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POETRY TERMS. AKA: POETIC DEVICES FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE FIGUES OF SPEECH. Why are poetic devices important?. They are integral to any poem in that they are there to create sounds and pictures within poetry.
Why are poetic devices important? • They are integral to any poem in that they are there to create sounds and pictures within poetry. • Every poet wants to take their reader to another place and entertain them with imagination.
What poetic device is being used? • Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. • He’s as sharp as a tack. • I slept like a log. • SIMILE
What poetic device is being used? • Her mind is a prison. • The man is a devil. • Couch potato. • Subservient chicken. • METAPHOR
What poetic device is being used? • I’m so hungry I could eat a horse. • Chuck Norris can hit you so hard your blood will bleed. • HYPERBOLE “Don’t believe the hype!”
What poetic device is being used? • Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. • "busy as a bee", "dead as a doornail", "good as gold", "right as rain", • Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw, and Salazar Slytherin • ALLITERATION
What poetic device is being used? • Snap! Crackle! Pop! • Hiss • ONOMATOPOEIA
What poetic device is being used? • The wind is howling. • My computer hates me. • The camera loves me. • Oreo: Milk’s favourite cookie • PERSONIFICAITON
What poetic device is being used? • You are a such a Scrooge! • I love the smell of napalm in the morning. • Beware of the ides of March. • “Jumping the shark” • ALLUSION Stimulates ideas, associations, and extra information in the reader's mind with only a word or two. Allusion means 'reference'. It relies on the reader being able to understand the allusion and being familiar with all of the meaning hidden behind the words.
What poetic device is being used? • The gurgling sound of my brother slurping. • The pitter-patter of rain against the window. • IMAGERY
What poetic device is being used? • Winning the game was bittersweet. • The silence was deafening. • Freezer burn. • Same same, but different. • Jumbo shrimp. • OXYMORON
What poetic device is being used? • Heart = love • Cross = salvation • The “egg” in Invitation to the Game symbolizes the Group being reborn. • SYMBOLISM
What poetic device is being used? • Why is a bee like a crow? BEE CAWS • Absence makes the heart grow fungus. • I work as a baker because I knead the dough. • "Look deep into our ryes." • PUN
Poetry Terms in Ads • Hyperbole: “Red Bull gives you wings” Allusion: -Aladdin Similes: -as wise as an owl -strong as a bear -fly like an eagle Other examples: "Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is.“ "Hand-built by robots." "I think, therefore IBM." "Nothing runs like a Deere"