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Learn about HIV, its causes, structure, and stages of infection. Discover ways to prevent the spread of HIV and live positively with HIV-affected individuals.
wel come Sowmya Name : Class : X / B Topic : " HIV "
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HIV ……… AIDS HIV ….AIDS: There are three causes for destruction of Mankind. • One is AIDS. • Seconds is Nuclear War • Third is leadership.
INTRODUCTION: • You have studied in class VIII about various diseases caused by several microorganisms I.e., Protozoa's, Bacteria,Fungus and Virus.You have also learnt that most of them are curable diseases. • But recently , a very disastrous disease by name AIDS has come up on mankind for which remedy has not been found so far. The disease AIDS is caused by HIV.About 3m people died due to AIDS upto December 2003 in the world and the disease is spreading at an alarming rate. • UNAIDS (United Nations AIDS .), UNICEF(United Nations International Children's Education fund).,WHO(World Health Organization).,Rose up to the occasion.In view of the magnitude and severity of the problem,let us know about the disease and its virus.
HIV… PARTS AIDS • HIV…AIDS and Basic Facts • Structure of HIV and its stages. • Modes of transmission……….. • Tests to confirm the HIV status. • Prevention ……………. • Living positively with HIV affected persons • Life skills.
1.HIV...AIDS and Basic Facts What is HIV ? is the name of a virus. “ HIV ”
1. HIV... AIDS and Basic Facts HIV –Stands: 1 H- Human 2 I- Immunodeficiency. 3 V - Virus.
H - Human: Because this virus can only infect Human beings. • I - Immunodeficiency: Because the effect of the virus is to create deficiency, a failure to work properly, within the body’s immune system. • V - Virus: Because this organism is a virus, which means one of its characteristics is that it is incapable of reproducing by itself. It reproduces by taking over the machinery of the human cell.
HIV belongs to Lentivirus subgroup of Retroviridae family. It is a RNA (Ribo Nucleic Acid) virus. It was discovered independently by Luc Montagnaier in 1983 at Paris and by Robert Gallo at USA in 1984.This virus weakens human immune system. It may gradually lead to the disease called AIDS.
What is AIDS ? ANS:is an acronym for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. It is the late stage of infection with HIV.The development of AIDS can take more than 8to 10years after infection with HIV. “AIDS”
1. HIV... AIDS and Basic Facts –Stands for AIDS • AAcquired • I Immune • DDeficiency • S Syndrome
A - Acquired: Received infection from some body i.e.,he/she is not born with I - Immune: Immunity is body’s natural protection against disease causing germs i.e., the acquired infection affects body’s immune system. D – Deficiency: Because it makes the immune system deficient (makes it not work properly;weakens the immune system). S – Syndrome: A group of diseases or symptoms,because someone with AIDS may experience a wide range of different diseases and opportunistic infection.
Why and “AIDS” are a burning issue today ? “HIV” By the end December 2003, 37 million Adults and 2.5 million children below 15 years are estimated to be living with “HIV…….AIDS” in the world, out of which.There Million people died. During 2003 alone, an estimated 5 million adults and children acquired HIV.
“INDIA” What is the situation in ? Today, South Africa is the country with the greatest number of HIV infected person in the world, followed by INDIA. Official India estimates of people living with HIV ….AIDS range from 3.57 of4.58 million by the end of 2003. The HIV prevalence is more in “Maharashtra”, “Andhra Pradesh”, “Tamil Nadu”, “Karnataka”, “Manipur”, and “Nagaland” states. It is now observed in all categories of people I.e., no longer confined to high – risk groups such as sex workers, patients suffering from STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) etc. • HIV is rapidly spreading but the good news is that it is preventable.
Andhra Pradesh Scenario:Recent surveys indicate that 19 out of 23 districts in Andhra Pradesh are showing more than 1%HIV permanence among pregnant woman attending antenatal clinics.High HIV prevalence has been noted in ten districts of A.P
4.2 Structure of HIV and Its Stages HIV is a 120 nm (1 nm = 10-9 M.) sized, icosahedral shaped, enveloped, RNA virus. HIV comprises an outer lipid envelope, inside is the protein core surrounding two copies of RNA and viral enzymes - Reverse Transcriptase, Integrase, and Protease, all essential for viral replication and maturation. Reverse Transcriptase helps in ever changing forms of virus. It is believed that since the from (genetic maternal) is not fixed, it has not been possible to find a cure for it.
Envelope Protease Matrix Integrase Reverse Transcriptase RNA
What are the stages of HIV infection ? There are four stages in HIV infected person. • 1. Acute HIV infection. • 2. HIV positive“ asymptomatic period”(Incubation period). • 3. HIV positive “symptomatic period”. • 4. AIDS stage.
4.3 Modes of Transmission. How is transmitted ? HIV HIV spreads from an HIV infected person to another by 4 main routes:- • 1.Sexual mode of transmission. • 2.By transfusing HIV+blood. • 3.HIV infected mother. • 4.By using HIV contaminated instruments.
4.4 Tests to Confirm HIV Status How to confirm the Status ? HIV Three types of blood tests. 1. ELISA – EnzymeLinked ImmunoSorbent Assay. 2. Western Blot TEST. 3. PCR – Polymerase Chain Reaction.
4.5 Prevention • Giving adequate medical treatment to the infected pregnant mother can protect the child from contracting HIV. • Ensuring that the blood used for transfusion is HIV free. • Using disposable syringes sterilized needles. • Seeking immediate treatment for STD along with the sexual partner.
C . Ramchand girl high school Andhra Mahila Sabha Bys.sowmya