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Age. ---Presented by: Sandy , Sunny , Jenny , Henry. Various Stages In Human Life. Critical Issues In Childhood. 1. Social Class and poverty. go. 2. Immigrant Children. go. 3. Ethnic Awareness and Prejudice. go. 4. Child Abuse. go. next. Poverty creates numerous problems.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Age ---Presented by: Sandy , Sunny , Jenny , Henry

  2. Various Stages In Human Life

  3. Critical Issues In Childhood 1. Social Class and poverty go 2. Immigrant Children go 3. Ethnic Awareness and Prejudice go 4. Child Abuse go next

  4. Poverty creates numerous problems 1) lack adequate male role models Lack satisfactory day care environment 2) Mother work outside the home 3) Suffer from inadequate housing, nutrition and medical care Less likely to function academically at their highest potential 4) Place children at risk back

  5. children at risk & Low-birth-weight children & Infant deaths per live births & Child deaths per 100,000 children, ages1-4 & Deaths by accident, homicide, or suicide, ages15-19 & Teen births per 100,000, females ages15-19 & Children living with parents without full-time, year-round employment & Families with children under age 18, headed by single parent & 16-19-year-olds who are not in school and not working (Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2000) back

  6. Ethnic Awareness Definition: “conscious recognition of ethnicity in individuals or groups…being able to assign correctly the labels to the actual faces or pictures of various people indicates a basic from of perceptual ethnic awareness” 1) Age 3: develop an awareness of people; target those individuals for prejudicial behaviors 2) Ages 4-5: correctly identify ethnic groupings 3) Ages 6-7: make the identification at close to 100% accuracy back

  7. Prejudice By age 5 Develop high levels of prejudice toward other racial groups One proposed theory of prejudice in children : the social reflection theory A reflection of the values of a society back

  8. Child Abuse Sexual Abuse Emotional Abuse Physical Neglect Physical Abuse go go go go back

  9. Nonaccidental injury inflicted by a caretaker Physical Abuse back

  10. Physical Neglect The deliberate neglect or extraordinary inattentiveness to a child's physical well-being back

  11. the involvement of children or adolescents in sexual activities that they do not comprehend or to which they are unable to give informed consent Sexual Abuse back

  12. Emotional Abuse Chronically belittled, humiliated, rejected or they have their self-esteem attacked ( psychologically destructive behavior) back

  13. 1. Relationship with parents go 2. At-risk, Youth and High-risk Behavior go (1)Substance Abuse go (2) Sexual Behaviors go (3) Adolescence Suicide go Critical Issues In Adolescence (4) Youth Violence go (5) Street Gangs go (6) The Young African American Male---an endangered species go next

  14. relationship with parents *As the adolescent shifts emotional ties from the family to peer, a restructuring may take place in the parent-adolescent relationship. *Parents expectation, which sometimes fall in to the trap of self-fulfilling prophecy ,may generate an alienation an hostile attitude on their part. And the adolescence quickly sense the attitude, and a vicious cycle is started. *Alienation is disturbing to families, to adult members of the community, and to adolescence as well. back

  15. At-Risk Youth are those who live in a disadvantaged status. This may be due to conditions such as poverty, discrimination, family instability, genetic or constitutional factors, parental neglect or abuse, or major traumatic events. High-risk adolescent behaviors are those that youth engage in that make them or others vulnerable to physical, social, or psychological harm or negative outcomes. back

  16. Substance abuse # Research shows a clear relationship between alcohol use by a adolescents and the negative experiences with their families. # Two broad categories of adolescent drag users: the experimenters and the compulsive users. # Drug users are at high risk for AIDS. back

  17. *African American adolescent females(50%) were more likely than white (42%) or latino(40%) females to be sexually active by the age of 17. Among these females, whites(70%) used some form of contraception during their first sexual encounter, while Latino(32%) and African American(58%) females were less likely to do so. *Children born to young mothers face a substantially greater risk of low birth weight , and of serious disabilities. There is a greater likelihood of premature birth with a young mother and a greater risk for child abuse and later emotional and educational problems. Sexual Behavior back

  18. Adolescencent Suicide *Four major causes for 73% of all death among the national youth: motor vehicle crashes(30%), other in tensional injures(10%) homicide (20%) and suicide(13%) ---Everyday, an average of 18 young Americans kill themselves, that is 5,000 to 6,500 each year. * Reasons for suicide commitment : the decline in religion, tension with parents the break up of the nuclear family, and the competitiveness in school. * Attempted suicides may be a cry for help or a call for attention to the adolescent’s profound problem. back

  19. Warning signs on how to spot a depressed child * Difficulty in maintaining relationship * Reduced physical Activity * Morbid suicide thoughts * Low self-esteem * Problems at school back * Changes in sleep patterns

  20. Youth Violence 1. Case of video: shooting in Littleton , Colarado, April 1999 2. Two assailants, Eric Harris and Dylan klebold planned at least 30 bombs in the school intended to kill even more of their classmates. Fortunately the bombs never detonated (explode with a loud noise) back

  21. Factors that seem to influence youth violence * Easy access to handguns * Early involvement with drugs * Involvement with gangs or other antisocial group *Exposure to violent acts in the media * Weak parenting * Absence of a father or significant male role model * Lack of a father or significant male role model * Dysfunctional family life back

  22. Street Gangs For many gang members, affiliation with a gang is their means of achieving status in a community. The gangs acquire in a community through violent behavior and the fear that such behavior generates. back

  23. The Young African American Male---An Endangered Species The young African American male has become somewhat of an enigma in American society. Miseducated by the educational system, mishandled by the criminal justice system, mislabeled by the health system, and mistreated by the social welfare system … they have come in an unenviable and unconscionable sense-rejects of our affluent society and misfits in their own communities. back

  24. Six social indicators experienced by Africa American males * Lack of education * Unemployment * Delinquency (wrong doing) * Drug abuse * Teenage pregnancy * Mortality rates back

  25. The Aged Three basic misconceptions regarding the aged 1. Most elderly people re sick and infirm 2. Most elderly people are senile 3. Most elderly people can not be productive

  26. Educational implications 1. Students be exposed to age as it relates to culture. 2. Educators understand age as it relates to students and their parents. 3. School is the best place to observe child abuse 4. Prevention efforts of HIY must be multi faceted 5. Notice danger signals of suicide 6. Signs for grug or alcohol ingestion

  27. Conclusion

  28. Thanks!

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