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Explore the Tell, Sell, Consult, and Join styles of decision-making and communication for managers in various organizational structures and cultures. Learn how to adapt communication styles based on situations and employee preferences.
TOPIC 5Styles of communication management Four major styles of decision making and communication for managers: Tell Style – Gaya Memerintah Very boss-centred (berpusatkan kepada arahan daripada pegawai atasan) Decision making/ keputusan: Manager makes his or her own decision or receives jobs from CEO, and they tell employees below what to do and expect employees to perform without any problems. Communication flow/ aliran komunikasi: i. downward (menurun) ii. Non-interactive
Styles of communication management(cont..) Sell Style – Gaya Menjual Decision making/ keputusan: Manager makes his or her own decision or receives jobs from top management (CEO), BUT, the manager will try to persuade employees to do the job well. e.g. “if you do this job, our department can get more money”; “if we do this job well, we will get bigger annual bonus”. Communication flow/ Aliran komunikasi: i. mostly downward (menurun) ii. interactive
Styles of communication management(cont..) Consult Style – Gaya Berunding Decision making/ Keputusan: Manager will, firstly, consult and discuss with employees about the jobs before the manager makes the decision. Communication flow/ Aliran komunikasi: i. Mostly upward (menaik) ii. interactive
Styles of communication management(cont..) Join Style – Gaya Penyertaan Decision making/ Keputusan: Decisions are made together with the employees OR without the manager. Manager trusts the employees to make decisions on their own. Communication flow/ Aliran komunikasi: i. Horizontal (mendatar) ii. Highly interactive
Styles of communication management (cont)… The Tell, Sell, Consult & Join (TSCJ) styles of communication management are styles that most or some managers will have in an organisation. It depends on the situation or the organisation’s structure/work culture. A manager may use ‘Tell’ style to solve an issue, and another day, he may use ‘Sell’ or ‘Consult’ style to persuade an employee. Other days, a manager will use ‘Join’ style if he thinks it’s necessary. A manager can be flexible, all depends on the situation. According to Richmond, McCroskey & McCroskey (2005), most employees prefer the ‘Consult’ style because, they can give ideas about decisions but are not responsible for the final decisions.
Question. Most employees do not like ‘Tell’ style. BUT when is ‘Tell’ style of communication management required?
Styles of communication management (cont)… Why managers choose a style of communication management? The organisational structure and the communication flow of the organisation e.g. CEO is using a ‘Tell’ style of communication management, a manager may follow the same style. If it’s a traditional structure, most likely the communication will be Tell or Sell. If it’s a modern structure, it is usually Consult or Join Styles.
2. Managers own personality and preference 3. Time constraint (kekangan masa)- Decisions have to made now not later
Styles of communication management (cont)… 4. New managers – they either make all the decisions OR they let the senior employees make decisions for the new manager. 5. Tell style is used when managers can not trust their employees with the decisions. 6. Expectations: Employees expect to be told, so managers will use the Tell style.
7. Convenience (kemudahan) – What seems easiest to do to get the job done. 8. Situational (Mengikut situasi). e.g. Resolving employees’ complaints – use either styles suitable bila pekerja membuat aduan, manager akan menggunakan, samada, gaya memerintah atau menjual. Ada masanya, manager perlu menggunakan gaya berunding.
Factors that will make employees accept or like your style of management in communication
Week 5Formal communicationKomunikasi formal dalam organisasi: Formal communication is communication using official channels of message flow between organisational positions – komunikasi yang melibatkan saluran rasmi diantara pekerja-pekerja di dalam sesebuah organisasi. Contoh: Formal communication – minutes. Corresponding official letters to top management The use of letterhead.
Formal communication in tall vs. flat structure organisations Every organisation uses formal communication In tall structure (A) – Formal communication is seen in organisation’s policies. In flat structure (B)– Formal communication is ‘implicit’ (tersirat), in its culture and norms of the daily activities within the organisation.
Formal communication (cont…) There are three types of communication flow in formal communication: Downward communication (menurun) – one-way communication (sehala) Involves the transmission of messages from upper levels to lower levels of the organisation hierarchy According to Chase (1970), the practice of downward communication is ineffective (tidak berkesan). This type of communication creates overload of information that may not reach the right people. WORSE CASE, THE LETTER GETS LOST!!! Contoh: Sekiranya pegawai atasan hanya berkomunikasi dengan pekerja bawahan dengan cara surat menyurat, ia menimbulkan masalah lebihan bahan-bahan bacaan yang kemungkinan besar tidak sampai kepada pekerja berkenaan.
Formal communication (cont..) Upward communication (menaik) is the flow of communication from bottom to up in an organisation. In classical communication management, only to report about your tasks to your manager/boss. In human relations communication management, the use of upward communication is to focus on two-way communication In human resources communication management, the use of upward communication is to emphasise integration, togetherness, to get-along.
Formal communication (cont..) Horizontal communication (mendatar) is a flow of messages from left to right to communicate with employees of the same level. In classical communication management, horizontal communication is used in cases of emergencies only. In human relations communication management, horizontal communication is used to interact with members of the same level in the organisation In human resources, it is for togetherness and getting jobs done as a team.