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Formative Assessment Year 2 TAP Schools. Nicole Bolen and Alishia Ancar November 6, 2009. Welcome. Welcome and Overview Sheila Talamo, TAP Director 212 °: The Extra Degree by Sam Parker and Mac Anderson. Handout. Objectives.
Formative AssessmentYear 2 TAP Schools Nicole Bolen and Alishia Ancar November 6, 2009
Welcome • Welcome and Overview • Sheila Talamo, TAP Director • 212°: The Extra Degree by Sam Parker and Mac Anderson Handout
Objectives • Deepen understanding of the role of the Leadership Team in supporting and monitoring the analysis of student work in the field tests and in cluster • Develop a working knowledge, using formative assessments to track cluster progress and pinpoint specific student difficulties • Deepen understanding of the process of establishing criteria, developing measurement tools, and creating formative assessments that are based on the criteria and aligned to the testing format
AGENDA • Welcome • Formative Assessment Review • Establishing Criteria (I Do & Video) • Tracking Formative Assessment • Lunch • Table Groups Establish Criteria (We Do & Carousel Feedback) • Schools Establish Criteria (You Do) • Book Talks • Final Comments and Evaluations
Pre-Game ShowClass Builder Similarity Groups • Write your favorite sport on an index card • Form groups according to your sport • Within your group, pair up with your closest neighbor not from your school • TimedPairShare to discuss your sport and answer this question… How is performance and progress tracked and measured in regards to your favorite sport?
Let’s Review • Effective Use of Formative Assessments: Classroom vs. Cluster • Challenges • Leadership Team’s Role Regarding Formative Assessments Handout
Challenger/Barriers • What are some of the challenges when creating/utilizing formative assessments? • Popcorn answers • Formative vs. Summative • Student Characteristics • Alignment • Strategy vs. Skill • Planning and developing criteria • Tracking and utilizing student data
Leadership Team’s Role Regarding Establishing Criteria and Scoring Guides • Field Testing information is continuously brought to the Leadership Team before presenting at cluster. • The Leadership Team monitors and supports the development of criteria and formative assessments.
Leadership Team’s Role Regarding Tracking Formative Assessments • The Leadership Team monitors and supports the analysis and tracking of student work • After the pre-test is administered and analyzed, the Leadership Team supports the development of the Student IGP Goal
Leadership Team’s Role Regarding Tracking Formative Assessments • Based upon the progress of data, the Leadership Team may have to assist the master and mentor teachers in refining the criteria and/or detecting sub-skill problems • The Leadership Team is the Master & Mentor teachers’ cluster
Setting the IGP Student Goal • The origin of the Student IGP Goal is the field test pre-test data • Progress toward the IGP goal helps determine when to post-test • Leadership team decides when to administer the field test post-test that ends the cycle
Setting the IGP Student Goal • The cluster cycle goal mirrors the Master/Mentor’s IGP goal. • Master’s/mentor’s IGP guides the cluster long range plan Work Smarter, Not Harder!
Break 10 Minutes
How Do I Get Started? sdrawkcaB Design Backwards Design • Identify Need/Skill • Select Strategy • Establish Criteria/Develop Scoring Guide • Develop Pre-Test • Determine Field Test Group Handout
How Do I Get Started? • Conduct Pre-Test • Use Pre-Test Data to Refine Criteria • Chunk/Segment Strategy • Develop Formative Assessments for each chunk, aligned to criteria and sometimes aligned to testing format • Field Test Each Chunk
First QuarterHow to Establish Criteria and Develop the Scoring Guide Model ( I do) • Establishing the criteria and developing the scoring guide using GLEs, knowledge of prerequisite skills, the guiding questions, and knowledge of the testing format in order to design a valid, aligned pre-test
Guiding Questions • What is the defined need? • Data comes from various sources • What is the targeted GLE(s)? • GLE is appropriate for content area • What sub-skills are critical in order to address the • targeted GLE(s)? • Strategy chunking on hold Handout
How will the pre-test be aligned to the criteria and the testing format? • Language within the criteria will change based on content • Set parameters for administering the pre-test • After examining the pre-test results, are there any grey areas within the scoring guide that must be clarified and resolved? • Don’t keep changing the bar; you’ll never get there • Based on the field test pre-test results, what will the Student IGP Goal be? • Set a realistic goal where all students must show growth 19
VIDEO Alice Harte: Master teachers examining and refining the criteria
Mix-Pair-Share • Find a partner that has the same color card as you (red or blue) • TimedPairShare to answer the question What is critical to remember when establishing the criteria for the identified need/skill? • PairsPair to form a group of 4 (2 red and 2 blue) • Round Robin to answer the question starting with the person that is closest to the floor, moving clockwise How can student data (formative assessments) be tracked throughout a cluster cycle?
2nd QuarterTracking Data • Formative Assessments ARE the student data in a cluster cycle • Before data is tracked the criteria, scoring guide, and pre-test are presented to cluster • Cluster Tracking Chart • Student Tracking Chart • HML Chart • Data must be analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively in order to thoroughly track students’ progress
Cluster Skill-Cycle Tracking Chart Handout Growth Formula: Increase (Post-Test Score – Pre-Test Score = ___) / Pre-Test Score = Percentage Growth *Exception: With a score of 0 on Pre-Test, % growth IS Post-Test score. To calculate a DECREASING score use formula above, but % will be in negative terms.*
Cycle-Skill Student Tracking Chart Growth Formula: Increase (Post-Test Score – Pre-Test Score = ___) / Pre-Test Score = Percentage Growth *Exception: With a score of 0 on Pre-Test, % growth IS Post-Test score. To calculate a DECREASING score use formula above, but % will be in negative terms.*
Grade/Content _________ Skill ____________ Strategy _________________ Date & Color of Modifications: ___________________________________
Let’s Walk Through the Process1st Cluster Meeting With Data • Present, chart, and analyze pre-test data (Quantitative) • Begin defining and categorizing characteristics of student work samples using the HML chart (Qualitative)
Cluster Skill-Cycle Tracking Chart Handout Growth Formula: Increase (Post-Test Score – Pre-Test Score = ___) / Pre-Test Score = Percentage Growth *Exception: With a score of 0 on Pre-Test, % growth IS Post-Test score. To calculate a DECREASING score use formula above, but % will be in negative terms.*
Cycle-Skill Student Tracking Chart Growth Formula: Increase (Post-Test Score – Pre-Test Score = ___) / Pre-Test Score = Percentage Growth *Exception: With a score of 0 on Pre-Test, % growth IS Post-Test score. To calculate a DECREASING score use formula above, but % will be in negative terms.*
…The Next Cluster Meeting • Present, chart, and analyze data (Formative Assessments) from Chunk 1 • Revisit HML Chart • If field testing is the forerunner and regularly monitored by the LT, the strategy should be presented to cluster groups in segmented chunks that can be implemented and assessed on a weekly basis
Cluster Skill-Cycle Tracking Chart Handout Growth Formula: Increase (Post-Test Score – Pre-Test Score = ___) / Pre-Test Score = Percentage Growth *Exception: With a score of 0 on Pre-Test, % growth IS Post-Test score. To calculatea DECREASING score use formula above, but % will be in negative terms.*
Key Points From The Field • Stephanie: Tracking data in lower and upper elementary grades • Tomika & Deon: Tracking data in middle school and high school
…The Following Cluster Meeting Think about what you just heard and how it may apply to you and your cluster groups as we walk through one more week of tracking data • Present, chart, and analyze student work samples (Formative Assessments) from Chunk 2 • Revisit HML chart • Continuously connect back to IGP student goal to monitor progression toward goal • Use the data to pin-point specific problems with sub-skills and individual students and determine next steps
Cycle-Skill Student Tracking Chart Growth Formula: Increase (Post-Test Score – Pre-Test Score = ___) / Pre-Test Score = Percentage Growth *Exception: With a score of 0 on Pre-Test, % growth IS Post-Test score. To calculate a DECREASING score use formula above, but % will be in negative terms.*
Checking for Understanding • Formative assessments are ALWAYS aligned with and measured against the criteria and scoring guide • Formative assessments need to be a mixture of test items formatted and aligned to the high stakes test and test items where students must demonstrate their knowledge in other ways • Quantitative and qualitative data are extracted from formative assessments
Checking for Understanding • The data from the formative assessments guides the progress of the cluster cycle • The data should be frequently measured against the Student IGP Goal in order to determine when to post-test • The data is also used to guide all decisions, determine the success of a strategy, and to pinpoint specific student needs
Half TimeLUNCH 1 hour
3rd QuarterEstablishing Criteria We Do Using a generic set of student work samples: • Table groups will refine the criteria and scoring guide (EMTs will assist) • Remember to refer to the GLEs and guiding questions • Remember to sort the samples into HML, according to characteristics, and use them to improve the scoring guide • Post your finished product(s) along with student work samples
Carousel Feedback • Rotate clockwise to 3 postings • Each member of the table group uses a different color of sticky notes to provide both I Like… and I wonder… feedback for each posting • Focus Question: How was the criteria and/or scoring guide refined?
4th QuarterEstablishing Criteria You Do • Individual school teams will use their own set(s) of pre-tests/classroom work samples to establish criteria and a scoring guide or refine the criteria and scoring guide (EMTs will assist) • If time permits, begin developing the next chunk’s formative assessment • This is often a long, difficult process. Although you may not finish today, this You Do will provide your team with a good start! Handout
Book Talks The sticker on your school’s name tag identifies where you will begin the rotation. • PUNT: The Differentiated Classroom (Laurie) • PASS: Dramatically Different (Sue) • KICK: The Power of Retelling (Vicky)
Post-Game Celebration • Connections, School Gifts, and Final Comments • Evaluations