2. So what is Digital?
3. What we mean by Digital Digital Radiographs
Picture Archival & Communication Systems
Reading from Monitors
4. What we really mean by Digital
5. Expectations for Digital All images available on-line
new images
old / comparison images
images from all modalities
Eliminate file room headaches
lost / stolen films
Reduce report turn-around time
6. Important Considerations Resolution needed
Changing role of radiologists with referring physicians
everyone has instant access to all images
7. Digital Image Formation
8. Digital Image Formation Place mesh over image
9. Digital Image Formation Assign each square (pixel) a number based on density
Numbers form the digital image
10. Digital Image Formation The finer the mesh, the better the digital rendering
11. What is this?
12. Same object, smaller squares
13. Same object, smaller squares
14. Same object, smaller squares
15. Same object, smaller squares
16. Numbers / Gray Shades Each number of a digital image corresponds to a gray shade for one picture element or pixel
17. So what is a digital image? Image stored as 2D array of #s representing some image attribute such as
optical density
x-ray attenuation
echo intensity
18. Computer Storage 125, 25, 311, 111, 182, 222, 176, 199, 192, 85, 69, 133, 149, 112, 77, 103, 118, 139, 154, 125, 120, 145, 301, 256, 223, 287, 256, 225, 178, 322, 325, 299, 353, 333, 300
19. Digital Copies =
20. Digital Copies then you have an identical copy
21. Copies Digital copies are identical
All digital images are originals
Film copies never identical to original
may be substantially degraded
loss of original information`
22. The Bit Fundamental unit of computer storage
Only 2 allowable values
Computers do all operations with 0s & 1sBUTComputers group bits together
23. Special Binary Digit Grouping Terms Nibble
4 binary bits (0101)
8 binary bits (1000 1011)
16 binary bits (1100 0100 1100 0101)
Double Word
32 binary bits(1110 0100 0000 1011 0101 0101 1110 0101)
24. Abbreviations Review Bit (binary digit)
Smallest binary unit; has value 0 or 1 only
8 bits
210 or 1024 bytes
sometimes rounded to 1000 bytes
213 or 1,048,576 bytes or 1024 kilobytes
sometimes rounded to 1,000,000 bytes or 1,000 kilobytes
25. Computer Storage Storage = # Pixels X # Bytes/Pixel
Example: 512 X 512 pixels; 1 Byte / Pixel
512 X 512 pixel array
# pixels = 512 X 512 = 262,144 pixels
Storage = 262,144 pixels X 1 byte / pixel = 262,144 bytes = 256 KBytes = .25 MBytes
26. Image Matrix Doubling the matrix dimension quadruples the # pixels
27. Image Matrix A 10242 matrix compared to a 5122 matrix quadruples
disk storage requirements
image transmission time
digital image manipulation
28. Matrix Size & Resolution More pixels = better spatial resolution
29. # of unique values which can be represented by 1 bit
30. # of unique values which can be represented by 2 bits
31. # of unique values which can be represented by 3 bits
32. Digital Image Bit Depth the number of computer bits (1s or 0s) available to store each pixel value
33. Digital Image Bit Depth bit depth indicates # of possible brightness levels for a pixel
presentation of brightness levels
pixel values assigned brightness levels
brightness levels can be manipulated without affecting image data
34. Bit Depth & Contrast Resolution The more bits per pixel the more possible gray shades and the better contrast resolution.
35. Image Size Related to both matrix size & bit depth
higher (finer) matrix requires more storage
doubling matrix size quadruples image size
higher bit depth requires more storage
doubling bit depth theoretically doubles image size
Computer may require storage in multiples of 8 bits (bytes)
10 or 12 bits stored in 16 bit slot
alters image size requirements
36. Image Compression reduction of digital image storage size by application of algorithm
for example, repetitive data could be represented by data value and # repetitions rather than by repeating value
37. Image Compression Image Decompression
calculating original digital image from previously compressed data
Compression Ratio
original image size--------------------------------compressed image size
ratio depends upon
data to be compressed
38. Compression Types Reversible Compression
Image decompresses to original pixel values
Low compression ratios only
Non-reversable Compression
Decompressed images pixel values not necessarily identical to original
much higher compression ratios possible
variation from original image may or may not be visible or clinically significant
39. Non-Reversable Compression variation from original image generally increases with increasing compression ratio
but a higher compression ratio means less storage requirements
variation less noticeable for dynamic (moving) images than for still images such as radiographs
40. Where do Digital Images Come From? Direct Digital
Computed Radiography (CR)
direct digital TV output (CCD TVs)
Digitization of an Analog Image
Film Digitizers
Video Frame Grabbers (requires good low noise video signal)
teleradiology TV looking at viewbox
digitizing of fluoroscopic video
41. Film Digitizer films stacked in input tray
film pulled through digitizer
CCD measures transmission from collimated light source
optical density
42. Film Digitizers Expensive
faster models cost more
Patient Demographics
input manually
DICOM assistance
Digitizers can have artifacts
43. Computer Radiography (CR) Re-usable metal imaging plates replace film & cassette
44. Computer Radiography (CR) plate is photostimulable phosphor
radiation traps electrons in high energy states
higher statesform latent image
45. Reading Imaging Plate plate scanned with laser
Releases electrons trapped inhigh energy states
electrons fall to lowenergy states
electrons give upenergy as visible light
light intensity ismeasure of incident radiation
46. Reading Imaging Plate Reader scans plate with laser light using rotating mirror
Plate pulled through scanner by rollers
Light emitted by plate measured by PM tube &recorded by computer
47. CR Operation after read-out, plate erased using bright light
plate can be re-used
digital image can be
printed on film
Read on-line
48. CR Comments Throughput
CR reader must finish reading one plate before reading next
Film processors run films back-to- back
Plate responds to many decades of input exposure
Much greater latitude than screen/film
Computer scales input exposure to viewable densities
Unlike film, receptor separate from viewer
49. Digital Radiography (DR) Direct digital output
No processor / reader
Images available virtually immediately
Greater throughput
50. Digital Radiography (DR) Potentially lower patient dose
High latitude as for CR
Built into imaging equipment
requires special attention for use with portable x-ray equipment
51. Digital Radiography (DR) Direct imaging
X-rays interact with semiconductor material
Amorphous selenium
X-rays converted directly into electrical charge
Indirect imaging
X-ray strike scintillator producing light
Photodiode array converts light to electrons
52. Digital Radiography (DR) Indirect imaging
uses light and photodiodes
Light spreads / scatters
Can degrade resolution
Both direct & indirect read-out digitally
Charge pattern stored in array
Analog to digital conversion digitizes charge pattern
53. Digital Video Video Signal Digitized (Frame Grabber)
54. Teleradiology Frame grabbers used for teleradiology
Quality depends upon
TV camera
can have artifacts from lighting
matrix size
affects transmission speeds
display quality
55. Digital Spot Films Frame grabber or CCD TV digitizes image
Radiographic Technique used
required to control quantum noise
High-quality camera required
high signal to noise
Operationally nice
allows review of images in exam room
allows image manipulation
allows later selection of images for printing
56. Digital Fluoroscopy TV Image digitized real-time
Digitized image can be manipulated / enhanced real-time
57. Last Image Hold computer displays last fluoro image after radiation shut off
allows operator to review static processes without beam
ideal for teaching environments
ideal for orthopedic applications such as hip pinning
Reduces dose for patient, staff
58. Frame Averaging Normal fluoro
only current frame displayed
Frame averaging
computer calculates average of current & user-selectable number of previous frames
reduces quantum noise
lag results if too many frames averaged
59. Other Fluoro Features Edge Enhancement / Image Filtering
Can be turned on and off
Option of using lower frame rates
computer displays last image until next one
reduces flicker
dynamic studies may be jumpy
61. Digital Subtraction Immediate replay of run
Free selection of mask
before or after bolus
>1 frame may be averaged for mask
subtraction adds noise
62. Registration matching anatomy between two images to be subtracted
compensates for motion
registration adjustments
often fine adjustment down to 1/10 pixel
registration types
translational (left, right, up, down)
63. Digital Image Manipulations on-screen measurements
image annotation
peak opacification / roadmapping
peak opacification displays vessels after a test injection
allows visualization of live catheter on top to saved image of test injection
64. CR/DR Advantages post-processing & manipulation possible
tremendous latitude
virtually no technique repeats
DR faster than film
CR operationally slightly slower than film
65. Digital Disadvantages High up-front expenses
CR: many readers may be required for spread out departments
DR: new radiographic equipment required
High resolution images very large
Images require
high speed transmission systems
massive archival systems required
Spatial resolution poorer than film
May be offset by other advantages
66. Digital Possibilities Multi-modality imaging / Image fusion
67. Digital and other Possibilities Tomosynthesis
Multi-slice tomography from single pass
Histogram Equalization
Computer provides approximately equal density to various areas in image.
68. DR & Energy Subtraction 2 images taken milliseconds apart at 2 kVps
Combine / subtract images
69. The End ?