'Creative response' presentation slideshows

Creative response - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

RDG 350 Week 4 Book Response and Reflection//tutorfortune.com

RDG 350 Week 4 Book Response and Reflection//tutorfortune.com

RDG 350 Week 4 Book Response and Reflection//tutorfortune.com Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/rdg-350-week-4-book-response-and-reflection RDG 350 Week 4 Book Response and Reflection Read a childrenu2019s book and prepare a creative response to the book. The book you select should not be one on which you have already completed an assignment. Search the Internet for u201ccreative responses to literature.u201d Choose a creative response method to use in this assignment. Create your personal response to the childrenu2019s book you have read. Your response will be included at the end of the reflection paper. The response may be written, scanned, or a link to a video or podcast. Write a minimum 700-word reflection paper: Reflect on why you chose the form of response. Reflect on how the form of response you chose contributed to your understanding of the book. Connect this method and response type to use in a classroom setting. Connect to your future students and describe how you will have them respond to literature. Note: The Book Response and Reflection must be formatted according to APA guidelines. An abstract is not necessary. Include a clear introduction and conclusion to the paper. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. RDG 350 Week 4 Book Response and Reflection Click on below link to buy https://tutorfortune.com/products/rdg-350-week-4-book-response-and-reflection

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