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MATES APPROACH TO OCEAN LITERACY. DEFINITION: An understanding of the Ocean’s influence on us and our influence on the ocean. RESULT: An Ocean-Literate person: Understands the importance of the ocean to humankind Can communicate about it in a meaningfull way

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  1. MATES APPROACH TO OCEAN LITERACY DEFINITION: An understanding of the Ocean’s influence on us and our influence on the ocean • RESULT: An Ocean-Literate person: • Understands the importance of the ocean to humankind • Can communicate about it in a meaningfull way • Is able to make informed and responseable decisions regarding the ocean and its ressources

  2. Ocean Literacy: transversal and multidirectional content in all WP: Transfer scientific knowledge to industry Integrating the industrial perspective in literacy delivery Widening the industrial perspective about the new possibilities that ‘maritimIZED’ CVs can yield for blue growth and jobs. Raising awareness about the maritime industry’s careers among society The project will embed the industrial perspective in ocean literacy initiatives, spreading an updated image for the maritime technologies in the blue economy, with a convincing message that the sector has a high-tech future with a long-term positive perspective.

  3. PILOT EXPERIENCES with special impact in O.L. GREEN MARITIME HACKATON Design and develop a sprint-like event for software engineers and programmers to find solutions to real challenges as improve energy efficiency, decrease inputs consumption, monitor emissions… MOL2: Maritime on the loop of Ocean literacy Competition aiming to solve real technological challenges addressed to educational/training centres, for which a set of teaching materials will be developed.

  4. FIRST STEPS: Drawing the STATE OF PLAY • Collection of relevant KEY MESSAGES & REFFERENCES, EXPERTS AND PROJECTS: • Ocean Literacy and usefull for the MATES approach to it. • Development of occupational profiles /new skills needed • Increasing impact of Marine training iniciatives • Industry mobilization: digitalization/greening technologies • Participation open to experts of the group to collect:

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