1. Early Childhood Outcomes The ECO Data Collection and Reporting,
2. Early Childhood Outcomes
3. Early Childhood Outcomes
4. Early Childhood Outcomes Step 1 Evaluate
Upon entry into program- Assess all preschool children with IEPs in the following areas: 1) positive social emotional skills, 2) acquisition and use of knowledge and skills, 3) use of appropriate behaviors to meet needs.
Use 1 of 3 approved assessment tools.
Use Child Outcome Summary Form (COSF) to gather all, pertinent information about the child in the three reporting areas.
Early 2nd semester- Post-assess all children in program in preparation for ECO reporting in the same 3 areas using one of the 3 approved assessment tools.
5. Early Childhood Outcomes *Training on the use of these tools can be acquired the Preschool Network
6. Early Childhood Outcomes SEB-Approved Assessment Tool
Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development II -2004 (IED II)
The EID II is a skill-based, criterion-referenced assessment that now has a norm-referenced interpretation available. It is standardized and validated for children ages zero to seven and is available through Curriculum Associates
7. Early Childhood Outcomes SEB-Approved Assessment Tool
The Creative Curriculum for Preschool, 4th Edition
is designed for early childhood programs serving children ages 3-5. For assessment it relies on observation and collection of samples of work within the context of everyday preschool activities and routines. The Creative Curriculum assessment system is available through Teaching Strategies, Inc.
8. Early Childhood Outcomes SEB-Approved Assessment Tools
The Work Sampling System
offers an approach to assessment that documents activities in which children engage on a daily basis. There are three interrelated elements of the System; developmental guidelines and checklists, portfolios and summary reports. The Work Sampling System is available through Pearson Early Learning.
9. Early Childhood Outcomes SEB-Approved Assessment Tool
Should a district wish to use a different assessment tool they may petition the SEB/ECO Stakeholder group for the use of an alternative tool. Petitions must include justification that the tool is reliable, valid and both criterion and norm referenced. Petition should be sent to the NMPED~SEB:
10. Early Childhood Outcomes Rate Student
**Before rating the student, download and print:
The Overview of the ECO Summary form
The ECO Outcome Indicator Definitions
The ECO 7-point summary form
The Decision Making Tree and
The 7-point Scale with crosswalk.
11. Early Childhood Outcomes Rate Student (cont’d)
Utilizing the ECO 7–point Decision Making Tree, compare the student’s present performance to their baseline. Rate each student on the 7-point ECO scale.
Utilize the crosswalk to convert from the ECO 7- point scale to the 5-point (a-e) OSEP reporting scale.
(Links to the Decision Making Tree, the crosswalk, an overview of the scale and the form itself are also on the rec4 website on the ECO webpage)
12. Early Childhood Outcomes Rate Student (cont’d)
Students are rated as follows:
Did not improve functioning
Improved functioning, but not sufficient to move nearer to functioning comparable to same-age peers
Improved functioning to a level nearer same-age peers, but did not reach it
Improved functioning to a level comparable to same-age peers
Maintained functioning at a level comparable to same-aged peers
13. Early Childhood Outcomes Enter Data
Go to www.rec4.com
Click on the “Early Childhood Outcomes” link.
Click on the “ECO Data Collection Site” link.
This will take you to the data collection page.
You will also find instructions, helpful hints, and frequently asked questions.
Reminder: Reporting Window is
March 1, 2008 ~ April 15, 2008.
14. Early Childhood Outcomes
15. Enter Data (cont’d)
Administrative Information
Note: Each district will be contacted by REC 4 or Leah Erikson (PED~SEB) with their confidential login code.
The site also allows for administrators to view records and download an Excel spreadsheet of those that have been entered. These 2 links will be found on the left side of the data entry page after you’ve logged-in.
Early Childhood Outcomes
16. Enter Data (cont’d)
Administrative Information
The rest of the administrative information is simply filling in the boxes
“Assessment completed by”: This could be a teacher or a related service provider among others. If more than one person is involved in assessments, simply enter the name of the person completing the majority of the assessment.
Data entry form completed by: This person may also be a secretary or clerk in addition to those above. Early Childhood Outcomes
17. Enter Data (cont’d)
Student Information
Again student information is filling in the boxes
Note: Date of birth is in the American format (mm-dd-yyyy)
Instrument used is a drop down box with only four choices, Brigance (IED II),Creative Curriculum, Work Sampling System and other. “Other” is only allowable if it has been approved by the PED~SEB.
Early Childhood Outcomes
18. Enter Data (cont’d)
OSEP Reporting Categories
There are only three categories to rate student progress. Each question has the same five response choices for each indicator.
Early Childhood Outcomes
19. Submit data
Complete form and submit for each individual student.
Early Childhood Outcomes
20. ?Hoped this PowerPoint helped make this process almost as easy as
1…….2…….3……. Early Childhood Outcomes
21. QUESTIONS? Contact: