23

  24. CPI Practice StandardsPresent Danger Planning • Present Danger Plan is appropriate and sufficient to manage for safety while impending danger assessment (information collection) proceeds. • Present Danger managed for safety throughout the remainder of the Family Functioning Assessment. CPI Case Practice Lab 2.24

  25. Lab Activity 9:Present Danger Plan Continued CPI Case Practice Lab 2.25

  26. Release to Other Parent Other Parent Home Assessment must be completed: • Background check of maltreatment history • Assessment of ability to care for child • Knowledge, skills, resources • Alignment with child, need for protection, plan for protection • Walk-through of residence • Criminal history check CPI Case Practice Lab 2.26

  27. Rebuttable Presumption of Detriment Release of a child to another parent may be ruled out when: • Other parent decides they are not able to care for child at this time, OR • There is a court finding that any of the circumstances listed in f.s.39.0139 create a rebuttable presumption of detriment to the child, OR • Child is sheltered in another setting CPI Case Practice Lab 2.27

  28. Family-Made Arrangements A family-made arrangement is a voluntary and temporary relocation of a child from the family’s home by a parent or legal guardian to a responsible adult chosen by the parent/legal guardian as part of an agency managed safety plan in response to present danger or impending danger. CPI Case Practice Lab 2.28

  29. Congratulations! CPI Case Practice Lab 2.29

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