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ETUC Conference October 1 st 2013: Anticipating the Transition: Engaging Young Workers Today to Reach 2050 Goals «Greener jobs » Gunn Kristoffersen and Goran Scekic YS – The Confederation of Vocational Unions in Norway. 1. “Green economy in Norway: What is it and how to get there?”.
ETUC Conference October 1st 2013: Anticipating the Transition: Engaging Young Workers Today to Reach 2050 Goals «Greener jobs» Gunn Kristoffersen and Goran Scekic YS – The ConfederationofVocational Unions in Norway 1
“Green economy in Norway: What is it and how to get there?” • Project owners: YS and WWF-Norway • Reference group: YS, WWF and GRID-Arendal (UNEP) + internalreferencegroup. • Financed by: YS and the Norwegian Ministryof Environment • The objective: • Clarifytheterminologyrelated to green economy • Assessthe status of green economy in Norway • Develop a model that enables systematic effort for a more green economy Kilde: Econ Pöyry rapport 2011-062. hus
Green economy and green industry Green industry= industries whose primary aim is to contribute to: - more efficient use of scarce natural resources - reduced emissions - better treatment/cleaning - In industrializedcountries 3-4 % oftheir GDP Are jobs in green industries green jobs? Are growth in green industries green growth?
a simplified model on green value creation input / prosess / output A green workplace is a workplace where there is a focus on effective creation of values within an ecologically sustainable framework, by focusing on the collection of sustainably harvested / produced resources, a resource efficient and environmentally friendly production process and the product and waste from the production process should be as re-useable as possible. hus
A dynamictool • All industry and institutionscan be more or less resource intensive and polluting • Development in the green direction can be systematically promoted by measuring and improving the status of a number of key parameters related to the creation of values
The healthsector in Norway A preliminary test ofour Green economytool hus
Green economy is noonesizefitsall-package: Green economy is all about how to implement a range of green principles at all levels, from policy frameworks to practices in the different sectors, in companies and institutions - according to (their) unique opportunities, abilities and creativeness Green economy is a creative response to the resource and environmental challenges we are facing. Norway has a highly educated population and a participatory work culture. Focus on a green creation of wealth/values will often promote engagement and involvement at the workplace with positive effects on innovation and the creation of values. hus
The way forward: «Greener jobs» • We know a lot about what is needed, but less about how we do it in practice • How green is yourindustry/ company/ organisation? And howcanyou make it greener? • The "Greener jobs programme” is: • An introduction for shop stewards and key resource persons in the green economy • A joint study of how green your industry, enterprise or organisation actually is (by using our model) • Investigate the potentials of how to make your workplace greener • Joint preparation of a first "Greener Workplace manual" for your industry or organisation • Participation in this project provides: • Training and skills development for participants • A clear environmental profile and visibility to other associations and partners • A tool to stimulate motivation and commitment within your industry or organisation 8
The way forward: «Greener jobs» • Where are we? • Wearefacingchallenges – Butthere is a light at the end ofthetunnell • This is something new • An additional task – is it our responsibility? • Time • Understandig • What do we do? • Searching for canditates with a real interest • At top union level: signing agreements with the employers • Starting up with two pilot projects to show what this could be • How can we include young people in this project? 9
The roleoftheyouth. • "Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” • Advantages for youth engagement: • Broad participation and involvement • Better understanding of the climate- and environmental challenges? • Innovative and creative • See possibilities, not challenges • Determination and energy • Challenges for youth participation: • TIME !! • Promotions 10
Conclusion • The projecton greener jobswillfocusonhow to make existingjobs greener ratherthancreatingnewjobs. • Greener jobs = more sustainablecompanies? More jobs? • Will thegreeningofjobsresult in newinnovation? New jobs? • Whyaren’twedoingthisalready? • Thankyou! 12