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PMP Exam changes in 2020, you need to know what changes so, kindly read this ppt. it's really helpful for you.
[Just Announced] PMP Exam Change 2020: All you need to know Before &After How often have we heard the phrase - ‘Change is the only constant…’? Some say changes are always for good and others beg to differ. Well, some have optimistic views whereas others are realistic. Needless to say that every change wants us to evolve from our previous self, no matter how trivial or big it is. If there was no change, there wouldn’t be any growth or evolution. It is the law of nature. In technology, it is even moreso. With the latest changes in the workplace culture, environment and globalization, perspectives of management and project handling tactics have undergone dramatic changes. Some of us work from a remote location and part of our teamwork from home or located at an overseas station. Considering all these new changes,PMI has recently announced the [PMP Certification exam]changes, starting from June 2020. This latestannouncement is intended to give you ample time to get your application submitted and prepare to take the exam before the exam changes.
NEW PMP EXAM CONTENTOUTLINE: The exam outline provides a basic structure and description of the number of questions that will be on the PMP exam. For instance, the outline might state that 24% of the exam questions will be based on the Planning section. The structure has dramatically changed as hence it is the exam pattern. Have alook:
DOMAINS, TASKS,ANDENABLERS • InthisdocumentyouwillfindanupdatedstructureforthePMPExaminationContentOutline. Basedonfeedbackfromcustomersandstakeholders,wehaveworkedonsimplifyingthefor- matsothatthePMPExaminationContentOutlineiseasiertounderstandandinterpret. • Onthefollowingpagesyouwillfindthedomains,tasks,andenablersasdefinedbytheRole DelineationStudy. • Domain:Definedasthehigh-levelknowledgeareathatisessentialtothepracticeof projectmanagement. • Tasks:Theunderlyingresponsibilitiesoftheprojectmanagerwithineachdomainarea. • Enablers:Illustrativeexamplesoftheworkassociatedwiththetask.Pleasenotethat enablersarenotmeanttobeanexhaustivelistbutratherofferafewexamplestohelp demonstrate what the taskencompasses • Following is an example of the new taskstructure: Taskstatement Manageconflict conflict • Interpretthesourceandstageoftheconflict • Analyzethecontextfortheconflict • Evaluate/recommend/reconcile theappropriate Enablers resolutionsolution
DomainI People—42% Manageconflict Task1 • Interpretthesourceandstageoftheconflict • Analyzethecontextfortheconflict • Evaluate/recommend/reconcile theapprop riate conflictresolution solution Task2 Lead ateam • Set a clear visionand • Support diversity andi mission nclusion(e.g.,behaviortypes,thoughtpro- • cess) • Valueservantleadership(e.g.,relatethetenetsofservantleadership to theteam) • Determine an appropriate leadership style (e.g., directive, collabora- tive) • Inspire,motivate,andinfluenceteammembers/stakeholders(e.g., • teamcontract,socialcontract,rewardsystem) ta le • Analyzeteammembersands keholders’influence • Distinguishvariousoptionsto advariousteammembersand stakeholders Support teamperformance Task3 • Appraiseteammemberperformanceagainstkeyperformanceindi- cators • Supportandrecognizeteammembergrowthanddevelopment • Determine appropriate feedbackapproach • Verify performanceimprovements Task4 Empower team members andstakeholders • Organize around teamstrengths • Support team taskaccountability • Evaluate demonstration of taskaccount • Determineandbestowlevel(s)ofdecisi ability on-makingaut hority Ensure team members/stakeholders areadequa Task5 telytrained nts oftraining needs • Determinerequiredcompetenciesandeleme • Determinetrainingoptionsbasedontraining • Allocate resources fortraining • Measure trainingoutcomes Build ateam Task6 • Appraise stakeholderskills • Deduce project resourcerequirements • Continuouslyassessandrefreshteamskillstomeetprojectneeds • Maintain team and knowledgetransfer
Task7 Addressandremoveimpediments,obstacles,andblockersforthe • team • Determine critical impediments, obstacles, and blockers for theteam • Prioritizecriticalimpediments,obstacles,andblockersfortheteam • Use network to implement solutions to remove impediments, obsta- cles,andblockersfortheteam • Re-assess continually to ensure impediments, obstacles, and block- ersfortheteamarebeingaddressed Task8 Negotiate projectagreements • Analyzetheboundsofthenegotiationsforagreement • Assessprioritiesanddetermineultimateobjective(s) • Verifyobjective(s)oftheprojectagreementismet • Participate in agreementnegotiations • Determine a negotiationstrategy Task9 Collaborate withstakeholders • Evaluate engagement needs forstakeholders • Optimize alignment between stakeholder needs, expectations,and projectobjectives • Build trust and influence stakeholders to accomplish project objec- tives Task10 Build sharedunderstanding • Breakdownsituationtoidentifytherootcauseofamisunderstand- ing • Surveyallnecessarypartiestoreachconsensus • Support outcome of parties’agreement • Investigate potentialmisunderstandings Task11 Engage and support virtualteams • Examinevirtualteammemberneeds(e.g.,environment,geography, culture, global,etc.) • Investigate alternatives (e.g., communication tools, colocation)for virtual team memberengagement • Implementoptionsforvirtualteammemberengagement • Continuallyevaluateeffectivenessofvirtualteammemberengage- ment Define team groundrules Task12 • Communicateorganizationalprincipleswithteamandexternal stakeholders • Establishanenvironmentthatfostersadherencetothegroundrules • Manageandrectifygroundruleviolations Task13 • Mentor relevant stakeholders • Allocate the timetomentoring • Recognizeandactonmentoringopportunities Task14 Promoteteamperformancethroughtheapplicationofemotional • intelligence • Assessbehaviorthroughtheuseofpersonalityindicators • Analyzepersonalityindicatorsandadjusttotheemotionalneedsof key projectstakeholders
DomainII Process—50% Task1 Execute project with the urgency required to deliver businessvalue • Assessopportunitiestodelivervalueincrementally • Examinethebusinessvaluethroughouttheproject • Supporttheteamtosubdivideprojecttasksasnecessarytofindthe minimum viableproduct Task2 Managecommunications • Analyzecommunicationneedsofallstakeholders • Determine communication methods, channels, frequency, and level of detail for allstakeholders • Communicateprojectinformationandupdateseffectively • Confirmcommunicationisunderstoodandfeedbackisreceived Task3 Assess and managerisks • Determine risk managementoptions • Iteratively assess and prioritizerisks Task4 Engagestakeholders • Analyzestakeholders(e.g.,powerinterestgrid,influence,impact) • Categorizestakeholders • Engage stakeholders bycategory • Develop,execute,andvalidateastrategyforstakeholderengage- ment Task5 Plan and manage budget andresources • Estimatebudgetaryneedsbasedonthescopeoftheprojectand lessons learned from pastprojects • Anticipate future budgetchallenges • Monitorbudgetvariationsandworkwithgovernanceprocesstoad- just asnecessary • Plan and manageresources Plan and manageschedule Task6 • Estimateprojecttasks(milestones,dependencies,storypoints) • Utilize benchmarks and historicaldata • Prepare schedule basedonmethodology • Measureongoingprogressbasedonmethodology • Modifyschedule,asneeded,basedonmethodology • Coordinate with other projects andotheroperations Task7 Plan and manage quality ofproducts/deliverables • Determinequalitystandardrequiredforprojectdeliverables • Recommendoptionsforimprovementbasedonqualitygaps • Continually surveyproject deliverable quality Task8 Plan and managescope • Determine and prioritizerequirements • Breakdownscope(e.g.,WBS,backlog) • Monitor and validatescope
Task9 • Integrate project planningactivities • Consolidate the project/phaseplans • Assessconsolidatedprojectplansfordependencies,gaps,andcon- tinued businessvalue • Analyzethedatacollected • Collectandanalyzedatatomakeinformedprojectdecisions • Determine critical informationrequirements Task10 Manage projectchanges • Anticipateandembracetheneedforchange(e.g.,followchange managementpractices) • Determine strategy to handlechange • Executechangemanagementstrategyaccordingtothemethodolo- gy • Determineachangeresponsetomovetheprojectforward Task11 Plan and manageprocurement • Define resource requirementsandneeds • Communicate resourcerequirements • Managesuppliers/contracts • Plan and manage procurementstrategy • Develop a deliverysolution Task12 Manage projectartifacts • Determinetherequirements(what,when,where,who,etc.)forman- aging the project artifacts • Validatethattheprojectinformationiskeptuptodate(i.e.,version control)andaccessibletoallstakeholders • Continuallyassesstheeffectivenessofthemanagementoftheproj- ectartifacts Task13 Determine appropriate project methodology/methods andpractices • Assessprojectneeds,complexity,andmagnitude • Recommendprojectexecutionstrategy(e.g.,contracting,finance) • Recommend a project methodology/approach (i.e., predictive, agile, hybrid) • Use iterative, incremental practices throughout the project lifecycle (e.g.,lessonslearned,stakeholderengagement,risk) Establish project governancestructure Task14 • Determineappropriategovernanceforaproject(e.g.,replicateorga- nizationalgovernance) • Define escalation pathsandthresholds Manage projectissues Task15 • Recognizewhenariskbecomesanissue • Attacktheissuewiththeoptimalactiontoachieveprojectsuccess • Collaboratewithrelevantstakeholdersontheapproachtoresolve theissues
DomainIII BusinessEnvironment—8% Task1 Plan and manage projectcompliance • Confirmprojectcompliancerequirements(e.g.,sec urity, healthand • safety, regulatorycompliance) • Classify compliancecategories • Determinepotentialthreatstocompliance • Use methods to supportcompliance • Analyzetheconsequencesofnoncompliance • Determinenecessaryapproachandactiontoaddresscompliance needs (e.g., risk,legal) • Measuretheextenttowhichtheprojectisincompliance Task2 Evaluate and deliver project benefits andvalue • Analyzecommunicationneedsofallstakeholders • Investigate that benefits areidentified • Documentagreementonownershipforongoingbenefitrealization • Verifymeasurementsystemisinplacetotrackbenefits • Evaluatedeliveryoptionstodemonstratevalue • Appraisestakeholdersofvaluegainprogress • Evaluateandaddressexternalbusinessenvironmentchangesforim- Task3 • pact onscope • Surveychangestoexternalbusinessenvironment(e.g.,regulations, • technology, geopolitical,market) oritizeimpactonprojectscope/backlogbasedon • Assessandpri • changesinexternalbusinessenvironment • Recommend options for scope/backlog changes (e.g., schedule, cost changes) • Continually review external businessenvironme nt for impactson projectscope/backlog
Task4 • Support organizatio nalchange • Assess organizationalculture • Evaluateimpactoforganizationalchangetoprojectanddetermine requiredactions • Evaluateimpactoftheprojecttotheorganizationanddetermine requiredactions Course Outline and Exam Basedon: Based on feedback from customers and stakeholders, PMI has worked on simplifying the format so that the PMP Examination Content Outline is easier to understand andinterpret. You will now find Domains, Tasks, and Enablers as defined by the Role DelineationStudy. Domain: It is defined as the high-level knowledge area that is essential to the practice of projectmanagement. Domain: Tasks are the underlying responsibilities of the project manager within each domainarea. Enablers: These are illustrative examples of the work associated with the task. Please note thatenablers are not meant to be an exhaustive list but rather offer a few examples to help demonstrate what the taskencompasses. What Are the Content Outline and Exam Based On? Interestingly, the content outline this time is based on a role-delineation study of project managers that are performed by PMI about every 4 years. In this manner, PMI gathers and research on the data describing the role and work of project managers in the workplace. This interesting study is created by the Exam Content Outline which provides the underpinnings of the certification exam. This includes the percentage of the questions by domain, the tasks of the project manager by domain and skills associated with theproject manager’s role. So, in order to keep up the PMP exam consistently with the roles and responsibilities of project managers in thejob. Last Content Outline Change This is your last chance to seek the PMP Certification [existing version]. Last time it happened in 2015. Last time it changes 25% of the exam content as the result of the study.
What can I do in the coming months to get my PMP certification? Well, firstly focus on attaining the PMP Certificationas soon as it is released. In the interim, you still have time to take the current exam. There are upcoming training batches in multiple formats available with us and we provide the most-effective and flexible method to avail training and gain certification. You gain focussed lecturesessions, real-world skills and practical techniques to gain insights and to equip with skills in order to gain thecertification.