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BOĞAZİÇİ UNIVERSITY IN ATLAS- ID TRT. Involvement of the ATLAS team of the Exp -HEP group of Boğaziçi University in TRT by Serkant Ali Çetin TRT Special Event – 26.06.2013. BOĞAZİÇİ JOINING TRT.
BOĞAZİÇİ UNIVERSITYIN ATLAS-ID TRT Involvement of the ATLAS team of theExp-HEP group of Boğaziçi University in TRT by Serkant Ali Çetin TRT SpecialEvent – 26.06.2013
BOĞAZİÇİ JOINING TRT Boğaziçi University has been a member of the ATLAS Collaboration since 1994. Boğaziçi joined ATLAS undertheleadership of Engin ARIKandparticipated in thestudies of the ATLAS-TDAQcollaboration since thebeginning. In 1999 Boğaziçi teamjoinedthe ATLAS-ID-TRT collaboration: TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
ACTIVITIES of BOĞAZİÇİ in TRT Activities of Boğaziçi can be grouped in thefollowingmainheadings: Test beamperformancestudies Inducedradioactivity Software SR1 Test Facility TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
ACTIVITIES of BOĞAZİÇİ in TRTTest BeamPerformanceStudies /1999-2000 In1999, Engin Arık withM.Sc. studentsBükem Bilen, Özlem Çelik and Özgül Öztürk, participated in: - thepreparation of theprototypeto be used in the test beam - data taking - data analysis In2000, Ph.D. studentSerkant Çetin joined TRT studiesandtogetherwith Engin Arık continuedparticipation in test beamsand data analysis. TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
ACTIVITIES of BOĞAZİÇİ in TRTTest BeamPerformanceStudies / 2000-2001 Boğaziçi contributedtothemaintenance of the software used online and offline. Boğaziçi teamwrotethefirsteventdisplayusedduringthe test runsandwasresponsibleforthemaintenanceandoperation of theeventdisplay. TheeventdisplayshowedtheLL/HL hit informationforallstrawsread-outthroughtheprototype.When a strawwasclicked, the time evolutionwasshown as well. TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
ACTIVITIES of BOĞAZİÇİ in TRTTest BeamPerformanceStudies / 2000-2001 ## COMMAND FOR HELP ## proc god {} { tk_messageBox -message “God help you !" -type ok } TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
ACTIVITIES of BOĞAZİÇİ in TRTTest BeamPerformanceStudies / 2001-2002 Resolutionandefficiencystudieswereperformedforthresholdandpositionscans. TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
ACTIVITIES of BOĞAZİÇİ in TRTInducedRadioactivity / 2000-2002 A studyabouttheinducedradioactivitywas done for thefirst time. All TRT material, knownuptodate, wasstudied in terms of theirneutroncapturecrosssections. Duetothehighneutronfluxmostmaterialcouldhavegainedinducedradioactivityandthiswasstudied as a function of time andposition. TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
ACTIVITIES of BOĞAZİÇİ in TRTInducedRadioactivity / 2000-2002 Later, theactivegassystem of the TRT wasalsostudied. Duetotheactivation of xenon, differentparts of thegassystemwereanalysed in terms of radiationsafety. Two ATLAS InternalNoteswerepublishedaboutInducedRadioactivity of the TRT. Later on, a workgroupwasformed in ATLAS foractivationstudies in general. TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
The2001 TRT Workshop washostedby Boğaziçi TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
Somesnapshots of the TRT Workshop in İstanbul TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
Somesnapshots of the TRT Workshop in İstanbul TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
ACTIVITIES of BOĞAZİÇİ in TRT2003-2006 Serkantfinished his PhDend of 2002 andwasoffformilitary service in 2003-4. In 2005, Serkantbecame a faculty in Doğuş U. of İstanbul andDoğuş U. became a sub-institute of Boğaziçi U. in ATLAS. Duetosomenationalfundingproblems, Boğaziçi was not abletosendpeopletoCERNeasily. Meanwhile Engin Arık wascontributingtothedevelopment of themonitoringcoderemotelyandparticipating in the test beamswhenshecould be at CERN. MScstudents Engin Abat and Berkol Doğan joined TRT for a veryshortperiodaround 2006. TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
ACTIVITIES of BOĞAZİÇİ in TRTSoftware / 2006-2007 M.Sc. students Serhat Iştın and Neslihan Becerici joined TRT. Theystartedcontributingtothedevelopment of themonitoringcode. Engin Arık invitedGaziantep Universitytojoin ATLAS andcollaboratewithin TRT. Gaziantep U.alsobecame a sub-institute of Boğaziçi U. in ATLAS. Andrew Beddall, Ayda Beddalland Ahmet Bingül from Gaziantep U. startedtocontribute in software. TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
The fourth Workshop of the Turkish Accelerator Center (TAC) Project was to take place at Isparta between 30.11-02.12 2007. 10 Turkish universities collaborate in this project. Among these10, Boğaziçi andDoğuş Universities (both in Istanbul) were close collaborators also in other projects. Three members of the Boğaziçi team and three from Doğuş team took the same late night flight from İstanbul to Isparta. The plane took off with a delay of a couple of hours and when it was about to land, crashed into a hill near Isparta airport. None out of the 50 passengers and 7 crew survived. Boğaziçi team had three members in the project, Engin Arık, Berkol Doğan and Engin Abat; all three were in the plane. Doğuş University had four members; three of them were in the plane, Şenel Boydağ, İskender Hikmet and Mustafa Fidan, the other member,Serkant Cetin, would join the meeting later on. Besides the TAC project, EnginArık, ŞenelBoydağ, İskenderHikmet and BerkolDoğan were also members of the CASTCollaboration at CERN. EnginArık, BerkolDoğan and EnginAbat also collaborated in the ATLAS Experiment at CERN. EnginArık was the team leader of the Experimental High Energy Physics group in ATLAS. She also acted as the ATLAS National Contact Physicist for Turkey. Her group was lately involved in ATLAS, CAST and TAC projects. Her former studentSerkant Cetin, joined Doğuş University after completing his PhD at Boğaziçi. ŞenelBoydağ was the chair of the Physics Division at Doğuş University. Within a year, Boğaziçi and Doğuş groups formed a very close and effective scientific collaboration working on the projects mentioned above. This was achieved mainly due to the inspiring and motivating nature of the two leaders, EnginArık and ŞenelBoydağ, and by the harmony and dedication of the groupmembers. They are sorely missed… November30th, 2007 TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
Engin’s name, sometimeshavingbeingpronounced as “engine” bypeopleactuallymeansdeepandimmense, whichreallyreflectshowmuchenergyshe had andthatshewasthedrivingforce in manyfields in Turkey. Shecollaborated in theCERNexperimentsSMC, CHORUS, ATLAS andCAST. Manyyoungandevenseniorpeoplehavebeeninspiredandmotivatedby her towards hep, detectorandacceleratorphysics. Shewasthestrongestvoiceandthemainpower in pushingforwardtheTurkishAcceleratorComplex, CERNmembersipand a betternationalorganization in thefield. Itwasthebiggestchanceandhonortohavecarriedoutmygraduatestudieswith her andthencontinuecollaboratingwith her in variousprojects. TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
ACTIVITIES of BOĞAZİÇİ in TRTSoftware / 2007 - present Boğaziçi has beeninvolved in severaltasksmostlythrough Gaziantep group: Reduction of theG4 hit size on disk forthe TRT whichledto 74% reductionforthe TRT, correspondingto a 31% reductionforthe ATLAS detector as a whole (ATL-COM-INDET-2010-014). CPU andmemorymonitoringstudieswhichresulted in reducing TRT digitization CPU bymorethan 50%. Boğaziçi MScstudents Serhat Iştın and Neslihan Becerici gotinvolved in TRT Montoringandpreparation of data qualityhistogramsandconfigurationsforhistogramanalyserframework. Software developmentforcosmics. TRT Alignmentstudies. TRT HighLevelTriggerstudies. Responsibilityforthedevelopmentandmaintenance of the TRT digitizationworking on speedup, tuning, FastOR, Argon and general maintenance. Andrew is theco-convenerforthe TRT offline SWworkgroup. TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
ACTIVITIES of BOĞAZİÇİ in TRTSR1 Test Facility / 2009-2010 Gaziantep MScstudent Faruk Diblenworked in thepreparationandtesting of thesystem at SR1 (ATL-COM-INDET-2010-035): Tuningandmaintainingthe server usedfortheDAQ, modifiyingandtestingtheDAQfortheSR1system. Testingthechips on thedetectorandtheelectroniccards (RODPP, TTCPP, LVPP). Mechanicalworkincludingcables, gassystem, coolingsystem. Preparingthetriggersystemandnecessarydatabase. TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin
BOĞAZİÇİ IN TRT It'sbeen an enormouspleasuretoworkwithinand be a part of theTRT family. 2 MScand 1 PhDthesiswerecompleted in TRT. WewouldliketogivespecialthankstotheTRT projectleadersandpastandpresentconveners, who not onlyhelped TRT to be a magnificiantdetector (great_TRT) but alsogavesomuch time andefforttosupporttheTurkishinstitutesduringtheirhardesttimes. Locally it wasMetin Arık (Engin’shusband) during his deepestsorrow, whosuppliedallthehelptoourteamanddid not let it disappear. Weareallgratefultohim. The Boğaziçi team has now 4 faculties (although not fte’s) in TRT: Ahmet, Andrew, Ayda andSerkant. Wearelookingforwardtothecontinuation of thesuccessfuloperation of ourdetectorleadingtomoreandexcitingdiscoveries… TRT Special Event / Serkant Ali Çetin