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The Best Business Operating System in Adriatic Region

The Best Business Operating System in Adriatic Region. Where are we better?. Datalab Value Propositions. More than 26 . 0 00 users in region Fully localized business op e rating system (in local l an g u age and aligned with state laws)

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The Best Business Operating System in Adriatic Region

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  1. The Best Business Operating Systemin Adriatic Region

  2. Where are we better? Datalab Value Propositions • More than 26.000 users in region • Fully localized business operating system (inlocal language and aligned with state laws) • ISACA Certified (Information Systems Audit and Control Association) • Local Partner support • 102 partners, 374 certified consultants • Support for VPN tunnelling • Staff training program • Control expense • Licences model tailored to customer needs • Ease of use • Self-intuitive user interface with special help Wizards • Video and text How-To instructions

  3. Datalab Adriatic Footprint • PANTHEON™ Team • Datalab develops; subidiaries resell, support partners and localize; partners sell, implement and support end users. • 75 SIS Partners(Sales, Implementation, Support) • 107DEV Partners (Development) • 500+ ACC (Accounting) partners providing accounting services in PANTHEON™ Corporation Headquartersin Slovenia Subsidiaries in Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Bulgaria

  4. PANTHEON™ 5.5 – How Does it Work

  5. PANTHEON™ Key Capabilities and Business Value • Datalab proposition grants small and mid size companies access to powerful • business information systems so far available only to large organisations. • Fully localized • For all economy branches (service, trade, manufacturing) • Easy to use • At corporate quality • At affordable price Select your Infrastructure – minimize costs!

  6. References

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