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LEARNING OBJECTIVES : This powerpoint will teach you how: To form the immediate future tense

The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense. LEARNING OBJECTIVES : This powerpoint will teach you how: To form the immediate future tense To use the immediate future tense To improve the quality of your immediate future sentences. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense.

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LEARNING OBJECTIVES : This powerpoint will teach you how: To form the immediate future tense

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  1. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense LEARNING OBJECTIVES: This powerpoint will teach you how: • To form the immediate future tense • To use the immediate future tense • To improve the quality of your immediate future sentences

  2. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense The immediate future tense is used to talk about what you are: GOING TO DO

  3. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense Foundation All you need is: + Je vais infinitive You can think of it as a formula like you use in Maths: Je vais + infinitive = Immediate Future Tense

  4. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense What is an INFINITIVE? • An infinitive is a particular form of the verb (meaning To……… e.g. Jouer = To play) • An infinitive is the verb you will find in the dictionary • An infinitive must end in –ER, -RE or -IR

  5. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense Examples IR RE ER JOUER FINIR VENDRE = To finish = To play = To sell

  6. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense Je vais + infinitive = Immediate Future Tense Je vais préparer le dîner I am going to prepare dinner Je vais étudier le français I am going to study French I am going to arrive late Je vais arriver en retard Je vais jouer au hockey I am going to play hockey Je vais écouter de la musique I am going to listen to music Je vais aller au collège I am going to go to school Je vais vendre mon portable I am going to sell my mobile Je vais finir les devoirs I am going to finish my homework

  7. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense IMPROVE YOUR WORK There are three ways to improve your Immediate Future sentences : 1 ADVERBS OF TIME Say when you do something by starting your sentences with one of the following adverbs of time : Demain Cet été Le week-end prochain Le vendredi soir - Tomorrow - This summer - Next weekend - On Friday night

  8. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense Examples So, let’s use some of the earlier infinitives together with an adverb of time & frequency to improve our Immediate Future sentences Le vendredi soir je vais préparer le dîner On Friday night I am going to prepare dinner Cet été je vais étudier le français This summer I am going to study French Le week-end prochain je vais finir les devoirs Next weekend I am going to finish my homework Demain je vais aller au collège Tomorrow I am going to go to school

  9. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense IMPROVE YOUR WORK 2 TALK ABOUT A DIFFERENT PERSON Talk about somebody else (your sister, your friend, etc) by changing ‘Je vais’ You will need to know the verb ALLER = TO GO

  10. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense Higher To gain more marks, you need to be able to talk about other people. ALLER = TO GO Je vais - Tu vas - Il/elle/on va - Nous allons - Vous allez - Ils/elles vont - I am going You (singular) are going He/she/one is going We are going You (plural) are going They are going

  11. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense So, let’s use some of the earlier sentences and change ‘je vais’ to a different person to improve our Immediate Future sentences Examples Le vendredi soir je vais préparer le dîner ilva On Friday night he isgoing to prepare dinner nous allons Cet été je vais étudier français This summer we aregoing to study French elleva Le week-end prochain je vais finir les devoirs Next weekend she isgoing to finish her homework tu vas Demain je vais aller au collège Tomorrowyou aregoing to go to school

  12. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense IMPROVE YOUR WORK 3 SAY WHY YOU ARE GOING TO DO SOMETHING You will need to use POUR + infinitive = in order to….. **In English we can just say ‘to’ instead of saying ‘in order to’ but in French if you do not say ‘pour’ then the sentence is incomplete**

  13. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense IMPROVE YOUR LANGUAGE POUR + infinitive = IN ORDER TO... 1. Je vais aller en ville pour acheter une chemise 1. I am going to go to town in order to buy a blouse 2. Je vais aller au cinéma pour voir le nouveau Twilight 2. I am going to go to the cinema in order to see the new Twilight film 3. Je vais aller à la gare pour retrouver mes copines 3. I am going to go to the station in order to meet my friends

  14. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense Can you put this all together? + + 1 2 3 Say when Different person Say why To make a HIGHER LEVEL sentence

  15. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense 2 Different person Higher 3 Why 1 When Demain elle va aller en ville pour visiter le musée de Liverpool Tomorrow she is going to go to town in order to visit the Museum of Liverpool

  16. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense More practise Can you translate the following sentences into English? Demain il va aller au stade pour voir un match de foot Tomorrow he is going to the stadium in order to watch a football match Le vendredi soir nous allons aller au restaurant Nando’s pour fêter l’anniversaire de ma copine On Friday evening we are going to go to Nando’s restaurant in order to celebrate my friend’s birthday Le week-end prochain ils vont aller en ville pour faire du tourisme Next weekend they are going to go to town in order to see the sights

  17. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense REMEMBER!! Once you have learnt this tense, you can use it to talk about ANY GCSE topic: • LIFESTYLE Health / Relationships & Choices • LEISURE Free Time & Media / Holidays • HOME & ENVIRONMENT Home & Local Area / Environment • WORK & EDUCATION School & Future Plans / Current & Future Jobs See the next slide for examples of INFINITIVES on all these GCSE topics

  18. Je vais +…………

  19. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense QUICK QUIZ How much you have remembered ?

  20. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense • LIFESTYLE Health / Relationships & Choices Je vais manger sainement I am going to eat healthily Je vais aller au gymnase I am going to go to the gym Je vais me disputer avec mon frère I am going to argue with my brother Je vais me marier I am going to get married

  21. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense 2. LEISURE Free Time & Media / Holidays Je vais acheter un CD I am going to buy a CD Je vais écouter mon baladeur mp3 I am going to listen to my MP3 player Je vais aller à Paris en France I am going to go to Paris in France Je vais visiter la Tour Eiffel I am going to visit the Eiffel Tower

  22. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense 3. HOME & ENVIRONMENT Home & Local Area / Environment Je vais fêter mon anniversaire I am going to celebrate my birthday Je vais acheter un cadeau I am going to buy a gift Je vais prendre l’autobus I am going to take the bus Je vais recycler le papier I am going to recycle paper

  23. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense 4. WORK & EDUCATION School & Future Plans / Current & Future Jobs Je vais réussir à mon examen I am going to pass my exam Je vais porter des bijoux I am going wear jewellery Je vais être coiffeuse I am going to be a hairdresser Je vais aller à l’université I am going to go to university

  24. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense Now it’s YOUR turn

  25. The IMMEDIATE FUTURE Tense How many of your own sentences can you make using the following tables to help you? More practise ALLER = TO GO Je vais - I am going Tu vas - You are going Il/elle/on va - He/she/one is going Nous allons - We are going Vous allez - You are going Ils/elles vont - They are going ADVERBS OF TIME Demain - Tomorrow Demain soir - Tomorrow evening La semaine prochaine - Next week Le samedi prochain - Next Saturday Le week-end prochain - Next weekend L’année prochaine - Next year INFINITIVES = TO GO Aller en ville - to go to town Aller au cinéma - to go to the cinema Aller au stade - to go to the stadium Aller au restaurant - to go the restaurant Aller au centre de loisirs - to go to the leisure centre Aller à la piscine - to go to the swimming pool Aller à l’université - to go to university Aller à ma chambre - to go to my bedroom Étudier beaucoup - to study hard Préparer le dîner - to prepare the dinner Prendre l’autobus - to take the bus Recycler le papier - to recycle paper Téléphoner à des copains - to phone my friends INFINITIVES Acheter une chemise - to buy a blouse Voir un film - to watch a movie Voir un match - to watch a match Fêter mon anniversaire - to celebrate my birthday Garder la forme - to keep fit Nager - to swim Faire médecine - to study medicine Regarder la télé - to watch TV Réussir à un examen - to pass an exam Aider ma mère - to help my mum Arriver à l’heure - to arrive on time Protéger l’environnement - to protect the environment Leur bavarder - to talk to them pour


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