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Pollution. Pollution is a word that everyone should know. No one should be stranger to this important problem that affects our lives, making our health an easy enemy for cancers and other diseases. It is important to know something else about the various types of pollution. - Air Pollution
Pollution is a word that everyone should know. No one should be stranger to this important problem that affects our lives, making our health an easy enemy for cancers and other diseases. It is important to know something else about the various types of pollution.
-Air Pollution When you are outside and take a deep breath, it is not only the freedom that is coming into your body, but large amounts of carbon dioxide and other toxines, too. Industries, cars and simple chemicals used in personal care and cleaning are merciless dispensers of coughing, asthma, certain cancer, nasal and heart problems. -Water Pollution Water is the “life” on our planet and we are damaging it at alarming rates, through industries, which dump toxic products into rivers, lakes and so on; construction, that strip the land of necessary root-bearing plants will allow for erosion and illegal dumping....of course.
-Noise Pollution It could appear a less important problem if compared to the previous ones, but even noise pollution could affect our nervous system and cause unneeded stress to our minds and bodies. Some noise pollutant culprits include: •Airports and Cities – The sounds of airplanes taking off and landing can be a contributing factor. All the sounds of city, including factories, autos, traffic, people, and more can result in higher stress levels. •The Office – The need to conserve space has brought on a virtual community of cubicles that do not block the sounds around us. Things like phones, paper copiers, clicking keyboards, drumming fingers, coughing, conversations, and more can be grading on one’s nerves. •Home – The peace of home is not like it once was. The need to have multiple media mediums has brought the stress to the home front.
Pollution in Spain Over three-quarters of Spain's population lives in urban environments and a significant proportion is intermittently exposed to high concentrations of pollutants. As a result, there is growing public interest in and demand for information about air quality. In Spain, the principal pollutants are particulate matter (concentration increases naturally with African dust outbreaks), tropospheric ozone (caused by precursor emissions and affects peripheral areas far away from the source of emission) and nitrogen dioxide. Environmental noise is also a major air pollutant in Spain and the principal cause in urban environments is traffic. Pollution on Tajo River
Toxic substances released into the environment (to both air and water) by many types of industries might be related with the occurrence of some malignant tumours and other diseases. The publication of the EPER (European Pollutant Emission Register) Spanish data allows to investigate the presence of geographical mortality patterns related to industrial pollution. The aim of this paper is to describe industrial air and water pollution in Spain in 2001, broken down by activity group and specific pollutant, and to plot maps depicting emissions of carcinogenic substances. • The EPER-Spain contained information on 1,437 industrial installations. The industrial plants that discharge pollutant substances into air and water above the pollutant-specific EPER threshold were mainly situated in the Autonomous Regions of Aragon, Andalusia and Catalonia and in Catalonia, the Basque Country and Andalusia respectively. Pollution released in 2001 into air approached 158 million Mt. Emissions into water were over 8 million Mt. • A few single industrial plants are responsible for the highest percentage of emissions, thus rendering monitoring of their possible health impact on the surrounding population that much simpler. Among European countries Spain is the leading polluter in almost one third of all EPER-registered pollutant substances released into the air and ranks among the top three leading polluters in two-thirds of all such substances.
Los principales problemas • medioambientales de España • The mainenvriomentaldisease in Spain • Economic development of the Canary Islands in recent decades has enabled progress, but also has increased environmental problems. In the pollution we must differentiate between air, water and soil. Air pollution due to emission of toxic gases from burning fossil fuels and industrial processes. In the Canaries these emissions are produced by vehicles, power plants and oil refinery. The Canaries are one of the those places growing up thanks to the tourism. In fact, in order to increase the expansion of this economic field, they are far to follow the rules expressed in the Kyoto protocol. • This resulted in a large waste of water ( partly reducted with desalinaction) and in the enormous use of private veichles, which make the air a mix of toxines and death. El desarrollo económico de Canarias en las últimas décadas ha posibilitado el progreso, pero también ha multiplicado los problemas medioambientales. En la contaminación debemos diferenciar entre la del aire, del agua y del suelo. La contaminación del aire se debe a la emisión de gases tóxicos que provienen de la quema de combustibles fósiles y de procesos industriales. En Canarias estas emisiones son producidas por los vehículos, las centrales térmicas y la refinería de petróleo. El tráfico en Canarias tiene el uso masivo del coche privado; consecuentemente, el transporte colectivo debe potenciarse más. Además, habría que incrementar significativamente la producción de energías renovables, para las que existen excelentes condiciones. Canarias, está muy lejos de cumplir los compromisos de Kyoto. Esto se debe al importante crecimiento demográfico y económico de los últimos años. La contaminación del agua es muy importante en Canarias. La escasez y el excesivo consumo de agricultura y turismo ha dado lugar a la sobreexplotación de los acuíferos. Para mitigar el problema, de ha potenciado la desalación y depuración de aguas residuales.
‘’In Spaindeaths due to pollution are twicethan road casualities.’’ ‘’Sociedad Espanola de NeumologiaCirurgia Thoracic’’ (Separ) thinks that the Spanish EU Presidency is a good chance that the Government takes seriously the consequences of air pollution on health. According to his data, 16,000 Spaniards die each year because of this, and 84% live in areas where levels of emissions exceed those recommended by WHO. Air pollutants have three sources that share almost equally the emissions: traffic, manufacturing facilities, the natural sources or homes. So, the smoke from the vehicles can be attributed a third of deaths (5,000), or twice the victims of accidents. Aduc.it Redazione Newsfood.com+WebTV
WhataboutItaly? It is known that cities in the north of Italy, like Venice, Bolzano, Belluno, have an excellent quality of life, while Palermo, Syracuse and Caltanissetta (in the south of Italy) can be considered hellish places: low percentage of wastewater treatments, no differentiated waste disposal, few pedestrianized areas. These results come from an annual survey, which tooks into account pressure indicators (which measure problems deriving from human activities, like waste of water and electricity, Co2 emissions and so on), status indicators (which measure the quality of the environment in terms of smog, water pollution, urban green) and response indicators, which measure the quality of local administrations. • Our City? • Well, even if Isernia is a little town, whith about 22000 inhabitants, we can't say we live in a locus amoenus. People don't care about the environment; people don't care about their life. • We have a giant Auditorium, but there are no green places in which children can play.
Pollution in Italy • Air Pollution 59.78% • Drinking Water Pollution and Unaccessibility 28.12% • Unsatisfaction with Garbage Disposal 48.96% • Dirty and Untidy 48.96% • Noise and Light Pollution 54.17% • Water Pollution 39.58% • Unsatisfaction to Spend Time in the City 47.83% • Unsatisfaction with Green and Parks in the City 42.05% • At the base of pollution recorded in all these Italian cities there are several reasons. In the first place must be considered consumption and waste management. Everything should be designed in eliminating waste, but often does not happen like that, because the citizens there is little attention to environmental sustainability. Others polluttedplaces in Italy. • Porto Marghera (Venezia, Veneto) • Gela (Caltanissetta, Sicilia) • Priolo (Siracusa, Sicilia) • Taranto (Puglia) • Pieve Vergonte (Verbano, Piemonte) • Casale Monferrato (Alessandria, Piemonte) • Laghi di Mantova (Lombardia) • Brescia (Lombardia) • Manfredonia (Foggia, Puglia) • Pianura, Contrada Pisani (Napoli, Campania)