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Exploring Fractions, Decimals & Percentages at Spurcroft Primary School

Introduction of fractions, decimals, and percentages at different year levels with key vocabulary and real-life contexts. Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract concept emphasized. Engaging activities both at school and at home. Relevant websites for further learning provided.

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Exploring Fractions, Decimals & Percentages at Spurcroft Primary School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Fractions, Decimals, Percentages Spurcroft Primary School

  2. When are they introduced? Fractions Decimals Year 3- Counting in tenths Percentages EYFS- introduce concept of halving Year 5- simple fraction-percentage equivalences

  3. Key Vocabulary A fraction is a part of a whole Percent (out of 100)

  4. Real- Life Contexts decade PER CENT (out of every) (100) DECIMAL decagon century centurion

  5. Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract Concept: Children need to understand what a fraction/decimal/percentage is. When we divide a whole into equal parts, we create fractions. A fraction is just an equal part.

  6. Fractions, Decimals, Percentages at Home Using decimal notation for coins and total amounts. Sharing food and toys equally Cutting food into equal pieces/parts Relating to measure- ½, ¼ of a litre Reduced prices in sales

  7. Some Websites • https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/fractions-and-decimals - FDP games • www.mymaths.co.uk – lessons

  8. MyMaths- lessons

  9. What will you see? • Visual models used within FDP teaching • Modelling of the formal and practical methods for each year group • Problem solving examples • Resources used for multiplication and division • Books with examples of learning • Please feel free to ask the children any questions you have- they are the experts! 

  10. Where to go! • Year 1 and Year 2- stay in Mapledurham Hall • Year 3- Juniper class • Year 4- Pine class • Year 5- Mulberry class • Year 6- Maple Class

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