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Common Core at CPS

Common Core at CPS. External Partner Information Session Feb. 15, 2012. Office of Professional Learning. Office of Professional Learning to serve as liaison to connect various stakeholders and provide united message and support Partners should still be communicating across functions

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Common Core at CPS

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Common Core at CPS External Partner Information Session Feb. 15, 2012

  2. Office of Professional Learning • Office of Professional Learning to serve as liaison to connect various stakeholders and provide united message and support • Partners should still be communicating across functions • Curriculum Content Departments (Department of Literacy, Math and Science Department) • Office of Professional Learning • Networks • Schools

  3. Five Pillars of Reinventing CPS Networks Play a Critical Role in Supporting Each Pillar

  4. Why are we here? CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT “Every child has access to world class learning and will graduate college and career ready.”

  5. How will we collaborate to meet our goals?

  6. Common Core Standards (CCSS) • Overview • The CCSS provide a clear roadmap of what students are expected to learn from K-12 to prepare them for college and careers in the 21st century. • Why now? • Illinois’ old standards lacked specificity and rigor. Students were held to standards that wouldn’t fully prepare them for success beyond high school. • Common, rigorous standards provide an opportunity to bring coherence and clarity to schools and classrooms across Chicago • How will we get there? • Professional Development for educators across all levels of the system: teachers, ILTs, Networks and Chiefs and Central Office staff. • Work with Early Adopters to build performance assessments and unit plans that can serve as examples of actual implementation of the standards.

  7. Implementation Timeline

  8. Implementation in SY12

  9. Guidelines and Goals • Planning guidelines • Emphasis on backwards planning for development of short and long term plans • Instructional materials are not curriculum: they support curriculum. Curriculum is developed by planning from standards. • ELA goals • Quarterly curriculum map developed by teachers • Greater emphasis on non-fiction, argumentation through writing and speaking • Math goals • Standards for Math Practices as guidelines for how students approach math • Coherence and focus in content: understanding of progressions

  10. Implementation Expectations • Backwards Planning • Un-packing the standards (the process and the product) • Increase teacher team collaboration and communication • Deepen knowledge of the Common Core State Standards through the reading and unpacking process • Build a foundation for building an assessment • Performance Assessments • Unit Plans

  11. Next Steps • Plan to hold communication sessions quarterly to ensure alignment and updates • Please reach out to content departments for a deeper look at the work they are doing with early adopters, ILTs and Networks

  12. Contacts • Department of Literacy • Elizabeth Cardenas-Lopez, Director • ECardenas-lopez@cps.k12.il.us • 773-553-6436 • Math and Science Department • Jesch Reyes, Director • JAReyes1@cps.k12.il.us • 773-553-6239 • Office of Professional Learning • Jill Gauthier • JLGauthier@cps.k12.il.us • 773-553-2159

  13. Q & AThank You!!!

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