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Korea and the World (6) Global Warming & Climate Change

Korea and the World (6) Global Warming & Climate Change. 2010. 4. 6 김 병 구 bkkim9@gmail.com. This Week in Brief. 천안함 원인규명 본격화 오바마 미 동부 연안 유전개발 승인 취업난 해소 , 에너지 독립 국내 글로벌 에티켓 낙제점수 외국인에게 “culture shock” G20 회담 계기로 생활예절 upgrade 기타. Global Warming - Evidence.

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Korea and the World (6) Global Warming & Climate Change

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  1. Korea and the World(6)Global Warming & Climate Change 2010. 4. 6 김 병 구 bkkim9@gmail.com

  2. This Week in Brief • 천안함 원인규명 본격화 • 오바마 미 동부 연안 유전개발 승인 • 취업난 해소, 에너지 독립 • 국내 글로벌 에티켓 낙제점수 • 외국인에게 “culture shock” • G20 회담 계기로 생활예절 upgrade • 기타

  3. Global Warming - Evidence • World’s mean temperature rising • Sea level rising • Snow cap, arctic ice melting • Frequent droughts, floods, forest fires, yellow sands • Ecology changing, food crisis • Drinking water shortage

  4. The World is Getting Warmer

  5. Sea Levels Are Rising

  6. Snow cover is disappearing

  7. Global Warming - Mechanism • Greenhouse Gas (GHG) effect • CO2 emission from burning fossil fuel • Coal/oil/gas increasing consumption • Limited resources, unfit for burning • Most heat/electricity production, transportation burns fossil fuel • Must save for petrochemicals

  8. Global Warming - Mitigations • Low carbon green growth economy • Energy efficiency, conservation efforts • Introduce carbon tax system • UN climate change initiatives • Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012 • New Protocol in Copenhagen, Dec. 2009

  9. Copenhagen Protocol • UNFCCC (Framework Convention on Climate Change) • 192 Member States (S/N Korea 포함) • COP-15 held in Copenhagen, Dec. 2009 • New legally binding protocol by 2012 • Each MS commits to GHG emission level • Major polluters expected to ratify

  10. “An Inconvenient Truth 불편한 진실” • 2006 documentary film by Al Gore • US vice president under Clinton • Defeated by Bush in 2000 US presidential election • Converted to “Global Warming” advocate • 2007 Nobel Peace Prize Increase global awareness Identify the causes, mechanism Develop mitigation strategy www.climatecrisis.net

  11. Discussion • What is my feeling about the global warming, and how serious is it?

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